Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr., Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 6: 270 (1910). . Synonyms: Bletia graminifolia D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal.: 29 (1825). Arundina bambusifolia Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 125 (1831), nom. illeg. Cymbidium bambusifolium Roxb., Fl. Ind. ed. 1832, 3: 460 (1832). Ophrys arundinacea Noronha, Verh. Batav. Genootsch. Kunsten 5(4): 21 (1790), nom. inval. Arundina chinensis Blume, Bijdr.: 402 (1825). Arundina speciosa Blume, Bijdr.: 401 (1825). Arundina minor Lindl., Gen. Sp. Orchid. Pl.: 125 (1831). Arundina densa Lindl., Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 28(Misc.): 25 (1842). Cymbidium meyenii Schauer, Nov. Actorum Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. Nat. Cur. 19(Suppl. 1): 433 (1843). Arundina affinis Griff., Not. Pl. Asiat. 3: 330 (1851). Arundina meyenii (Schauer) Rchb.f., Linnaea 25: 227 (1852). Arundina philippii Rchb.f., Linnaea 25: 227 (1852). Arundina pulchella Teijsm. & Binn., Ned. Kruidk. Arch. 3: 400 (1855). Cymbidium speciosum Reinw. ex Lindl., J. Proc. Linn. Soc., Bot. 3: 23 (1858). Arundina pulchra Miq., J. Bot. Néerl. 1: 90 (1861). Arundina densiflora Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 851 (1890). Arundina revoluta Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 858 (1890). Limodorum graminifolium Buch.-Ham. ex Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 857 (1890), pro syn. Arundina sanderiana Kraenzl., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 17: 483 (1893). Arundina speciosa var. sarasinorum Schltr., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 21: 143 (1925). Arundina stenopetala Gagnep., Bull. Soc. Bot. France 79: 32 (1932). Arundina maculata J.J.Sm., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 65: 467 (1933). Arundina chinensis var. major S.Y.Hu, Quart. J. Taiwan Mus. 25: 54 (1972). Arundina graminifolia var. chinensis (Blume) S.S.Ying, Col. Ill. Indig. Orch. Taiwan 1(2): 51 (1977). Arundina graminifolia var. revoluta (Hook.f.) A.L.Lamb in C.L.Chan. & al., Orchids Borneo 1: 66 (1994). . Tropical & Subtropical Asia: Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Maluku, Myanmar, Nansei-shoto, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Taiwan, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam; Introduced into: Costa Rica, Fiji, Hawaii, Jamaica, Leeward Is., Marianas, Mauritius, New Guinea, Panamá, Puerto Rico, Réunion, Samoa, Society Is., Solomon Is. as per POWO; . Common name: Bamboo Orchid, Bird Orchid • Manipuri: ꯀꯣꯡꯌꯥꯝꯕꯥ ꯂꯩ Kongyamba lei, ꯀꯣꯡꯌꯥꯟꯕꯥ ꯂꯩ Kongyanba lei • Mizo: Le-len • Nepali: गाभा Gaabhaa .
