Arctotis hirsuta (Harv.) Beauverd, 46 1915. (syn: Arctotis calendulacea Thunb. ex Harv. & Sond. (ambiguous synonym); Arctotis fugax (Harv.) Beauv.; Arctotis hirsuta (Harv.) Lewin; Arctotis subacaulis Beauv.; Venidium arctotoides Hort. Hamb. ex Harv. & Sond. (ambiguous synonym); Venidium fugax Harv.; Venidium hirsutum Harv.; Venidium hispidulum DC. (ambiguous synonym); Venidium speciosum Hort (ambiguous synonym); Venidium subacaule DC.);
. South Africa (N-Cape Prov., W-Cape Prov.) as per Catalogue of Life;
. Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate heads: Ornamentals- Calendula? for id from Panchkula- NS 14 : Attachments (11). 4 posts by 3 authors.
This ornamental was found growing in Military Hospital in Panchkula..on earlier upload this was identified as Calendula officinalis… but, this seemed different to me, in flower as well as the foliage which is densely hairy, leaf shape and texture is also not matching with Calendula officinalis.. I do not know of any other species of this genus… please help to identify..
I don’t think this to be Calendula Is this the same as in another thread ? I agree, it might be Arctotis, like those in and this kind of involucre can be seen at academic.oup …. don’t know the species though! Yes, it appears to be the same, identified as Arctotis hirsuta. . For id from Panchkula-2012: No images seen now. 8 posts by 6 authors. This ornamental was shot from Command Hospital, Panchkula on March 08, 2012. I think this should be a Calendula sp. Hope to find the id….. This is Calendula officinalis L. Calendula officinalis. yes, common in the northeast gardens I was wondering if this can be a different species of Calendula, the shape of leaves, number of ray florets and densely hairy foliage prompted me to question the species…anyway thanks a lot.. I find it difficult to accept it as Calendula officinalis: involucre bracts are very different, ray florets scarcely toothed and leaves much smaller and much more hairy. This is again put for your consideration.. Reply from another thread: “I don’t think this to be Calendula” Due to a recent interaction, the id for this ornamental is nearly final…
Please give your views if this can be Arctotis hirsuta… it certainly is hairy. that’s what had raised a bell that it was not a calendula
. References: Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 GCC IPNI Sanbi Green Planet Flickr |
Arctotis hirsuta
Updated on December 24, 2024