Argyreia pomacea

Argyreia pomacea Wall. ex Choisy, Convolv. Orient. 32 1834 [Aug 1834]. (Syn: Argyreia leschenaultii Choisy; Argyreia nellygherya Choisy; Argyreia zeylanica Voigt; Convolvulus choisyanus Wall.; Convolvulus pomaceus Wall.; Convolvulus strigosus Russell ex Wall.; Lettsomia pomacea (Wall. ex Choisy) Roxb.; Mouroucoa pomacea (Wall. ex Choisy) Kuntze; Rivea pomacea (Wall. ex Choisy) Wight);
S-India, Sri Lanka as per Catalogue of Life;

Images by Muthu Karthick (ID by Vinod B. Shimpale), inserted by Gurcharan Singh

Please help to id this Argeryia species. First I thought this is the same as … A. sericea; but looks different. Kindly comment.
Picture taken at Kuttupatti, a valley in off-shoot of southern western ghats.
Date/Time- 12-09-2010 / 03:00 PM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPca.400 asl; Dindigul dist; TN
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- wild
Plant Habit-climbing shrub
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- ca.7 X 5cm; retuse tip
Inflorescence Type/ Size-
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- ca.3cm across
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- 2cm across; 

-… may be another species of Argyreia… for A. nervosa, the unmistakable fluffy white (bracts or) calyx is missing …

– another option is A hookeri

To me it appears closer to Argyreia hirsuta Wight & Arn. as per comparative images at Argyreia
Images of Argyreia hookeri at look different:

Thanks a lot, … Than the images by … at Argyreia for identification 050813MK01 will also be of Argyreia pilosa. Pl. confirm.
Also the images by … at ANMAR27/47 Convolvulaceae for identification will be of some other species ? Pl. correct.

Posted images seems to match with type images of Argyreia pilosa at as identified by …
But type image given in GBIF at ville-ge & at looks different.
May I request someone to help in this matter. 

It is not Argyreia pilosa; reasons the young stems/ branchlets are not reddish hirsute; leaf apex is not acute;  flowers not in capitate heads etc.,

To me appears more closer to images at Argyreia hirsuta Wight & Arn. as per comparative images at Argyreia

Yes it appears close to Argyeia hirsuta; sepals should be ovate

I think it may be Argyreia pilosa as per images herein and as per discussions another thread.
Also does not match with high resolution specimen of Argyreia hirsuta at the following:

On further examination, I feel it is more closer to Argyreia pomacea Choisy as per high resolution specimens at GBIF: one, two, three, four and five




References: Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1 (unresolved) IPNI GBIF (with type specimen) Kerala plants  Herbarium JCB – IISc  Flora of Davanagere District, Karnataka, India By B. K. Manjunatha (2004- details)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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