Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm.) A.DC., Prodr. 10: 94 1846. (syn. Anchusa asperrima Delile; Anchusa hispidissima Sieber ex A.DC.; Arnebia asperrima (Delile) Hutch. & Dalziel; Arnebia lutea (A.Rich.) Armari; Arnebiola migiurtina Chiov.; Dioclea hispidissima Spreng.; Echioides asperrimum (Delile) Rothm.; Lithospermum hispidissimum Sieber ex Lehm.; Lithospermum vestitum Wall. (Unresolved); Lithospermum villosum G.Don ex A.DC. (Unresolved); Strobila hispidissima G.Don (Unresolved); Toxostigma luteum A.Rich. (Unresolved));
This is a sand loving plant, I kept searching for it for years… Got it in Yamunanagar, Haryana.. Arnebia hispidissima.. Arnebia hispidissima : Boraginaceae : Oman : 09FEB17 : AK-17 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) Wonderful pics, and a hint to the image posted by … plant from Haryana : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) please help me identify this plant. i am very sorry the photo is not that clear though. it is clicked from a mobile. the plant has been clicked from Sirsa district in Haryana. any hint….? Not clear. Acanthaceae? Pl. send the original high resolution/ original image of this photo. This is just a guess as the picture is not very clear. There is a similar looking plant Arnebia hispidissima, from family Boraginaceae, found in Oman I think … have given the most suitable hint, with the given image. Yes, … id appears to be correct as per Thanks … I had identified it from Hanne & Jens Eriksen’s site
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Arnebia hispidissima
Updated on December 24, 2024