Arctostaphylos hookeri subsp. franciscana (USA)

Arctostaphylos hookeri subsp. franciscana (Eastw.) Munz, Aliso 4: 95 1958. (Syn: Arctostaphylos franciscana Eastw.; Arctostaphylos uva-ursi var. franciscana (Eastw.) Roof);

Arctostaphylos hookeri is a species of manzanita known by the common name Hooker’s manzanita.
Arctostaphylos hookeri is a low shrub which is variable in appearance and has several subspecies. These are generally mat-forming plants or low bushes with small green leaves, dense inflorescences of white to pink flowers, and shiny egg-shaped or round red drupes.
The Arctostaphylos hookeri shrub is endemic to California where its native range extends from the coastal San Francisco Bay Area to the Central Coast.

There are several subspecies including:

(From Wikipedia on 9.11.14)

Bush For ID : California : 02NOV14 : AK-6 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).
Cultivated bush seen in the Golden Gate Park, San Francisco on 30th Sept,14.
Tiny pink hanging bell like flowers.
On searching, could be Arctostaphylos Species?

i think this is manzanita shrub used extensively for hedges.. good because in the wild its almost gone…
wiki has a nice page
one sentence part from it” I quote : ” A. h. franciscanaFranciscan manzanita – native to the city of San Francisco” end quote…

Thanks a lot for the Species id.

Arctostaphylos Franciscana from San Francisco Botanical Garden-GS03022023: 3 images- 2 high res.
Arctostaphylos Franciscana sometimes treated as subspecies Arctostaphylos hookeri (fruit 3-5 mm wide) but differentiated in larger 6-8 mm wide fruit and Grey-tomentose leaves. Clicked from San Francisco Botanical Garden,



The Plant List Ver.1.1  Wikipedia  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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