Aristea ecklonii Baker, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 16: 112 1877. (Syn: Aristea cyanea De Wild. [Illegitimate]; Aristea dichotoma Eckl. ex Klatt [Illegitimate]; Aristea lastii Baker; Aristea maitlandii Hutch. [Invalid]; Aristea paniculata Pax; Aristea stipitata R.C.Foster); . Please help to identify this herb, planted in a garden at Kotagiri, TN. Could this be any Amaryllidaceae species?
i think this is ground orchid. This is not an Orchid I hope Possibly any species of Chlorophytum Looks like a member of Iridaceae. This could be Aristea ecklonii Baker (Iridaceae) Bangalore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this plant with blue flowers at Ooty :: 11122013 :: ARK-14 : Attachments (5). 6 posts by 4 authors. Requesting to please ID this plant captured in a cultivated garden in Ooty, Tamil Nadu in November 2013. Seen a similar flower in Sri Lanka. Would like to know the id. Aristea ecklonii of Iridaceae? Thank you … for the ID. Aristea ecklonii : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Aristea ecklonii Eravikulam WLS, Munnar, Kerala, in the Nilgiris First week of October 2018 i thought this was a weedy plant but seems people plant them. we have a page I did see the EFL page and understood that this is not native to India or the Nilgiris but I don’t think it must have been planted at Eravikulam, looked quite wild and at home. it was at the edge of the area beyond which tourists are not allowed to go any further. i wonder what the explanation for this might be. maybe flying seeds, or shoes of tourists or the forest workforce we have a page /species/a—l/i/iridaceae/aristea/aristea-ecklonii on that page are two cases red ink is used to hight area where that particular case was found 1: planted in a garden at Kotagiri, TN. 2: plant captured in a cultivated garden in Ooty, Tamil Nadu in November 2013. 3: Seen a similar flower in Sri Lanka. so it has been around a few years ago since this is self reported by citizen scientists, its random. we would not know its real area of occurrence. i think i had seen seeds to be bought and sold in some african country website. so possibilites are many, for its source. May be started getting naturalised? I suppose you could be right … .
Location: Eden Project, Cornwall, UK Altitude: 60m. Date: 03 April 2022 Habit : Cultivated Iridaceae..???
Yes. . 588 ID wild plant: 9 high res. images. Please ID wild plant, Location: Eravikulam Idukki Kerala INDIA Altitude: 4000fsl Flower date: 13MAY2023, 12.45pm Habitat: wild moisture misty sloppy alpine Plant habit: grass, erect unbranched, weak woody angular stem 06mm base diameter, annual Height: 01.5 feet Leaves: alternate elongated acute fleshy flexible, length: 1.5 feet Flower: terminal spike inflorescence, 06 petals, diameter:02.5cm, violet, fragrant Fruit: capsule green into brown ovoid size:22x4mm Seed: Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x Aristea ecklonii Baker Yes it is Aristea ecklonii, dear … thank you very much for ID my plant . References: |
Aristea ecklonii
Updated on December 24, 2024