Argyreia involucrata C.B.Clarke;
Penisular India as per An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995- details with keys);
A. boseana is climber, leaves widely ovate, the base is cordate, inflorescence loosely arranged cyme, peduncle longer than petiole, oblong bracts, sepal apex acuminate.
A. involucrata is twiner, ovate or lanceolate leaves, compact inflorescence, peduncle shorter than petiole, lanceolate bracts, sepal apex acute. .
Argyreia species for id : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)- 1 Mb. seems to be Argyreia sericea
do you by any chance have pics of the side view of the flower…complete side view and close up of the surfaces of the leaves ?? if so, pleae share here
Looks different from images of Argyreia sericea Dalzell
Also does not match with any species available at Argyreia as per comparative images.
Thanks … For comparison attaching pictures of another plant from the same area. May be this is Argyreia? Attachments (2)- 1 Mb each. i see fine hairs on the fallen flower, though none on the leaves, still think… argyreia.
… had sent us a very similar case with only one picture as possible ipomoea final id: Argyreia involucrata
… had ided it then, may be he can help … with this case
may be … is familiar with this publication, and people Dr Mathew trained locally…
An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995- details with keys) Thank you, … As I have mentioned this plant is different from the one I had sent earlier although it is from the same area. To me the leaves seemed very different. I am not familiar with the book you have mentioned but will now take a look. …: since you are very cooperative and willing to go back etc i offer you my personal thoughts here. id is not magic, its a systematic looking at diagnostic features to arrive at a working hypothesis, better the pictures that are sharp in focus show the diagnostic criteria better and quicker the process. there is a lesson to be learned n this case, we still do not know what it is… only guesswork. so… 1: known entity read up or remember diagnostic features of any plant that you are interested inand take pictures accordingly
2: unknown identity- its habit and habitat, leaves, both sides, and see if can see trichomes or hairs, then try to show them, flowers face and side views, complete pedicals, peduncles, subtening appendages if any, if inflorescence a complete inflorescence, how its growing, its pattern, if buds are seen several buds, if fruits complete view sideways, its attachment to the twig, and include a sizing item in at least one picture, like a ruler, a pen, camera cap ,. or your finger as a last resort, often we have nothing handy or are in a hurry. if a tree…include the stem, bark etc. if a shrub, entire shrub etc etc
when you have even ten minutes to hone your skills in this direction
go to this link…
its this group …
and type any of these peoples name, you choose and look at their pictures
by observing pictures taken by … (who did a lot of field work.) … to name few. they all dont use fancy cameras, … used a small handheld point and shoot, … uses something handy also. you will do well Thank you for your valuable tips. I am an absolute amateur in Botany as well as in photography. I have a deep interest in flora, not so much plying the camera! But since one needs that skill to identify and learn about plants, will work on it. I am currently using my phone to take pics.
Once again your encouragement and lessons much appreciated. thanks … i often used my iphone in recent times Argyreia involucrata. The capitate (involucre) inflorescence with large bracts is characteristic. Your first photo looks like Argyreia hookeri. the first plant is Argyreia hookeri This image seems to be closer to images at Argyreia involucrata C.B.Clarke ANMAR25/46 Convolvulaceae for identification : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)
Family: Convolvulaceae Argyreia sp. Argyreia species in eFIoraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) Please check it for Argyreia hirsuta. Thanks, …, for Id.
I think these matches with images of Argyreia hirsuta at
I think it may be Argyreia pilosa as per images herein and as per discussions another thread.
Also does not match with high resolution specimen of Argyreia hirsuta at the following:
Yes, I agree with …, it is Argyreia pilosa On further examination, to me appears closer to high resolution specimens in GBIF of Argyreia involucrata C.B.Clarke (it lists two varieties herein- inaequalis and invvolucrta) as below:
Coorg- road to Abbey falls Identified as Argyreia hirsuta. I think it may be Argyreia pilosa as per images herein and as per discussions another thread.
Also does not match with high resolution specimen of Argyreia hirsuta at the following:
Yes it is also Argyreia pilosa ANOCT44 Convolvulaceae member for identification : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7). Argyrea sericea. The leaves are silvery white beneath and so are the bracts.
