Astragalus himalayanus ?

Astragalus himalayanus ?;

Fwd: Astragalus ??himalayanus : 1 post by 1 author.

I have 5 images taken by Krishan Lal, clearly of two separate plants – no locations provided (though would have been somewhere in H.P.) both identified as A.himalayanus -presumably by an expert in the genus.
However, to my eye they clearly belong to separate species. 
I consider it would only ADD to the confusion within this genus to post them at this stage, so have decided NOT to.
As I have explained, this is a very large and difficult genus identification-wise.
It would take a long time to scrutinise the whole genus for the Himalaya.  At present I am not in a position to do so.   Hopefully, at some stage in the future, I will be able to comment meaningfully about these images and then post them.
Sometimes it is better NOT to complicate the situation by adding highly speculative identifications. 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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