Aponogeton satarensis

Aponogeton satarensis Sundararagh., A.R.Kulk. & S.R.Yadav, Kew Bull. 36: 687 1982.;
— originally applied to a water plant found at Aquae Aponi, Italy
Dave’s Botanary
suh-tah-REN-sis — of or from Satara, district of Maharashtra state, India
commonly known as: Satara aponogetonMarathi: वायतुरा y-tura
Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India)

Aponogeton satarensis : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2)
A lone specimen of Aponogeton satarensis was observed on Kas plateau 19 Sep 2010 which was flowering.
As per … observation The flowering season might have nearly finished
We have already seen its pictures posted by … yesterday and … who has seen it sometime in Jun Jul this year

This plant flowers on the advent of monsoon. This year it flowered in June. It is abundent at Kas, no need to worry

Visited Kaas in July and Aug’10….. and this species was indeed abundant 🙂

Yes. Thanks everybody for sharing their knowledge. We are here to document the facts and share with others and this way and by whatever other means try to conserve these species or help or support them who are already doing it.
I can safely concur that most of the flowering of the species occurs before Sep. and there are quite a number of specimens on the plateau and as rightly told by … one should not be greedy of its photographs.

I am really happy to be part of this ever progressing group and glad I can interact with so many on sensitive issues.
As a group we have progressed from the phase of exploring and watching to scientific observation, analysis and documentation (using taxonomy, -one of the most demanding subjects).
Now we are progressing towards the conservation science, where we interpret our observations over wide temporal and spatial scale to understand species status and ecology in the wild. Our observations with/without photographs are important “primary observational data”. This will certainly be of great help to the conservation planners. Till now population level data about many rare species was almost non-existent, so our observational data is a step towards it.
Hence, let us keep documenting and sharing as we do right now, keeping in mind that the ultimate goal is conservation of flora and fauna in their natural habitat.

First of all pls trust that I am with the sentiments of members over conservation of Kas heritage. I have been watching this location for the past 35 years for its flora. I wish to assure everyone that Kas flora diversity and distribution has not changed a bit in the last 35 years. This is in spite of trampling, burning, grazing and other local interventions over infinite years. Most of the plants here have rhizomes, tubers or bulbs that remain safe under the ground to sprout in the next monsoon. Plants regenerating from seeds are abundent and plucking by a few over enthusiasts makes a little or no difference to their re-appearance. Plants said to have some use are plucked the most.
The only plant that may be facing a threat is Iphigenia stellata. In July when other plants are not in bloom and Kas is deserted, several people arrive at Kas early morniing and dig out plants with tubers. A plant per 1 sq m is dug out and taken away for medicinal use. Its fortunate (?) that the plant still sprouts each year to be collected next year. I am hence srictly against spelling out any uses for any plant; and on top of it people think wild plants have more potency than the cultivated ones. Why can’t they grow such plants in their fields?
The other concerning part is the thronging of enthusiasts in great numbers on a particular day. The facilities certainly can not cope up to accomodate 5000 vehicles and 20,000 visitors. (As reported on 19th Sept) Every visitor thinks that others should not have come. Best way to enjoy Kas in such a situations is to avoid peak hours and to avoid peak crowding days. If local businessmen see a huge crowd thronging, they are bound to cash on the needs of visitors. Unfortunetely the crowd is creating the market for resorts, eating houses and stalls. As such the influx of visitors (and even this concern) fades away with the bloom of flowers and in other months no one cares to stop at Kas plateau. I have stopped going to Kas for the last few years. There are many plateaus around but they are not accessible by car.
Putting up a board to show the exact location is not necessary; people who know the plants don’t miss it but why attract even the ignorant ones? Every time conservation issue is raised, the forest dept (or I do not know who) takes up tree plantation at any site. Kas is no exception to this disaster. Several Silver Oaks can be seen planted on the plateau proudly by some one. Putting up a fence to prevent movement of people and cattle also can be harmful. The famous valley of flowers is grossly invaded by Polygonum and Impatiens due to such restrictions.
Littering is a problem with visitors but thats a national problem. We can only reduce it with volutary help. Many local groups await help from visitors on this issue. A meet of Kas lovers in an off season month to pick garbage will be very useful. Action beyond just complaining is welcome.
Developement in terms of mining and wind mills would be disastrous but I am sure Kas will be spared from such invasion. Every location suited
for a non polluting non conventional energy resource is bound to be on a plateau and is bound to have some flora and fauna. A balanced
approach rather than a total ban would resolve this issue. As such the wind mill site gets under tight security after the installation. It would be worthwhile to find out how the the flora and fauna has changed there after a few years of isolation.
No one can resist going to Kas and posting the spectacle on Orkut, Facebook or Google groups. I feel that we ourselves should ensure that
we do not burden Kas. If a tea stall comes up we should refrain from holding a steaming cup in the rolling mist of Kas. The plateau expects
least interventions from outsiders like us, it will sustain and please us as it has done over the years.

