Aristolochia ringens Vahl, Symb. Bot. 3: 99 1794. (Syn: Aristolochia globiflora Mutis; Aristolochia grandiflora Vahl; Aristolochia turbacensis Kunth; Howardia ringens (Vahl) Klotzsch); . Gaping Dutchman’s Pipe, pipe vine • Marathi: बदक वेल badak vel; . Aristolochia ringens is a native of Brazil, but now in cultivation throughout tropics. . FROM THE NATURE: 2 correct images as above. Attaching three images. First one is of a Yellowbacked Sunbird (Male), on flower of Rose Apple (Syzygium jambos ). Next image is of a peculiar looking flower (Aristolochia ringens), last image is of capsules of Aristolochia ringens. Aristolochia ringens is a native of Brazil, but now in cultivation throughout tropics. If you are interested in this climber,I am ready to supply you with seeds. Ref 1. The Useful Plants of India ( CSIR ) 2. Some Beautiful Climbers And Shrubs of Indi (Bor and Raizada) 3. Pictorial Guide ( Dr Salim Ali ) 2nd ID REQUEST-( Wardha, Nagpur )-171111VS: Date/Time- 11:30 Noon Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Gram Vigyan Vidyalaya, Wardha, 20* 44′ 39.15″ N – 78* 36′ 09.58″ Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Garden Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Climber Height/Length- Wall of 7′ height supporting the Climber Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Photo attached Inflorescence Type/ Size- Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts- 1.5″ ~ 5..5″/ Light green spotted / Duck Shape Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- No Fragrance Thanks for posting these beautiful photographs. Check this for ” Aristolochia ringens” (Family: Aristolochiaceae). Yes I too think that this is Aristolochia ringens of Aristolochiaceae family Yes, an important food for larvae of swallowtail butterflies. Aristolochia ringens??– 03022014-PKA1 : Attachments (6). 4 posts by 3 authors. While i was trekking from Mel Uluvathi to Muthodi, i got to see this Aristolochia climber. It was spotted in wild at many places in Muthodi- Bhadra WLS. To me it looks like Aristolochia ringens?? Date/Time: 28-01-2014 / 12:55PM Habitat: Wild (in Buffer zone of Bhadra WLS) Habit: Climber Hope fully you are right….. You are right, indeed it is Aristolochia ringens Vahl It is interesting to read the news of the plant getting naturalized, as this is an introduced one and was restricted to garden of a nearby residence. Might be the viable seeds and the rooting mechanism of the climber helped spreading of this plant in the buffer zone.Hope this wont enter the core of Bhadra WLS. Thanks … What surprised me is that, this climber was spotted at many places and not one or two…. It has gelled so well with the surroundings that it actually appears to be native… TSPNOV2015-56: Images of Aristolochia ringens (Aristolochiaceae) : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) It is my pleasure to share few images of Aristolochia ringens (Aristolochiaceae). Though it is said to be native of South America and cultivated across the tropics, I found it in the wild spread sporadically over an area of about 25 sq.kms around Kalasa. It is also known to occur elsewhere in the wild in the ghat forests of the district. Has it naturalised…?? Habit: A vigorous climber. Habitat: Wild, Semi-evergreen forest fringes. Sighting: Kalasa, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl Date: 13-11-2015 Not seen in wild, but seen cultivated. In Marathi called as Badakvel as the flowers appear like duck Found this occur in the wild, growing vigourously in atleast 5 different locations seperated by more than 5kms from each other in Chikmagalur district. Possibly it has naturalised over the years. Yes …, i too had spotted this few years back growing wild near Muthodi region.. ARISTOLOCHIA RINGENS : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) ARISTOLOCHIA RINGENS ( SEEDS ARE AVAILABLE ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Seeds of Aristolochia ringens are available with me. In case you are interested in planting this climber please let me know your Postal address. It will be my pleasure to send those to you. Fwd: FLOWERS IN OUR GARDEN- 3 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of some flowers in our garden at this time of the year. the flowers are Aristolochia ringens, Clerodendrum speciosum, Scefflera actionophylla and Crocosmia sp. Fwd: STORY OF A PLANT ( ARISTOLOCHIA RINGENS ) : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Sometime in 1982 I saw a plant (climber) in front of a tea shop nearer to the bus stand of Pachmarhi. The climber was on a small Cedrela toona(TOON/ MAHANIM). I was attracted to the hanging baskets (capsules, bearing seeds). I wanted to get some of these baskets for my dry arrangements. I