Asplenium phyllitidis D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 7 1825. (syn: Neottopteris phyllitidis (D. Don) J. Sm.); . India to S. China and N. Indo-ChinaIndia to S. China and N. Indo-China: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicobar Is., Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO; . Epiphytes with erect rhizome, 6 x 5 cm. Scales 8-12 x 2-4 mm, lanceolate, acuminate, fimbriate. Fronds 50-60 x 6-8 cm, simple; stipe 4-5 cm, stout; lamina dark green, coriaceous, narrowly oblanceolate, acute, midrib indistinct above, raised below; veins usually forked once near the mid rib, straight, slightly ascending, uniting close to the margin. Sori 2-2.5 cm long, on alternative veinlets. Sporangial capsule 337.5 x 287.5 µm, subglobose, stalk 625 µm long. Spores 50 x 40 µm, black, planoconvex, monolete, with thickly folded laciniate perispore. Request ID of this garden Fern – 07/05/2015 : 22 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4) I think it is stag horn fern-Platycerium bifurcatum. your spores dx is correct AND fungus is really a bunched up colony/web of what i think is spider mites, emerging, look to the right end of the web, one is emerging I would say this is Asplenium nidus, some how deformed !! … you are right about this being a bird’s nest fern and NOT a staghorn fern. I have seen those bifurcated ends variants of staghorn fern (they even have similar variants for the boston fern, i even bought one) for the last three or four years in the horticulture garden shows in the winter, brought in by the growers who come from Siliguri, Darjeeling and Assam == but my question was about the critters in picture 4 , last pic. do you know what they might be? looking forward to your thoughts They are mealybugs. Oh, I thought mealy bugs were ussually white.. and I have a question about this one in th cirle its longish, almost translucent… what is it? Juveniles…. 🙂 yes. after i had asked the question. did some life cycle images and found it. amazing. Any home-made or organic remedy? I had mealy bugs growing profusely on the underside of my potted Ficus Triangularis leaves. All I do is to spray [strong spray] the plant everyday – specially under the leaves. My bldng gardener’s very down-to -earth advice – It works beautifully 🙂 … Sorry, forgot to mention – spray with plain water. Good good. Yes we also remove it manually as we don’t use any inorganic chemicals in our garden. I don’t know but even neem extract or may be eucalyptus oil should work!! My staffs say they do it manually. It’s the best way. They also use Biokill. I use dishwashing detergent liquid 1/4 teaspoon to a liter of water and spray it and then wash off with full speed garden hose. it also washes away the “dew” dropped by the bugs. I have in the past added neem oil, did not do comparison research with soap or soap and neem oil, so dont know if it did any wonders. or if plant is in the in the house/balcony bring it under the cold shower put it in a large plastic tub to take up the mud so it does not get splashed all over the BR floor. works and sometimes I just trim away the plant branches that are highly infested and throw in garbage, let the critters be happy in the garbage dump. Thanks everyone for your advice, I will try with the spray first with some detergent…. its a birds’ nest fern, making spores = healthy part of its life history and infected= deformed (mealy bugs drink up the nutritional juice, sap) and invite other infections … hence looks a bit weird I thought we had this solved and … gave the binomial too It’s a rather splendid cristate cultivar of Asplenium phylltidis. It probably has a cv. name in Japan or somewhere, but I wonder what its first country of origin was. Knowing that (or checking if the spores bear long spines) would decide between the two subspecies (or species) subsp. phyllitidis or subsp. malesicum.
Asplenium phyllitidis
Updated on December 24, 2024