ANJAN39/39 Please identify this plant : 10 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (6) Date: 9th January 2015 Place: Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala Habit: Straggling shrub Strychnos sp., perhaps. Is it thorny. Doesn’t it look like Carissa? Just a guess Thank you … It was not thorny and there was no milky exudate when I pulled the leaf away from the plant. Strychnos species so far in efi Strychnos wallichiana Steud. ex A. DC.(= Strychnos cinnamomifolia Thwaites), reported in flora of Calicut. Strychnos sp. Check for the bitterness of the leaf……. Looks like Strychnos colubrina Thanks, …, But does not matches with illustrations & images at There is more confusion. Pl. see Submission of Strychnos colubrina L., It is Strychnos only; the pod, the leaf, venation confirms it as Strychnos only; Thanks, … But we are unable to find the id. See the image. Attachments (1) Leaves matching with S. Potatorum, see the image Attachments (1) |
Strychnos species- Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala
Updated on December 24, 2024