Aquilaria malaccensis

IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable (VU)
Aquilaria malaccensis Lam., Encycl. 1(1): 49 49 1783. (Syn: Agallochum malaccense (Lam.) Kuntze; Aloexylum agallochum Lour.; Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.; Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. ex DC; Aquilaria agallochum (Lour.) Roxb. ex Finl.; Aquilaria moluccensis Oken; Aquilaria ovata Cav.; Aquilaria secundaria Rumph. ex DC; Aquilariella malaccensis (Lam.) Tiegh);
Bangladesh to W. & Central Malesia: Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, East Himalaya, Malaya, Myanmar, Philippines, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;
Common name: Agar Wood, Malayan aloes-wood, Malayan eaglewood • Kannada: ಅಗಿಲ್, ಅಗಿಲು Agil, ಕಾರಗಿಲ್, ಕಾರಗಿಲು Kaaragil, ಅಗರು Agaru, ಅಗುರು Aguru • Mizo: Thing-rai • Manipuri: ꯑꯥꯒꯔ Aagar • Sanskrit: अगरुः, अगरु Agaru, अगुरुः, अगुरु Aguru

Grows for commercial purposes for production of ‘Agar’;
The resin derived from this tree is very precious and valuable;

This Critically Endangered plant has been included in the Negative List of Exports by the Govt. of India.

Fwd: akil – efloraofindia | Google Groups:
sanskrit  – agaru
Malayalam  – akil
Tamil          – akil
Hindi          – agar
Common   –  aloe wood/ eagle wood
Latin        – Aquilaria agalocha


VALMIKI :OBSERVER OF NATURE:  Today I am attaching an image of a tree called AGURU in Valmiki’s Ramayan. Scientifically this tree is known as Aquilaria agallocha.
I collected a sapling from Tezpur (where the tree is very common and is known as SASI, pronounced as HASI.) You may find it interesting.

– Thanks …, for the picture of Aquilaria agallocha (now known as A. malaccensis). In Tamil, it is called ‘Akil‘ or ‘Agil‘. I had a chance to see the plants as well as a distillation unit in Manipur. It is said that there is a great demand for the oil which is sold for up to Rs. 2000 per ml ?? The oil is extracted from the wood, especially the infected one.

This Critically Endangered plant has been included in the Negative List of Exports by the Govt. of India.
Its interesting to know that this plant has a mention in the Ramayan.

Some information from book about Aquilaria agallocha from Assam.: Recently I read a book written by Dr. Vilas Bardekar in Marathi “Pokhilla” पोखिला which means Butterfly in Assamese.
In the appendix he mentions about one tree from Assam : Aquilaria agallocha. The resin derived from this tree is very precious and valuable. Its name is mentioned as ‘UD” or ‘Agarwood’ ऊद/ अगरवूड
When the tree gets infested with a fungus Phaeoacremonium parasitica the tree starts producing this resin. It has a unique mixed and soothing fragrance. This fetches good value in international market.

Yes Sir, Aquilaria agallocha Roxb. commonly found in Assam, mainly in Middle Assam in Assamese it is known as HASI. Stem is used for production of Agar so in some places it known as Agar tree also. Some people cultivated it in gardan also. It is a middle size tree. 3 – 4 plants in our home garden also.


Aquilaria malaccensis Lam from Kamrup district, Assam : Attachments (7). 3 posts by 3 authors.
Attached images are Aquilaria malaccensis Lam collected from Kamrup district, Assam.

Date :20.04.2013
Location: Kamrup district
Family : Thymelaeaceae
Genus & species : Aquilaria malaccensis Lam
Habitat: Grows for commercial purposes for production of ‘Agar’
Habit : Tree
Vernacular name : Agaru/ Sachi-pat/ Sanchi (Assamese)
Flower : creamy white

Piperaceae, Lauraceae and Thymelaeaceae Fortnight :: Thymelaeaceae :: Aquilaria malaccensis Lam from Assam :: KD 01 Sept :  2 posts by 2 authors.
Attached images are Aquilaria malaccensis Lam.(Syn =Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.) commonly found in Assam, mainly in Middle Assam. In Assamese it is known as Sanchi. In some places it known as Agaru. When the tree gets infested with a fungus Phaeoacremonium parasitica the tree starts producing resin. The resin derived from this tree is very precious and valuable. It has a unique mixed and soothing fragrance. This fetches good value in international market.



Updated on December 24, 2024