Anthurium cupulispathum Croat & J.Rodr.Salvador, Aroideana 18: 63 1995 publ. 1996.; Colombia to Ecuador as per WCSP;
Araceae for ID : Conservatory : Atlanta Botanical Garden : Atlanta, Georgia : 26NOV18 : AK-21 : 11 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)Araceae seen inside the Conservatory with huge leaves. Hope to get the Species id. Ligularia tussilaginea Farfugium japonicum leopard plant No, this is not Leopard Plant. I have seen it in the same garden, will post it separately. This is from Araceae, probably a Philodendron. There were many plants from Ecuador, Borneo and other parts of the world. Could be Alocasia ‘Portadora’ or something close. Ok, i will search again. Thank you correcting me yes i found it. this is Anthurium cupulispathus Yes, does look like it! Anthurium cupulispathum Croat & J.Rodr. |
Anthurium cupulispathum (Cultivated- USA)
Updated on December 24, 2024