Astragalus grahamianus


Astragalus grahamianus Royle ex Benth. in Royle, Illustr.Bot.Himal. Mount. 199. 1835
syn: Astragalus cicerifolius Royle ex Fischer; Astragalus daltonianus Bunge
Low shrub with suberect to procumbent subglabrous branches, covered with crowded spines representing persistent rachis up to 7 cm long; leaves pinnate compound; leaflets 8-14, 4-7 mm long, glabrous above, pubescent beneath; flowers yellow, usually two together in leaf axils; calyx 11-15 mm long, hairy with 3-4 mm long teeth; standard nearly twice as long as calyx, longer than wings; pod nearly 2 cm long, appressed hairy, turgid.
Photographed from near Kud in J & K

I feel that the attached plant from Gulmarg, Kashmir fits more appropriately with Astragalus grahamianus, although I had labelled both Kud plant and Gulmarg plant as same species. It appears the Kud plant fits more with A. candolleanus in general profile although the number of leaflets are fewer and flowers don’t occur in dense clusters. Please give your opinion. Attachments (3)

I feel closer to images at Astragalus grahamianus Benth. only.


Astragalus grahamianus Royle ex Benth. in Royle, Illustr.Bot.Himal. Mount. 199. 1835
syn: Astragalus cicerifolius Royle ex Fischer; Astragalus daltonianus Bunge
Low shrub with suberect to procumbent subglabrous branches, covered with crowded spines representing persistent rachis up to 7 cm long; leaves pinnate compound; leaflets 8-14, 4-7 mm long, glabrous above, pubescent beneath; flowers yellow, usually two together in leaf axils; calyx 11-15 mm long, hairy with 3-4 mm long teeth; standard nearly twice as long as calyx, longer than wings; pod nearly 2 cm long, appressed hairy, turgid.
Photographed from near Kud in J & K

I feel that the attached plant from Gulmarg, Kashmir fits more appropriately with Astragalus grahamianus, although I had labelled both Kud plant and Gulmarg plant as same species. It appears the Kud plant fits more with A. candolleanus in general profile although the number of leaflets are fewer and flowers don’t occur in dense clusters. Please give your opinion. Attachments (3)

I feel closer to images at Astragalus grahamianus Benth. only.


Astragalus grahamianus : Kashmir : 20DEC16 : AK-40 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Seen while going to Sonamarg in the last week of April. Identified by …
Missed posting these earlier.


Astragalus Species : Doodhpathri, Kashmir : 21DEC16 : AK-41 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Astragalus Species seen in Doodhpathri on 27/4/16.
Astragalus grahamianus or something else?

… had identified this as Astragalus grahamianus earlier.
Thank you …

Unidentified plant , Chaka kanda , Himachal, June -2017- 2 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Please identify this plant found on slopes, generally observed  in farms or occasionally on roadside.

It is some Astragalus species. Kindly provide the place and month of the photograph.

Loc- was Chaka Kanda, June -2017. Also observed near Rakchham village.

Is it in Kinnaur?

Yes …! Chaka kanda is exact opposite mountain range to mt Kinner-Kailash in Kalpa.

Thanks, … May I request you to pl. size larger size images or original images as I am finding difficulty in seeing the sepals.
These images appear close to images at Astragalus grahamianus Benth., based on the existing details I can observe

Thank you I ll post Close ups as well


Astragalus grahamianus from Kashmir-GS24062022-3: 5 very high res.
Astragalus grahamianus Royle ex Benth. in Royle, Illustr.Bot.Himal. Mount. 199. 1835 syn: Astragalus cicerifolius Royle ex Fischer; Astragalus daltonianus Bunge
Photographed from Gulmarg, Kashmir, 8-6-2012


ID please 120223WZ3: 1 high res. images.
Location Kishtwar

Pl. check
Pl. mention the date of photos in future posts.

I think yes.


J&K, Tangmarg, April 2023 :: Astragalus for ID :: ARK2023-007: 4 high res. jpg images.|
This small shrub was captured at Tangmarg, J&K in April 2023.
Is this some Astragalus? Astragalus grahamianus?
Requested to please ID

Please check Astragalus grahamianus Benth. !

Yes Astragalus grahamianus, common in valley.

Astragalus grahamianus
Locally known as Draabi kaeind

Yes, appears close to images at



Updated on December 24, 2024

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