Atalantia monophylla

Atalantia monophylla DC., Prodr. 1: 535 1824. (Syn. Atalantia floribunda Wight; Atalantia malabarica (Raf.) Yu.Tanaka; Atalantia puberula Miq.; Atalantia spinosa (Willd.) Yu.Tanaka [Illegitimate]; Limonia monophylla Roxb.; Limonia spinosa (Willd.) Spreng.; Malnerega malabarica Raf.; Merope spinosa (Willd.) M. Roem.; Sclerostylis spinosa (Willd.) Bl.; Trichilia spinosa Willd.);
India (Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil
Nadu, Kerala), Andaman Isl., Sri Lanka, Myanmar [Burma],
Thailand, Vietnam,
Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh
as per Catalogue of Life
Atalantia monophylla (L.) DC., Prodr. 1:535. 1824, nom. cons. (syn: (≡) Limonia monophylla L. (basionym)) as per GRIN ;

For differences & keys between A. racemosa, A. monophyla and A. wightii,, pl. see Flora of Peninsular India
For differences & keys between A. racemosa and A. monophylla, pl. see Flora of Peninsular India & An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995)
For differences & keys between A. racemosa and A. wightii, pl. see Biotik links at Atalantia racemosa Wt. & Atalantia wightii Tanaka.

Common name: Indian Atalantia, Nilgiri Atalantia,Wild Orange, Wild lime tree • Kannada: Adavi limbe, Adavi nimbe • Malayalam: Katnaranjee, Kattukurunnu, Kattukurunta, • Marathi: माकड़लिम्बु Maakadlimbu, मकड़लिम्बु Makadlimbu • Mizo: Ramser • Sanskrit: Atavi-jambira • Tamil: Anakamitam, Iyachakurinji, • Telugu: Adavi nimma, Adavimunugudu  

Date/Time : 1st of December, 2009/ 1.27 pm
Location Place : Pratapgadh, Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra
… Altitude :  … GPS : …
Habitat : Wild … Type :
Plant Habit : tree … Height : medium … Length :  … 
Flowers Size : about 1 cm … Colour : white … Calyx :  … Bracts : 
Fruits Type :not present when picture was taken  … Shape :  … Size :  … Seeds : 
Found growing wild at the base of Pratapgadh.
Some Atalantia species?

.. A member of Family Rutaceae..
May be an Atlantia..?

Its not ALTANTIA.., But ATLANTIA. (Like Atlantia monophylla). please verify …  

I agree a member of Rutaceae.

But Altantia ? Is there a genus ?

I hope the plant is the attached photo is Atalantia buxifolia (Poiret) Oliver ex Bentham, Fl. Hongk. 51. 1861. because of the unique notch at the tip of the leaf which absent in A monophylla commonly found in India.

This tree is Atalantia monophylla (L.) Correa, as the retuse tip and the leaf shape confirms. 
…, Presence of unique leaf notch is the characteristic feature of Atalantia monophylla (L.) Correa.

I Agree with …
The plant is definitely Atalantia monophylla (L.) Correa.

The key character for A. monophylla of calyx irregularly lobed and split to the base on one side can not be seen in the picture. Flowers are not seen crowded in axillary fascicles, they are in racemes. Leaves are not bright green. I hence feel that the plant (with the limited info available) can be said to be A. racemosa Wight. I have been searching for A. monophylla in W. ghats for last several years but have not found one as yet. I would be keen to see myself if some one can show.

I have seen some Atalantia monophylla in the southern part of Western Ghats. i.e. areas closer to Nilgiris. The locations were relatively mid-altitudes.

A. monophyla 




Sorry I couldn’t attach my images while replying to the Atalantia discussion. So sending my comments to you. Please attach it to the discussion.

All species of Atalantia except A. missionis have emarginate or retuse leaves. In racemosa and monophylla the filaments are fused to form a tube or a cup as seen the picture. However monophylla has much shorter cymes and not as long as seen here in the posted picture. Therefore this one should be A. racemosa. I am attaching my pictures of what I have identified as A. monophylla from wet evergreen forests close to Karnataka- Kerala border.
Also attaching another species of Atalantia which I photographed in a dry scrub habitat near Kollegal. This one has pubescent inflorescence and petioles. Cant identify what it is.

Another attachment from … as indicated in his reply.


