Anodendron paniculatum A.DC., Prodr. 8: 444 1844. (Syn: Anodendron lanceolatum King & Gamble; Anodendron manubriatum Merr.; Anodendron moluccanum Miq.; Anodendron rhinosporum Thwaites; Anodendron sutepense Kerr; Anodendron tenuiflorum (Miq.) Miq.; Echites manubriatus Wall. [Invalid]; Echites paniculatus Roxb. [Illegitimate]; Echites parviflorus Roxb.; Echites polyanthus Wall. [Invalid]; Echites trichotomus Desf.; Epigynum parviflorum (Roxb.) Hook.f.; Gymnema nepaulense J.Graham; Ichnocarpus paniculatus Moon [Invalid]; Strophanthus balansae Franch.; Tabernaemontana tenuiflora Miq.);
an-oh-DEN-dron — Greek: ano (upward or above), dendron (tree)… Dave’s Botanary
pan-ick-yoo-LAY-tum — referring to the flower clusters (panicles) … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: Andamanese bowstring plant, twin-net • Kannada: ಅಜ್ಜನ ಗಡ್ಡ ajjana gadda, ಮಣಿಬಳ್ಳಿ maniballi • Konkani: ¿ किती ? kiti • Malayalam: കാക്കക്കൊടി kakkakkoti • Marathi: कावळी kavali, लामतानी lamtani • Mizo: theikelki suak • Tulu: ಮಿರೆಬಾಪುಥ ತಪ್ಪು mirebaputha thappu, ಮೊರಂಡ ಬಳ್ಳು moranda ballu .
ID03042011PHK1: – Have this on my farm. It was identified by Dr.Almeida as Anodendron paniculatum and that’s how he has labelled it in his ‘Flora of Maharashtra’ [not A.manubriatum]. Sending you a few photographs. Asclepiadaceae member the seed pods remind me of Gurmar, Gymnema sylvestrae, but the leaves I am not sure of…. Could you pls give size of leaves; that can not be measured from pictures. This could be Heterostemma, may be H. dalzellii. This is Anodendron paniculatum, a climber belongs to the family Apocynaceae, I have seen this species growing as liana in Kudremukh and Sringeri in Karnataka. yes i agree with .., it is Anodendron paniculatum Asclepiadaceae sp. for ID- 15022012-PKA2: Seen this Asclepiadaceae climber at Matheran-Prabalgad Valley. Climber was leafless. It may be Anodendron paniculatum. Very unusual shape. I think … got it correct. We may able to confirm the id provided we have leaf picture as well or please share us information about leaf, such as size & shape… Thanks … I could not find even a single leaf on this climber, what i could find is only these fruits. Neverthless i will have to check this climber once again during my next visit (which may be after a month or so) for leaves, etc. Thanks … for suggesting the possible ID.
Anodendron paniculatum : Attachments (4). 2 posts by 2 authors. Anodendron paniculatum
Local Marathi name: Lamtani Today (4.4.13) at Kanakeshwar, Alibag
Sharing few photographs of a Climber from kankeshwar.
Bot. name: Anodendron paniculatum Family: Apocynaceae Location: Kankeshwar, Alibag (Maharashtra) Date/Time: 06-04-2013 / 02:00PM Habitat: Wild Plant Habit: Climber
Names of Plants in India :: Anodendron paniculatum A. DC. : 5 images. 5 posts by 3 authors.
an-oh-DEN-dron — Greek: ano (upward or above), dendron (tree)… Dave’s Botanary
par-VEE-flor-um or par-vi-FLOR-um — small flowers … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: Andamanese bowstring plant, twin-net • Kannada: ಅಜ್ಜನ ಗಡ್ಡ ajjana gadda, ಮಣಿಬಳ್ಳಿ maniballi • Konkani: ¿ किती ? kiti • Malayalam: കാക്കക്കൊടി kakkakkoti • Marathi: कावळी kavali, लामतानी lamtani • Mizo: theikelki suak • Tulu: ಮಿರೆಬಾಪುಥ ತಪ್ಪು mirebaputha thappu, ಮೊರಂಡ ಬಳ್ಳು moranda ballu botanical names: Anodendron parviflorum (Roxb.) I.M.Turner … synonyms: Anodendron paniculatum A.DC. • Echites paniculatus Roxb. … more at POWO Bibliography / etymology
All names compiled are for the earlier popular name – Anodendron paniculatum A.DC. … now treated as synonym. ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Andamanese bowstring plant
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಅಜ್ಜನ ಗಡ್ಡ ajjana gadda
ಮಣಿಬಳ್ಳಿ maniballi
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
¿ किती ? kiti
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കാക്കക്കൊടി kakkakkoti
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
¿ कावळी ? kavali
लामतानी lamtani
~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~
theikelki suak
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಮಿರೆಬಾಪುಥ ತಪ್ಪು mirebaputha thappu
ಮೊರಂಡ ಬಳ್ಳು moranda ballu
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at Anodendron paniculatum A .DC ., Apocynaceae : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.
Date/Time-11/03/2012 Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-Karje near Udupi, down west of Agumbe N13.43934, E74.88433, 89m Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type: wild Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- climbing shrub Height/Length-20- 25ft Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- oblong Inflorescence Type/ Size-terminal panicle Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- white, petals 2cm Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- not seen Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- No information Nice picture! Thanks for sharing… Date: 25 MAY 2013 … Altitude: 340 – 380 m asl
Anodendron paniculatum A.DC. … (family: Apocynaceae) Plant for Id :: SMPAPR08 Velhe Pune : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Apocyanaceae for ID
Observed this shrub in Velhe in March 2015
Flower size about a cm.
Recently similar flowers were posted by … I think Anodendron paniculatum
Anodendron paniculatum A.DC. (fr. Matheran) – Seed : VG-MAY-01 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Please ID….Climber : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Date/Time-15/1/2017 It might be Anodendron paniculatum Anodendron paniculatum. Anodendron paniculatum :: Prabalmachi, near Panvel :: 30 NOV 19 : 6 posts by 3 authors. 5 images.
Prabalmachi between Matheran and Panvel
Date: November 30, 2019 … Altitude: about 390 m (1,280 ft) asl
Anodendron paniculatum A.DC.
nice. have you ever found it in flowers and the pappus seeds? Yes …, I have seen it in flower.
I have one post related to compiled names of the plant in India; it shows flowers. Thank you. a nice Apocynaceae liana. i have seen one set of fruit pods and some pappus flying around around a lake in south 24 paraganas. but it was jan or feb. all leaves and (esp. flowers) were gone. hence my question about the seeds or pappus
Check Anodendron paniculatum Yes, it is Anodendron paniculatum, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant, . References:
Anodendron paniculatum
Updated on December 24, 2024