Arisaema murrayi (J.Graham) Hook., Bot. Mag. 74: t. 4388 1848. (Syn: Arum murrayi J.Graham);
Murray’s Cobra Lily • Marathi: पांढरा सापकांदा Pandhra sap-kanda;
white Chiense cobra lily from Balwantgad IN Kasara REGION Taluka SHAHAPUR Dist THANE OF MAHARASHTRA: After sharing Bridals Bouque, churchgate mumbai; ID COURTSEY:
…, I share herewith another beauty of White first saw at slopes and also later roadside of Balwantgad, Name OF FLOWER : Arisaema Candidissimum, common name: WHITE CHINESE COBRA LILY
Color of Flower: White place: Blawantgad(fort), situated at (APPRX. 6KM) Kasara(Nearest railway station and last railway station for Locals of Central Railway from CST,Mumbai) Taluka SHAHAPUR, Dist.: THANE, State: MAHARASHTRA Camera: Digicam -Kodak Date & time: 26th June, 2011 Sunday, noon Id courtsey: Search engine: <> This is Arisaema murrayi. identification no170811sn2: Kindly identify this flora. Is it Arisaema murrayi? (Murrayi’s Cobra Lily)
date/time:july/aug location: mulshi, pune. 3500ft above msl. habitat:wild plant habit:herb height/lenght:about 1ft. Commonly it should actually be called Murray’s Cobra lily and not Murrayi’s !! Thanks for sharing.. This is the type variety of Arisaema murrayi (J. Graham) Hook. This is one of the most beautiful species of Arisaema I have encountered in Western Ghats.
In fact, for me, all the species looks very pretty :-). I myself have collected this species from Lonavala, Sinhagad, Panchgani as well as Mahabaleshwar regions of Maharashtra. This species is in flowering in my garden right now. It is coming well in lower altitudes too..
I am planning a trip to Maharashtra soon this month to collect the var. sonubineae, described by Lakshminarasimhan & Punekar you may be the right man to answer my questions. I live in Central Scotland. I have been trying to grow this from very rare and expensive bulbils for 2 or 3 years now. The bulbils seem to grow, they get leaves and roots I overwintered them with others, utile, ciliatum, Flavum in my garage frost free. In spring however when the others grow, nothing. When I check the pots there’s nothing either, maybe a bit “skin“ is all that’s left of the bulb. This year I put the bulbils in my greenhouse and just recently one has formed a leaf, however there’s not much good weather left.
What temperature range do they like and do you think I should remove them from the soil to overwinter them ? , June, 2013 Beautiful picture … They bloom with the first showers? Thanks … you are right, it probably blooms after first shower. Arisaema murrayi from Matheran MN090713 : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 3 authors.
Seen this Arisaema sp at Matheran forest.
Date : 7th July ’13 Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: Araceae-:: Arisaema murrayi from Lonavala :: PKA6:: : : 3 posts by 3 authors.
Came across this Tuberous herb on the way to Lohagad fort, Lonavala region.
Bot. name: Arisaema murrayi Family: Araceae Date/Time: 20-06-2010 / 07:30AM Location: Lohagad, Lonavala region Habitat: Wild Plant Habit: Herb
Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight::Arisaema murrayi (NSJ-04) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Arisaema murrayi – (Sap Kanda) Photo taken at Mahabaleshwar. AAZ Fortnight :: Araceae :: SMP3 :: Arisaema murraei Mahabaleshwar : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Arisaema murraei Satara, Oct 2014 :: Requesting ID validation – Araceae :: ARKNOV-30 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Requesting to please validate ID of this Araceae member captured near Satara, Maharashtra in October 2014. I think, it is Arisaema dracontium Given the length of the peduncle and the presumed size of the plant I would say it is most likely the infrutescence of murrayi. Arisaema ghaticum occurs in the same area and has a similar shaped infrutescence but is generally smaller in size with a shorter peduncle
Arisaema murrayi—-for sharing and validation : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
DV – 27JUN10 – 0320 :: Arisaema ¿ species ? – efloraofindia | Google Groups Arisaema murrayi var. sonubeniae;
. … two instances of Arisaema murrayi:
While wanting to compile common names for Arisaema murrayi … the basic exercise of settling on the botanical name came to these two instances: 1) … Arisaema murrayi Hooker Hook. ex Blatter … … International Aroid Society 2) … Arisaema murrayi (J.Graham) Hook. … syn.: Arum murrayi J.Graham … …The Plants List Naive query: are these both one and the same ? Yes sir, actually both names are pointing towards the same plant but I believe there is some mistake on both links. Names of Plants in India :: Arisaema murrayi: Arisaema murrayi
[image: Arisaema murrayi (J.Graham) Hook.]<> [image: Flowers of India]<flowersofindia>
[image: Discussions at efloraofindia]<>
[image: more views in flickr]<>
[image: more views on Google Earth]<>
commonly known as: Murray’s cobra lily • Marathi: पांढरा सापकांदा pandhra sap-kanda botanical names: Arisaema murrayi (J.Graham) Hook. … synonym: Arum murrayi J.Graham
murrayi in context of Arisaema murrayi is named for J A Murray, 18th century Swedish student of Linnaeus … that was my belief, until one of my friends, .. corrected me that it would be Dr Murray, much associated with flora of Mahabaleshwar, a contemporary of Graham.
Searching internet for Dr Murray leads to Dr. John Murray (1809-1898), a surgeon with the Bengal Medical Service of East India Company … also was into photography of Mughal architecture in India.
Cannot find any mention that he was present in Western Ghats. Please give some idea about the Dr Murray in whose honour Arisaema murrayi was named. … Genus Murraya was honoured to J A Murray, 18th century Swedish student of Linnaeus air-uh-SEE-muh or air-uh-SAY-muh — name refers to the plant’s resemblance to the arum family and haima (blood); referring to some species bearing red blotches … Dave’s Botanary
mer-RAY-yee — named for Dr. James Murray, Superintendent of Mahabaleshwar (1831 to 1839) … Taiwania 61(1): 58-60, 2016 commonly known as: Murray’s cobra lily, the snake lilly of Mahableshwur • Marathi: पांढरा सापकांदा pandhra sap-kanda botanical names: Arisaema murrayi (J.Graham) Hook … synonyms: Arum murrayi J.Graham … POWO Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Murray’s cobra lily
the snake lilly of Mahableshwur
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
पांढरा सापकांदा pandhra sap-kanda
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at dineshvalke.blogspot
Arisaema murrayi
third week of june 2018, Mahabeleshwar
we saw maybe five or six of these beautiful Arisaemas, growing in clearings on the edges of clumps of bushes and trees Seen on a mountain slope on 25th June in Nasik.
. Lonavala, MH :: Arisaema murrayii :: ARK2021-039: 3 high res. images. Yes ! . References:
Arisaema murrayi
Updated on December 24, 2024