Location: Kalimpong, WB, India Date: 16 November 2019 Elevation: 1350m. Habitat: Cultivated Nice, Arundina graminifolia. Nice to see the seed pods… thanks … for sharing nice pics CoL listed 3 accepted sp. : Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr., Arundina graminifolia subsp. caespitosa (Aver.) H.A.Pedersen & Schuit. Orchids of India book listed 2 sp.: A. graminifolia var. graminifolia and A.graminifolia var revoluta. CoL says Arundina graminifolia var. revoluta (Hook.f.) A.L.Lamb is Syn. of Arundina graminifolia subsp. caespitosa (Aver.) H.A.Pedersen & Schuit.. The fruiting image looks matches with A. graminifolia var. graminifolia from the Orchids of India book. Can some expert put light on this ? There are only two as per Catalogue of life as Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr. means Arundina graminifolia subsp. graminifolia only, with wide spread distribution in India as per distribution. Pl. also see POWO. While Arundina graminifolia subsp. caespitosa (Aver.) H.A.Pedersen & Schuit. is only reported from Assam in India. Pl. also see POWO. Yes …I have gone through all these. I sent for clarification since we mostly follow CoL, and recent book Orchids of India from BSI listed two as in my earlier mail. ! . Arundina graminifolia : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr from Meghalaya KD 16 Nov : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) Attached images are Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr (Bomboo orchid) Date :27.10.2014 Location: Kamrup district Family : Orchidaceae Genus& species : Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr Habitat: Terrestrial Habit : Heb A beautiful find … thanks for sharing.. I got this growing near Jalpaigudi.. This is not a fruit – but still. I am curious about this plant. I photographed it on the path down to the hanging bridge over the Kunti river in Silent Valley Kerala on 28 August 2009. The second picture shows the watery rock where it was growing. Pitcher Plants 1: – Atleast you have seen them in wild, you are lucky… Flowering plant – 13Jul11AR01 from Silent Valley: Location- Place, Altitude, GPS- Silent Valley, Kerala Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-, Hill Garden P lant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Height/Length-approx – 2-3 feet, Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Shape –Alternate Inflorescence Type/ Size- Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts-8cms approx, Hopefully yes, Arundina graminifolia… May I see the picture of complete plant please…. Dr. Sathish’s description of the species says the flowers of the South Indian variety are a dark colour and do not open completely. I think this fits the description. This is Arundina graminifolia from his garden at TBGRI 🙂 This is the only picture I snapped. A better resolution photograph of the same flower is attached, if it could be of any help. The plant leaf description in wiki link do agree. The Arundina graminifolia orchid bloom pictures in Google searches though magnificent, appear to be strange – unbelievable transformation – from bud to showy Orchid. I think this is Arundina graminifolia of Orchidaceae family. Yes sir, it looks the same. Arundina graminifolia (D. Don) Hochreutiner from Assam: Arundina graminafolia flowering in Arunachal and Meghalya -Propably not in Assam, as it requies high altitude to flower natural habitat and not in natural condition in Assam Yes sir, it is a high altitude Orchid and not commonly found in Assam, but I can observed it in Karb- Anglong, Assam and Meghalaya border area (not common) alt- aprox. 900-1200 m. Msl. I agree with … Arundina graminafolia, or bamboo orchid (due its bamboo like appearance) is native orchid of Assam too. It is flowering wild (It flowers almost round the year) in the reserve forest of western Assam, adjacent to Bhutan Hills. Prefer sandy moist areas around the forest streams with full light. I think there need thorough discussion on the distribution of orchid flora in Assam. Orchidaceae :: Fortnight :: Arundina graminifolia : JS03 : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 6 authors. Very handsome orchid. Orchidaceae Fortnight: Is it Coelogyne ? SS_04 : Attachments (1). 2 posts by 2 authors. Please identify this species This is Arundina graminifolia. Thanks for sharing. Flowering now a days in Hong Kong too.