……, during Gujrat conference in near past many researchers were discussing the cultivation methods of Iphigenia stellata. Based on Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge I suggested them herbal extracts in order to increase its medicinal ingredients. I will return back to them and ask for details.
As mentioned in previous mails that I am called frequently by herb growers of Pune and Mumbai. They ask for new medicinal crop. Now I feel that I must suggest them to grow Iphigenia stellata in large scale. Lets hope that it will reduce the pressure of its natural population in coming years.


Even this year there are many Aponogeton satarensis but flowering cannot be seen- hence it is difficult to locate.
According to some the flowering occurred early this time and it is over now.
I have been observing the Kas population since 2001- the flowering is normally at peak in heavy monsoon- July-August. But some persists in September and we should also see fruiting at this time. I did not see fruiting specimens- but I am going to Kas again to check it.
However, I have strong doubts that increased movement, is causing disturbance to this species and other species as well.
I have just completed IUCN threat assessment of this species and it is Critically Endangered- it is seen at very few locations only on lateritic rocky plateaus at high altitudes of Satara, Sangli, Kolhapur dt of Maharashtra. IT IS RARER THAN THE TIGER and has no special protection even now. I request all nature lovers and photographers (especially) to understand the importance of leaving it alone and undisturbed. This is the short growing period of the plant and it has to sustain throughout the year on the food it stores and the seeds it produced assure future generations. Disturbing it (or any other plants on the rocky plateaus- like Ceropegia jainii) is like disturbing tiger during mating- it affects present and future generations. Our movement near it, will destroy the soil seed bank, affect the pollinators of this species and will affect the micro-world of plateau plants in many unimaginable ways.
Hence, I request all to understand and sensitize others to leave the plants and animals on rocky plateaus alone during the growing season. Unfortunately there is no serious formal protection like a “national park” at this time, but I am hoping there will be soonest.
For all those who would like to have a photograph of the plant (or any other on the rocky plateaus)- I will personally send my own pictures of the area- taken between 2003-2006 during my study on plant communities on rocky areas (provided you give me some time as all of them are slides and not digital). It was a time when pressure from tourists and especially photographers was minimal and flora as well as associated fauna were in natural state.

Its high time that  Kas pathar flora is protected.
Thanks for the information and agreeing with the concern for the endangered flora.
Are u aware of any collective efforts in this direction?

I believe there are many individuals and organizations from Pune, Satara, Kolhapur, Sangli interested in the welfare of Kas and doing serious efforts of protection.
My concern is for the welfare of ALL rocky plateaus of Western Ghats- Konkan- Malabar region which are threatened by mining, quarrying, habitat changes, nuclear and thermal power plants, insensitive and exploitative tourism, windmill farms and many other minor but not less destructive activities. I am in the process of  finalizing a paper regarding rocky plateaus of the region and identification of ecologically sensitive areas for the Western Ghats committee.
I feel strongly that the best agency to deal with the conservation issues of this habitat is the Forest Department. The department can take a leading role by implementing the laws about protected areas (as many of these are already reserved forests e.g. Kas or within sanctuaries), community conserved areas and take help of the local agencies to monitor and protect and sensitize others. Although some amount of tourism is possible and required for awareness generation, it needs to be rigourously controlled as the big mammal tourism ( tiger in Madhya Pradesh) and planned scientifically after the study of carrying capacity. It needs to involve the local community which can truly benefit economically by the low-intensity tourism.
As for the plant watchers, I request them to look at the scrub areas of the western ghats and Konkan, which also burst into flower at the monsoon end. The vegetation of scrub areas (ex. around, Mulshi, Mawal, Bhimashankar) is much more resilient to disturbance. It does not have highly sensitive and rare species of the rocky plateaus and hence controlled tourism will not be a major threat in near future.


