Aristolochia trilobata L., Sp. Pl. 960 1753. (syn: Aristolochia caracasana Spreng.; Aristolochia trifida Lam.; Aristolochia triloba Salisb.; Passiflora caloneura Kurz (Unresolved)); Dutchman’s Pipe;
Aristolochia Littoralis : Attachments (1). 5 posts by 5 authors. Well i had already posted one image of the single flower which was ided by … Now see the difference!. This is from the Orchid Resort Kalimpong -March 09 These look like Nepenthes sp. {Pitcher Plants]. Please check. Lovely pix of Pitcher plants, … To know more about them, here is link : Here is the earlier link of the postings by you, in which it was identified as an Aristolochia species However, it doesn’t seem to match with pictures of Aristolochia littoralis at link This may be Aristolochia trilobata– pl. check. Do these flowers catch insects? |
Aristolochia trilobata (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024