Orchidaceae Fortnight: Is it Coelogyne ? SS_05 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors. Please identify this species This is again Arundina graminifolia. ORCHIDACEAE Juss. Fortnight: Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr. from Hong Kong, PKS-90 : Attachments (3). 6 posts by 5 authors. Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr., Bull. New York Bot. Gard. 6: 270 (1910). Synonyms: ……………………………… Distribution: Trop. & Subtrop. Asia As always, very beautiful pics… thanks … Occurrence of this orchid in Uttarakhand is doubtful and reported as cultivated. Wish to see it in nature. Beautiful orchid and beautiful shots. Yes I also think that this plant was never really recorded from Uttarakhand. My plant is from Hong Kong. Fwd: Bamboo orchid from Nagaland : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors. Please validate this orchid from Nagaland. Yes Arundina graminifolia. Sikkim WB tour : Bamboo orchid : Arundina graminifolia : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). This gorgeous orchid called Arundina graminifolia is another superb find of tour tour tell me what more one can ask for … I can still feel that happiness in my heart.. those colors ! that tenderness !! i love orchids sooo much hope u will also enjoy I saw this orchid at Namdapha growing wild Orchids from Sikkim-Darjeeling Tour- Arundina graminifolia from WB:: NS July 07 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (6). This “Bamboo Orchid“, the tall and majestic one, was shot from way to Kalimpong from Siliguri.. Arundina graminifolia… Yes this is Arundina graminifolia. Beautiful pics…. Malaysia – Wild Orchid for Bot. ID – 310714 – RK – 2 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). Looks like Arundina graminifolia Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr. This is Arundia graminifolia
My Flora Picture of the Year 2014 : 12 posts by 12 authors. Attachments (2) This is quite difficult for anyone to choose a single out of numerous shots, each recorded with equal interest and dedication, and same is true for me.. The year 2014 brought a lot of opportunities for me to go out and record the plant sightings, starting in February 2014 when I got my much awaited tiny orchid, Zeuxine streumatica from Morni Hills…we visited Chakrata in April and again Morni Hills in October.. But my most memorable tour was Kalimpong-Pelling-Darjeeling Tour in May 2014 with …, a die hard lover of orchids. There are so many things to tell about the tour, the professionalism of the hotel owners, cab owners and everyone out there, during the time which they call the “peak tourist season”- abhi to kamana hai. The cab people are so professionals..they charged whatever they wished, still they tried to travel non-stop..we had to quarrel with almost all the drivers that we are paying a good amount, and we will stop wherever we see any new plant, our sole aim to come here from far away places is to observe plants, but we never succeeded in telling them that we are not tourists.. On the first day, while going from Siliguri to Kalimpong, I observed a large number of tall plants among the grasses, which I immediately took as orchids, but being in a bus I could not get down to see or record them.. During all our days of stay there, we didn’t get this orchid anywhere…Smita Ji was desperate to get it but I told her that bamboo orchid was not on any of our usual routes..we have to plan a special visit to that area..what, if I am wrong in id or in relocating the plant, in that case we will waste money and a valuable day, still we decided to go for it.. On the day of my back journey, we planned a visit from Darjeeling to Siliguri from indirect route (not the smallest) which will connect with the same road going from Siliguri to Kalimpong at the Teesta Bridge..this was sheer luck that we got few individuals of the bamboo orchid growing towards this part of the road and I realized that the sizeable number which I had seen during up journey was actually after Teesta Bridge towards Kalimpong and not this side.. On sight of this orchid, … was so excited that she dropped the lens cover of her camera, not to be found again, but we were very happy to be successful in the end.. I hope the attached picture qualifies for being my FLORA PICTURE OF THE YEAR 2014.. Beautiful picture and interesting story, … Thanks … for excellent photograph and write up. Your picture and map reminded me of our College excursion trip to Darjeeling, Sikkim and Kalimpong in 2002. We just arrived in Kalimpong, were taking our lunch when market suddenly started closing, and we were informed that a local leader has been murdered, and there would be hartal possibly for several weeks. We rushed back to hotel, and as we had to take train back from Jalpaiguri, more more than 30 students. We explored all avenues, including police help, who flatly refused to help. Finally we declare SOS to our students and luckily one student had army commandant as relative. He arranged an army truck with escorts which carried us safely next morning to enable us to catch train in time. Real desire to explore our flora. Thanks, … We still need some one who can bring unique Flora of Sikkim to us. you great .. both in the trips and at home base … Beauutiful picture ..yeah i was so excited to see such a gorgeous orchid i love it it was memorable trip we will visit Sikkim again Thanks …, for the nice coverage and the picture. The kalimpong, pelling, darjiling area is very good for flower hunting especially in April-May. I visited these places in 2009 April. Especially at SIkkim lot of orchids could be seen. Almost every house has few pots with colourful flowers. Excellent write up and superb photograph. Really beautiful.. Yes …!! Reading through all that went into getting to