Aponogeton satarensis: Aponogeton satarensis
At Kas plateau,Satara

Names of Plants in India :: Aponogeton satarensis:  Aponogeton satarensis
[image: Aponogeton satarensis Sundararagh., A.R.Kulk. & S.R.Yadav]<http://www.flickr.com/photos/dinesh_valke/5871549085/>
[image: Flowers of India] <http://www.flowersofindia.in/index.html>
[image: Discussions at efloraofindia]<https://groups.google.com/forum/…>
[image: more views in flickr]<http://www.flickr.com/search/>
[image: more views on Google Earth]<http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/
commonly known as: Satara aponogeton • Marathi: वायतुरा y-tura 
botanical name: Aponogeton satarensis Sundararagh., A.R.Kulk. & S.R.Yadav … synonyms: no synonym recorded

Nice photograph. I am sharing a close up and a habitat shot of the same sp  (Aponogeton satarensis).

Aponogeton satarensis Sundararagh., A.R.Kulk. & S.R.Yadav

ah-poh-no-JEE-tun — originally applied to a water plant found at Aquae Aponi, Italy … Dave’s Botanary
sah-tah-REN-sis — of or from Satara, district of Maharashtra state, India

commonly known as: Satara pondweed • Marathi: वायतुरा y-tura

botanical namesAponogeton satarensis Sundararagh., A.R.Kulk. & S.R.Yadav … synonyms: no synonym known … POWO

Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Satara pondweed
  • satarensis, geographic epithet, named for Satara, Maharashtra, India … the species was discovered in Satara district. All Aponogeton spp. are aquatic plants, thus the generic name pondweed given to all its species.
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
वायतुरा y-tura
  • an apt name given by Shrikant Ingalhalikar, the author of Further Flowers of Sahyadri … वाय y = the English alphabet Y (two spike inflorescences on their common stalk, appearing like the alphabet Y); तुरा tura = spike (inflorescence)
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


DV :: 08 SEP 12 – 1049 :: Aponogeton satarensis at Sada Waghapur: Aponogeton satarensis Sundararagh., A.R.Kulk. & S.R.Yadav … (family: Aponogetonaceae)

08 SEP 12
Sada Waghapurin Satara … about 3500 ft asl

Yes, This is endemic to place near by Satara district

Aponogeton satarensis : Aponogeton is the only genus of family Aponogetonaceae with many species.
Very good shots. We know it is seen on Kas plateau in early monsoon season. It is good that you observed it on another nearby place hopefully similar to Kaas.

Indeed good to find it in area surrounding Kas region.
Let me share another species of Aponogeton in separate post, sighted during visit to Sindhudurg with … and …

KAS Week:DS_011012_04 Aponogeton satarensis: An acquatic herb, found in Western Ghats only.
From net searching : “The species is assessed as Endangered as it has a restricted area of occupancy and extent of occurrence, and there is an ongoing a decline in habitat quality in most of the known locations.”.
Lucky we are that we got this. Sorry for the poor quality of image but it was in waterbody, so I can not go nearer.

Yes …, Aponogeton satarensis—– Perfect “Y”. Local name: “Y- tura”.

Kas Week :: DV :: 25 JUN 11 – 0946 – Aponogeton satarensis: Kas plateauabout 4000 ft asl
… one of the 39 World Heritage sites in the Western Ghats of India
25 JUN 11
Aponogeton satarensis Sundararagh., A.R.Kulk. & S.R.Yadav … (family: Aponogetonaceae)

ah-poh-no-JEE-tun — originally applied to a water plant found at Aquae Aponi, Italy Dave’s Botanary
suh-tah-REN-sis — of or from Satara, district of Maharashtra state, India
commonly known as: Satara aponogetonMarathi: वायतुरा y-tura
Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India)
References: Flowers of IndiaFlowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar


Kas week : Aponogeton satarensis SMP:  Aponogeton satarensis
Family : Aponogetonaceae
Endemic to Satara


KAAS week, Aponogeton satarensis: here im sending Satara special plant, i.e. Waytura

Botanical Name – Aponogeton satarensis
Common Name – Waytura
Location –
Kaas, Satara
Date – 21st Sept12
Photography Eqipment – 5mp mob.camera


Kaas week :aponogeton satarensis:  aponogeton satarensis वाय तुरा

Kas week:: PKA19: Aponogeton satarensis:  Small & beautiful aquatic herb at Kas.
The Local name is the most appropriate one. “ Y- Tura“. It looked exactly like alphabet “Y”.
Bot. name: Aponogeton satarensis
Family: Aponogetonaceae.


Satara special | Waytura : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors.

Satara special
Aponogeton satarensis
Kaas (Satara), Maharashtra
July, 2013


Updated on December 24, 2024

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