Arabis amplexicaulis ?

Arabis amplexicaulis ?;

VOF Week: Brassicaceae sp along Govindghat-Ghangaria route: Seen this Brassicaceae sp along Govindghat-Ghangaria route. Requesting ID.

Date/Time: 10-08-2012 / 11:00AM
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb.

Arabis amplexicaulis I hope.

Agreed to Arabis amplexicaulis

Arabis amplexicaulis in Efi by Nidhan Singh, Prashant Awale, Dinesh Valke & others, look different from FOI.
In view, these threads may be reviewed.
Description is given below as per BSI Flora of India:

Leaf image is not so clear but tend to be Arabis amplexicaulis Edgew. POWOGBIF

I guess correct ID !

Brassicaceae Week ::100812- PKA9- :: Arabis amplexicaulis along Ghangaria – Govind Ghat trail:

Seen this Brassicaceae sp along Govindghat-Ghangaria route.
Bot. name: Arabis amplexicaulis
Date/Time: 10-08-2012 / 11:00AM
Habitat: Wild
Plant Habit: Herb.

Arabis amplexicaulis in Efi by Nidhan Singh, Prashant Awale, Dinesh Valke & others, look different from FOI.
In view, these threads may be reviewed.
Description is given below as per BSI Flora of India:

Habitat: mountain slope
Habit: herb, about 60 -70 cm long; growing on rock face (or perhaps from crevice); flower 3 – 5 mm across
… same query put earlier:
VoF Week :: DV :: 04 AUG 12 – 1135 :: dainty-flowered wire-stemmed herb along Ghangaria – Govind Ghat trail
… comment that the flowers of Arabis amplexicaulis are 8-10 mm across makes me rethink … the flowers in this post may not be 3 – 5 mm across as I guessed; it could be 6 – 8 mm.
… very close to plant in … post:
VOF Week: Brassicaceae sp along Govindghat-Ghangaria route
The plant in this post resembles very well in form, shape to that of plant in … post, including the leaves.
Have a strong feeling this plant is Arabis amplexicaulis unless there are any close species bearing

I think yes. Nice photographs

Arabis amplexicaulis in Efi by Nidhan Singh, Prashant Awale, Dinesh Valke & others, look different from FOI.
In view, these threads may be reviewed.
Description is given below as per BSI Flora of India:

Leaf image is not so clear but tend to be Arabis amplexicaulis Edgew. POWOGBIF

I think my pictures are falling short of required aspects to reach ID.


Habitat: mountain slope
Habit: herb, about 60 -70 cm long; growing on rock face (or perhaps from crevice); flower 3 – 5 mm

Arabis amplexicaulis I hope. Better closer photographs should help.

Yes, i too think Arabis amplexicaulis . Close up of leaf base will help.

I think this is the same plant as … with a leaf in focus…can this help…extremely sorry for cross posting but felt like doing so..

Flowers of Arabis amplexicaulis are 8-10 mm across. The flowers seen in the pics, also of …, here are way too tiny.

Putting cropped photos here – I do not have any other better views.
These look close to what … has attached, except – leaves and sepals in my plant do not seem to be as hairy – BUT it can be due to fuzziness in my original picture.
Prashant hopefully will be uploading his photos of the same plant.

Arabis amplexicaulis as per link

Arabis amplexicaulis in Efi by Nidhan Singh, Prashant Awale, Dinesh Valke & others, look different from FOI.
In view, these threads may be reviewed.
Description is given below as per BSI Flora of India:


Arabis for id from Chakrata:: NS June 24 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4).
This small herb was shot from Chakrata area this year..
Wanted to know which species of Arabis ? (or any other genus) this can be..

Seems to be Arabidopsis thaliana

efi page on Arabidopsis thaliana 

Flowers are too large for Arabidopsis. I hope Arabis amplexicaulis

Arabis amplexicaulis in Efi by Nidhan Singh, Prashant Awale, Dinesh Valke & others, look different from FOI.
In view, these threads may be reviewed.
Description is given below as per BSI Flora of India:


Arabis amplexicaulis in Efi & FOI : 2 posts by 1 author.
Arabis amplexicaulis in Efi by Nidhan Singh, Prashant Awale, Dinesh Valke & others, look different from FOI.
In view, these threads may be reviewed.
Description is given below as per BSI Flora of India:

Images of Arabis amplexicaulis in FOI look similar to images of Arabis bijuga Watt (by …) in efi
I am totally confused.

Brassicaceae herb 2 for id from Chakrata:: NS June 27 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5).
Perhaps an Arabis sp. again (I fear I may have repeated, but due to being from a different locality, I am posting this separately), this was also shot from Chakrata area..
this was having ternminal as well as apical corymbose racemes..
Please provide your views..

I think Arabis pterosperma, same could be the other plant

Looks different from other two posts on  Arabis pterosperma i.e. from Brassicaceae Week: Arabis pterosperma from Sonamarg, Kashmir & Pangi i.d.’s continued – al151011 particularly with regards to hairiness of stems, leaves & sepals
Details of Arabis pterosperma from BSI Flora of India are as below:
Keys are available from it at

Arabis pterosperma Edgew. ??

Crucihimalaya  ??

Could not find a match as per Crucihimalaya

Is it not the same as in  Arabis for id from Chakrata:: NS June 24 (identified as Arabis amplexicaulis ?)?



Brassicaceae herb for id from Chakrata:: NS June 26 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).

This small herb was also recorded from Chakrata area in Uttrakhand.. differs from my first upload in having terminal raceme and not the apical, leaves as well as habit are similar..
This can again be an Arabis 
Please help to fix the id..

A distant shot but could be Arabis amplexicaulis

Arabis pterosperma I hope, after seeing close ups in other upload.

Looks different from other two posts on  Arabis pterosperma i.e. from Brassicaceae Week: Arabis pterosperma from Sonamarg, Kashmir & Pangi i.d.’s continued – al151011 particularly with regards to hairiness of stems, leaves & sepals
Details of Arabis pterosperma from BSI Flora of India are as below:
Keys are available from it at


Identification requested: 2 images.

Brassicacae member

25 masl
Doda J&K
19 may 2022

Pl. check

ppears to be some Arabis species. Pl. check

There are many possibilities as per Keys in Flora of Pakistan and BSI Flora of India.
Many key characters like Siliquae and basal leaves are missing.
Anyhow, pl. check with Arabis amplexicaulis Edgew. as per description and FoP illustration

Thanks, I’ll check them out.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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