Ardisia paniculata



[efloraofindia:34348] id please : 11 posts by 8 authors. Attachments (3).

Please help me to ID this species
Date/Time- 18/4/09- 12:20 PM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-  Bongaigaon, Assam,
Habitat- – Wild Type
Plant Habit-   Shrub,
Height/Length-  1.75- 2.5 m
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- lanceolate, entire, lower dorsal pale green
Inflorescence Type/ Size- Solitary or in pairs,15-32cm
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-, 1.5-2.5, Deep purple in color
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- Not seen

Pl check for Ardisia (Myrsinaceae).

May be Ardisia solanacea.

This plant is indeed Ardisia solanacea  [Synonyms: Ardisia elliptica, Ardisia humilis]  from the family Myrsinaceae sometimes it is also places in the family Primulaceae under the sub-family Myrsinoideae.

… getting confused … the group’s database already has Ardisia solanacea queries not resolved.
This plant seems to be yet different from the earlier two.

I am sure that it is not Ardisia solanacea. Here the leaves are very large and so the inflorescence. It can be a member of A. pyramidalisA. macrocarpa group.

…, if you refer Kanjilal’s Flora of Assam or Dr.Haridasan’s Flora of Meghalaya you can easily identify it. Now i have no access to indian floras.

I also support … For sure this is not A. solanaceae. The leaf venation and the inflorescence tell you that this is not A.solanacea as … pointed out.
Any of the north eastern taxonomist can help id this as I never worked in Assam I may not be able to id this.

Could this possibly be A. paniculata Roxb. as per D. Brandis pg : 419. It is found in Assam, Khasi hills. Dacca and Chittgong hills. Leaves are mentioned as oblanceolate, glabrous. 8-20 in. long, narrowed into a stout petiole, midrib and sec. n. prominent beneath. Flowers mentioned as rose coloured , pyramidical terminal panicles.

I also support this to be Ardisia pyramidalis…. Pl. see the link


ANFEB05 Ardisia paniculata (please validate) : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)

Family: Myrsinaceae
Date: 1st February 2015
Place: Agumbe, Karnataka
Habit: Shrub up to 8 feet tall

Even though I have not seen this species so far,

It appears to be Ardisia paniculata Roxb.
Subverticillate leaves, terminal panicles on lateral branches are more comparable to A. paniculata.


Re: Red fruit from Tripura : 7 posts by 3 authors. 4 images.

This is from Rajnagar, Kumarghat, Tripura
Please identify

Ardisia sp. Primulaceae,

Does not seem to match with existing species so far in efi site at Ardisia 

Ardisia? / Phlogacanthus sp ? (fruit don’t match but leaves and its arrangement does).
Please check if the stem is cylindrical or angular…

There’s no doubt, it’s not Acanthaceae member (Phlogacanthus sp),

Appears close to images at Ardisia paniculata Roxb. as per comparative images at Ardisia


Shrub for ID: 1 correct image as above.
Please help me identifying these shrubs from Assam forests.

Between Rhynchotechum gracile B.M.Anderson and Rhynchotechum obovatum (Griff.) B.L.Burtt ??

Could be a species of Ardisia

Some similarities with the plant Ardisia paniculata. Kindly check.

Yes, appears close to mages at Ardisia paniculata Roxb.


Need help in identification of this Ardisia sp.: 2 high res. images.
Date: 30-03-2024

Place :- Tripura
Habit:- Shrub
Habitat: Marshy area in a deep forest

Ardisia paniculata Roxb.





The Plant List Ver.1.1  India Biodiversity Portal  

Updated on December 23, 2024

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