that orchid fully qualifies it to be your flora picture of the year. Indeed it is difficult to choose a flora pic from the several we collected during the year – the prized one could be for so many reasons … has to be the most wanted OR the least expected … is found only on a treacherous route … supposedly a rare occurrence OR very common one that has eluded us always … Eastern Himalaya is the richest region to see orchids in the Himalaya and Sikkim is probably best place. But a desire to see and walk through the woods is required to experience these jewels of nature in their native land. Only an ardent like you can do so. The picture is simply superb. Very nice write up. Reminded me of my visit to Darjeeling ARUNDINA GRAMINIFOLIA ( SYN. ARUNDINA BAMBUSIFOLIA ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Arundina graminifolia (BAMBOO ORCHID). MS Oct.,2016/21 Arundina graminifolia : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Location :Near Lengpui village, Mizoram Altitude : ca 300 m. Date : 28/11/2012 Habit : Large terrestrial orchid, up to 2,5 m. tall Habitat : Wild Yes! Nice and big Arundina graminifolia with fruits. Thanks a lot for sharing. Myanmar Orchid No. 2 : 10 posts by 4 authors. 1 image. Arundina graminifolia pour confirmation Photo taken on the 22-10-2016 altitude 1370met. In Maing Thauk, Shan State, Myanmar Having seen this orchid, I think the id is correct as Arundina graminifolia… Can you please tell me the habitat and size of flower? This can be either Arundina graminifolia or A. cespitosa!! Concerning the plant: – On the heights around Lake Inlé (altitude: 1300-1400m) – It is not in the forest but the flower was rather in the shade in the grass. – size taken at 70mm / focusing 47cm. I would say that the size of the flower is 10-12 cm By size of the flower it means from the top of the dorsal sepal to the end of the labellum. In the “A Checklist of the Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, and Climbers of Myanmar / Contributions from the United States National Herbarium” there is only Arundina graminifolia, A. cespitosa is not cited. Then this should be Arundina graminifolia. Arundina graminifolia var. alba FOR VALIDATION :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 05 MAY 18 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 2 images. Dattaji Salvi Udyan Thane Date: May 5, 2018 … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl Arundina graminifolia var. alba Arundina graminifolia. Thank you very much … for the validation; I will label my pictures as Arundina graminifolia, and drop the var. alba from the name. Arundina graminifolia (ORCHIDACEAE) from Hong Kong : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Arundina graminifolia from todays (8.9.18) hike in Hong Kong. one flower + two insects. wonderful. can a spider be ever a pollinator? i wonder So far spider has not been reported as pollinator. Spiders do sit on flower, waiting for the real pollinators or other insects that visit the flower. Very common thing to see. aha, predator, not pollinator Very Nice … Never had opportunity to come across white variety. Location : Sentosa , Singapore Date : 18 October 2012 Altitude 131 m. Habit : Cultivated Arundina graminifolia.
Reminder for ID-01032010SC3 – efloraofindia | Google Groups Request for ID – efloraofindia | Google Groups Flower for ID from Sikkim SK004 – indiantreepix | Google Groups Orchids from Arunachal Pradesh – indiantreepix | Google Groups a bamboo orchid – indiantreepix | Google Groups . Arundina graminifolia from Hong Kong : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Habenaria graminifolia from Hong Kong . Arundina graminifolia: 4 images. Arundina graminifolia shot at Jitpur Phedi on the way to Kakani , Nepal on 28 July 2016 at 4800 ft. CoL listed 3 accepted sp. : Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr., Arundina graminifolia subsp. caespitosa (Aver.) H.A.Pedersen & Schuit. Orchids of India listred 2 sp.: A. graminifolia var. graminifolia and A.graminifolia var revoluta. CoL says Arundina graminifolia var. revoluta (Hook.f.) A.L.Lamb is Syn. of Arundina graminifolia subsp. caespitosa (Aver.) H.A.Pedersen & Schuit.. Nepali Name : गाभा Gaabhaa . 556 ID wild Orchid: 15 high res. images. Please ID wild Orchid, Location: bloomed near Vannappuram Thodupuzha Idukki Kerala INDIA Altitude: 1500fsl Flower date: 25JUN2023, 03.40pm Habitat: wild moisture rock outcrop misty sloppy windy alpine Plant habit: lithophyte Orchid, erect branches, semi hard cylindrical smooth glabrous ringed yellow stem 02cm base diameter, perennial Height: 04 feet Leaves: alternate elongated acute simple smooth flexible glossy wavy, size upto: 20×2.5cm Flower: axillary spike inflorescence, diameter:06cm, pink, non fragrant Fruit: capsule green into brown ovoid ridges pendulous size: 05x01cm Seed: Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr. Yes, it is Arundina graminifolia dear …, thank you very much for ID my Orchid Please check this For anyone who might be interested. . References: POWO |
Arundina graminifolia
Updated on December 24, 2024