It’s Argyreia pomacea confirmed. Type image attached herewith. Attachments (1) I agree with you regarding id as Argyreia pomacea Wall. ex Choisy as per the high resolution specimen from gbif (except that I find upper portion of leaves also very hairy in the specimens, which does not appear to be the case with the post):
On further examination, these look different from high resolution specimens of Argyreia pomacea Choisy at GBIF
I think more closer to Argyreia involucrata C.B.Clarke as per images, details and references herein and also as per GBIF Argyreia species for ID Mahabaleshwar. I think more closer to Argyreia involucrata C.B.Clarke as per images, details and references herein and also as per GBIF Kas Week: AVD: 09th Oct 2012 :Argyreia boseana ?: Many thanks … for this upload; validation of this ID will help me check my upload at efi thread Flowers capitate on hairy 10 cm long peduncle is A. involucrata
Flowers cymose on glabrous 20 cm long peduncle is A. boseana
Can not locate for sure these features in pictures. They seem to be capitate. Can be any of the 2 unless you have confirmed. … has rightly described the key differentiating between A.boseana and A. involucrata. I think more closer to Argyreia involucrata C.B.Clarke as per images, details and references herein and also as per GBIF Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH :: Argyreia for ID :: ARK2019-94 : 12 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4)
This Argyreia climber was seen by the roadside in the Tamhini ghat near Pune, MH in Aug 2019.
Requested to please provide ID.
Argyreia argentea ??
Please check Argyreia !!
Bracts do look like A. argentea. I do not know whether this species is found in WG or not. Any picture available showing peduncle to inflorescence, petiole and hairs if any ? Thanks … I could not find any A. argentea pics from WG in efi.
Attaching some cropped pics. One can see some fine hair of the bracts. Cropped image is missing. Closest I can go as per comparative images at Argyreia is Argyreia involucrata C.B.Clarke
Pl. check. Here are the images. Apologies for missing them earlier. Did you see the post by … and compared both specimen ? It is here. Difficult. May be A. hookeri or A. pilosa. It is Argyreia involucrata C.B.Clarke as per comparative images at Argyreia Argyreia boseana Santapau & Patel ( Convolvulaceae) : 16 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Argyreia boseana Santapau & Patel (Convolvulaceae) Sakharpa, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra 2017 October Id – …
What are the differences between Argyreia involucrata C.B.Clarke and Argyreia boseana Santapau & Patel ?
In Kas Week: AVD: 09th Oct 2012 :Argyreia boseana ?, … stated as below:
Flowers capitate on hairy 10 cm long peduncle is A. involucrata
Flowers cymose on glabrous 20 cm long peduncle is A. boseana
But that does not seem to fit here.
A.boseana is climber, leaves widely ovate, the base is cordate, inflorescence loosely arranged cyme, peduncle longer than petiole, oblong bracts, sepal apex acuminate Based on these keys, I am unable to determine if all our posts at Argyreia involucrata are correctly identified or some of them belong to A.boseana
May I request you to pl. request … to pl. help in the matter. Can anybody provide key characteristics to distinguish Ipomoea and Argyreia at the first sight Just a general opinion based on observation: please have look at the thread of Argyreia involucrata and help in confirmation of the identity if the post Here is photoplate of A. involucrata. Thanks a lot, …, Let me try to segregate our posts at Argyreia involucrata based on your keys and the plate. Differences given by you are as below:
A.boseana is climber, leaves widely ovate, the base is cordate, inflorescence loosely arranged cyme, peduncle longer than petiole, oblong bracts, sepal apex acuminate.
A. Involucrata is twiner, ovate or Lanceolate leaves, compact inflorescence, peduncle shorter than petiole, lanceolate bracts, sepal apex acute. But in photo plate on Argyreia involucrata, I find bracts to be oblong rather than lanceolate and sepals to be acuminate rather than acute.
So there seems to be some confusion. Pl. clarify.
Waiting for your views. . I think Argyreia involucrata C.B.Clarke as per images and details herein.
An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995- details with keys)
Argyreia involucrata
Updated on December 24, 2024