Anoectochilus brevilabris Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl. 499 1840. (syn: Anoectochilus griffithii Hook.f.; Dossinia marmarata Lindl. [Illegitimate]);
Nepal to China (SE. Yunnan) and N. Indo-China: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam as per POWO;
Common name: Short-Lip Jewel Orchid
. ORCHIDACEAE FORTNIGHT :: ANOECTOCHILUS FOR ID :: JS 02 : Attachments (3). 11 posts by 6 authors.
The photographs were taken from Dibang valley, Arunachal Pradesh during August 2012. I am not very sure, but this could be Anoectochilus elwesii. I have sent this to one of my friend for confirmation. Yes this is Anoectochilus elwesii. I checked with my friend … and he says this is Anoectochilus brevilabris. Thank you … for getting me there. To me, it looks more like A.elwesii. Anyway, i will try to study further on it. My friend who is expert of Jewel orchids say that this is Anoectochilus brevilabris.
Anoectochilus brevilabris
Updated on December 24, 2024