Arctium lappa L., Sp. Pl. 816 1753. (Syn: Arcion majus Bubani; Arcion tomentosum Bubani; Arctium adhaerens Gilib. [Invalid]; Arctium bardana Willd.; Arctium chaorum Klokov; Arctium glabrescens Klokov; Arctium grandiflorum Desf.; Arctium lappa subsp. majus (Gaertn.) Arènes; Arctium leiospermum Juz. & Ye.V.Serg.; Arctium maassii (M.Schultze) Rouy; Arctium macrospermum (Walbr.) Dalla Torre & Sarnth.; Arctium majus (Gaertn.) Bernh.; Arctium minus subsp. nemorosum (Lej.) Syme; Arctium nemorosum Lej.; Arctium nemorosum f. mathei Soó; Arctium newbouldii (F.N.Williams) Druce; Arctium pubens var. microcephalum Math; Arctium ruderale Salisb.; Arctium vulgare (Hill) Evans; Arctium vulgare (Hill) Druce; Bardana arctium Hill; Bardana lappa Hill; Lappa glabra Lam.; Lappa major Gaertn.; Lappa nemorosa (Lej.) Körn. ex Griewank; Lappa officinalis All.; Lappa vulgaris Hill; (=) Arctium edule Beger; (=) “Lappa edulis Siebold ex Miq., nom. inval.“);
Greater burdock, Edible burdock, Lappa Burdock; Arctium lappa, commonly called greater burdock,[1] gobō,edible burdock,[1] lappa,[1] or beggar’s buttons,[1] is a biennial plant[citation needed] of the Arctium (burdock) genus in the Asteraceae family, cultivated in gardens for its root used as a vegetable. It is an invasive weed of high-nitrogen soils. Greater Burdock is rather tall, reaching as much as 2 metres[citation needed]. It has large, alternating, cordiform leaves that have a long petiole and are pubescent on the underside. The flowers are purple and grouped in globular capitula, united in clusters. They appear in mid-summer, from July to September.[2] The capitula are surrounded by an involucre made out of many bracts, each curving to form a hook, allowing them to be carried long distances on the fur of animals. The fruits are achenes; they are long, compressed, with short pappuses. The fleshy tap-root can grow up to 1m long. This species is native to the temperate regions of the old world, from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean, and from the British Isles through Russia, and the Middle East to China and Japan, including India. It is naturalized almost everywhere and is usually found in disturbed areas, especially in soil rich in nitrogen. It is commonly cultivated in Japan where it gives its name to a particular construction technique, burdock piling. (From Wikipedia on 10.6.13)
Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid heads: Arctium lappa from Kashmir-GS5 : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author. Arctium lappa from Kashmir, growing in wastelands, heads bear spiny hooked phyllaries. Photographed on June 18 from Balgarden in Srinagar. Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid Heads: Arctium lappa? from VOF- NS 04 : Attachments (2). 2 posts by 2 authors. This large herb or shrub was shot in post flowering stage from Valley of Flowers area, in August 2012… I think this can be Arctium lappa… please help to identify… I do not have sufficient pics, other members please share.. Yes … |
Arctium lappa
Updated on December 24, 2024