Rutaceae Week: Atalantia monophylla: Submitting pics from an old file:
Tree was labelled Atalantia monophylla (Roxb)-DC
when I spotted it it was past the flowering season…
tree trunk, leaves and one fruit… from Kolkata Botanical Garden (before the name change)
The fruit upon rubbing the skin smelled somewhat citrussy… was hoping to see it again in two weeks … in its ripening state… but return visit was a disappointment… no fruit …


Rutaceae Week : Atalantia wightii : Mumbai : AK: Picture of Atalantia wightii taken on the 24th of Oct,2007 at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai.

Another picture taken same time is on flowersofindia site identified as above.
Common name Nilgiri Atalantia,Wild Orange.
Kindly validate.

leaves and the tree? do you have pics?

Is there a way to difrentiate between A wightii and A monophylla?

This was a small potted plant.
Had taken only two pictures….one of them is on flowersofindia site.
There is a tree in the plant nursery as well.
I am eager to take more pictures…but missing out the flowering during my visits to Jijamata Udyan.
Hope to catch it sometime.

it the tree pic is of the plant opposite to the office, then this is Atalantia monophylla. … in your pic one of the calyx which is visible seems to be split to the base, which is diagnostic character for A. monophylla.

good point.. but I am not sure I see the split calyx, am I missing it? where in the pic is it?

i am attaching a pic with black square which at first i thought it as split calyx; but i feel thats not the case. however, it is still Atalantia monophylla, as the stamens are combined to forma tube and the flowers are in terminal contracted cymes. (Cooke flora 1: 187)

if this is Atalantia monophylla, then I have flowers to see in this thread to go with my pictures of the tree trunk, leaves and ONE fruit- efi thread .. not seen it in flowering stage… missed it somehow…

This was a small potted plant in the plant nursery.
Thanks for the id.
There is another medium sized tree at the corner inside the nursery, overlooking the huge circle with plants inside.

May I request you to pl. post high resolution images to correctly determine this plant.
Currently it was identified as Atalantia monophylla by …, but it appears as Atalantia wightii in the FOI site.  



Here is the original image.

In my first digital camera, the pictures taken were not of very high resolution.
Attachments (1) – 879 kb.

Thanks, …
Is this the same image as at Atalantia wightii in FOI

Yes, both the images were taken on the same day.
My Rutaceae from Lalbagh is also Atalantia monophylla only as identified by …

Ok, … Needs to be corrected in FOI site.

Yes this looks like A. monophylla. I must have incorrectly identified it as A. wightii on FOI site. 

it is Atlantia monophylla.
i have observed it at Institute of Science, Mumbai garden.


25072017BHAR3 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
Found in VANDALUR hills. Chennai.

Atalantia monophylla (Rutaceae) it seems

It is Atlantia monophylla of Rutaceae

Looks like Atalantia monophylla from Rutaceae

u had once written on this group that u wud like to know about the tree of Atlantia monophylla (Syn. A. acidissia). Family : Rutaceae
This tree is in Rani Bagh in the garden near Mr. Vani’s bungalow. (Identified by Dr. Almeida)
Attached the pics of the fruit & leaves.

Nice catch of the medicinally important plant


Atlantia monophylla fruits : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

Found in Yelagiri hills of Eastern ghats.
July 18

Can you post the photographs of the plant. 

These are the photos I have. I should have taken the leaf and other parts also. Here after I will try to make complete photographs.



MS/ID/AUGUST/2020/11 – ID of tree species. : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Please ID the small tree. Photographed in Chennai. Received with a tag Atlantis monophylla. 

Can somebody direct me to the key for differentiating characters of A.monophylla & Pomburus missionis.

It’s Atalantia monophylla only, because there is a clear staminal tube, in Pamburus stamens free

Stamens free……….Pamburus
Stamens connate…. Atalantia

Thanks … for confirming the ID and for the easy identification  characters.  Apart from the stamens are there any differences like spines, arrangement of leaves, fruits etc. 

Yes, …, There are differences, 

Spines will grow based on habitat in both sp., 
Leaves clear ovate, leathery (Coriaceous), fruits orbicular- ovate………Atalantia
Leaves elliptic- oblong, chartaceous, fruits compressed……..Pamburus, 

Can we see a clear view of the calyx showing irregular lobes as per keys at Flora of Peninsular India ?

I have no idea. These photos were sent from Chennai. You may go through the photographs & derive inference.    

Atalantia wightii in FOI : 2 posts by 1 author.
Can we see the free filaments in the image of Atalantia wightii in FOI as per keys at book link in Flora of Peninsular India ? Otherwise it may be Atalantia monophylla as per images and details herein.

Corrected now.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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