Arabis pterosperma

Common name: Alpine Rock-Cress

Arabis pterosperma from Sonamarg, Kashmir:
Arabis pterosperma Edgew. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 20:33. 1851
syn: Arabis alpina Hook.f. & T (non L.); Arabis alpina var. purpurea W.W. Sm.

Perennial herb, simple or branched above, covered with long simple or forked hairs; basal leaves obovate-oblong, stalked, toothed, densely hairy, cauline oblong, sessile, 10-20 mm long, slightly auricles at base, amplexicaul, toothed, apex somewhat entire; racemes 20-30 flowered, up to 12 cm long in fruit; flowers white or tinged pink, pedicels 8-12 mm long, petals 5-7 mm long; fruit 3-6 cm long, 1-1.5 mm broad, glabrous.
The species is easily differentiated from other species by slightly pinkish flowers, stems and leaves with long hairs, auricled leaf-base and about 10 mm long fruiting pedicels.
Photographed from Sonamarg, Kashmir in June, growing among rocks and boulders on mountain slope.

Thanks, …, But I wonder why it’s so different in appearance compared to images in other threads as below:tab

Pangi i.d.’s continued – al151011:
Location Pangi Valley, Himachal
Altitude 3000 mts
Habit herb
Habitat wild
plant height 10 inches

Brassicaceae Week: Arabis pterosperma from Sonamarg, Kashmir:
Arabis pterosperma Edgew. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 20:33. 1851
syn: Arabis alpina Hook.f. & T (non L.); Arabis alpina var. purpurea W.W. Sm.
Perennial herb, simple or branched above, covered with long simple or forked hairs; basal leaves obovate-oblong, stalked, toothed, densely hairy, cauline oblong, sessile, 10-20 mm long, slightly auricles at base, amplexicaul, toothed, apex somewhat entire; racemes 20-30 flowered, up to 12 cm long in fruit; flowers white or tinged pink, pedicels 8-12 mm long, petals 5-7 mm long; fruit 3-6 cm long, 1-1.5 mm broad, glabrous.
The species is easily differentiated from other species by slightly pinkish flowers, stems and leaves with long hairs, auricled leaf-base and about 10 mm long fruiting pedicels.
Photographed from Sonamarg, Kashmir in June, growing among rocks and boulders on mountain slope.

Thanks, …, But I wonder why it’s so different in appearance compared to images in other threads as below: tab

Descurainia sp? ABAUG2016/17 : 4 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.
This one is from Triund. I could tell it was likely from the Brassicaceae family but could not find an exact ID. Please advise.
Triund, HP
31 July 2016.

Pl. check for some Arabis (comparative images available here for images in efi so far) species ?

Thank you … for the suggestion. I think my plant is close to Arabis pterosperma. Here are the leaves I photographed during my trek on Saturday.


Id required.: 1 high res. image.
please have a look at the attached images, it seems some Brassiciaceae member for me.

Captured – Madhmaheshwar Uttarakhand
Alt. 3900m asl.

Alliaria petiolata I hope

I think it looks different from the images at Alliaria petiolata (M.Bieb.) Cavara & Grande

It appears to be some Arabis species.
To me it appears close.

Yes Sir, it seems nearby, actually, I have a single image and don’t have a sample for more confirmation.

What are the species of Arabis reported from your area?

Arabis amplexicaulis
Arabis pterosperma
only these 2 species of Arabis are from my area

So we take it as Arabis pterosperma Edgew.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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