asked the shop owner for the same and he denied to give the same to me. He told me that this a medicinal plant and is used as an antidote to snake venom. I asked Subedar S. C Das to collect some baskets for me. He brought some baskets. I found there were seeds in the baskets. At that time I did not know the identity of this plant. I sow the seeds in a pot and in due course they germinated. One of the plant I gave to T I F R ‘s Gamma ray radiation centre. They planted it near a Date palm tree in their campus. In due course that plant was in bloom and I saw the flower for the first time. To me it was out of the world. I did not see a flower like this earlier. Bor and Raizada’s SOME BEAUTIFUL CLIMBERS AND SHRUBS OF INDIA helped me to identify the plant as Aristolochia ringens. Some seeds I gave to an Income tax officer and a plant lover in Kolkata. He planted the seeds and got flowers. People used to visit his place to see the peculiar shape of the flowers of this plant. Some seeds were given to a laboratory assistant at D R L Tezpur. I saw that plant flowering. After I came back to Cooch Behar in 2005, I planted this plant in our garden. It is in full bloom now. Attaching a collage of Capsules and flowers of this plant. Fwd: JOURNEY ( ARISTOLOCHIA RINGENS ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Aristolochia ringens. (DUTCHMAN’S PIPE / HANS-LATA)
A description of Aristolochia elegans informs, “… The leaves are alternately arranged and borne on stalks (i.e. petioles) 15-50 mm long. At the base of each leaf stalk there is a small leafy structure (i.e. pseudo-stipule) that is ear-shaped (i.e. auriculate). The leaf blades are broad and somewhat heart-shaped (i.e. cordate), kidney-shaped (i.e. reniform) or slightly triangular in appearance (3-10 cm long and 3-12 cm wide). They are hairless (i.e. glabrous) and have entire margins. The upper leaf surfaces are bright green in colour, while the undersides are paler (i.e. discolorous) and slightlyglaucous (i.e. bluish-green). …..” – Aristolochia elegans is a synonym of A. littoralis – A picture of the above – Keys available at Flora of Pakistan – Keys available at Flora of China – I think it is Aristolochia elegans, but i would ask … to provide us details of this plant, if available. i think it is not Aristolochia elegans photo. thank you for such wonderful information. I think , the pics I have uploaded in the group is Aristolochia elegans . Is it toxic ?? i think it is not Aristolochia elegans photo. this is Aristolochia species. it may be Aristolochia ringens. without flower it is difficult to say upto species level. but I am sure that it is not Aristolochia elegans because leave tips of Aristolochia elegans is obtuse. Found some herbarium and pictures of Aristolochia – Aristolochia ringens :
Aristolochia littoalis : Aristolochia elegans : Yes, It must be A. ringens. Yes, …, leaf shape suggests so, but leaf apex is still not clear to me, both species shows variable apex as per images available in the net. Here we are seeing only few leaves out of hundreds and it cant be anything other than A. ringens. Otherwise we need to wait until we get the flowers that are conclusive. Okay, …, it cannot be A. elegans. thank you sirs, I have visited the place for the flower. there is no flower found & the plant is young , I think. I’ll take more pics of some matured leaves & flower if available. Aristolochia ringens has been reported from Kalyani – and there is an album of this plant at picasa A description is available at and at I have two photos of this plant (at Go Green Nursery, New Panvel, 24 JUN 07) ya … both photographs are A ringens. but elegans leaves are smaller than A ringen Aristolochia ringens :: Vythiri, Wayanad :: 13 NOV 19 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 7 images. … at a resort in Vythiri, Wayanad Date: November 13, 2019 … Altitude: about 700 m (2,300 ft) asl Aristolochia ringens Vahl classifying Aristolochia is tricky for me from pictures. your set of pictures is very nice. i love the opened capsules. spectacular .
Thanks a lot, …, for coming back. eFloraofindia is not for taxonomy but also a depository of all sorts of artistic forms on plants, which members may like to send. It adds value to the site. So pl. send as many black and white images as possible. I would try to put thumbnails of them on the website, to show a different perspective. Appreciating the beauty of nature is much more important than rote learning. Unfortunately our students do badly because our teachers teach them solely with the aim of passing exams. They obtain 99 percentile rank while remaining strangers to the subject.
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Aristolochia ringens
Updated on December 24, 2024