Azadirachta indica A.Juss., Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat. 19: 221 1830. (Syn. Azadirachta indica var. minor Valeton; Azadirachta indica var. siamensis Valeton; Azadirachta indica subsp. vartakii Kothari, Londhe & N.P.Singh; Melia azadirachta L.; Melia indica (A. Juss.) Brandis); . ay-zad-ih-RAK-tuh — from the Arab name for this plant meaning free (or noble) tree … Dave’s Botanary IN-dih-kuh or in-DEE-kuh — of or from India … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: Indian lilac, margosa, neem • Assamese: নিম nim • Bengali: নিম nim • Gujarati: લીમડો limdo • Hindi: नीम nim • Kannada: ಬೇವು bevu, ನಿಮ್ಬ nimba •Konkani: कोड्बेवु kodbevu • Malayalam: ആര്യവേപ്പ് aryavepp • Manipuri: নীম neem • Marathi: कडुलिंब kadulimba • Nepali: नीम neem • Oriya: ନିମ nim • Pali: निम्ब nimba,पुचिमन्द puchimanda • Persian: azad-darakht-e-hindi • Punjabi: ਨਿੱਮ nimm • Sanskrit: निम्ब nimba • Tamil: வேம்பு vempu • Telugu: వేప vepa • Tibetan: ni mba • Tulu: ಬೇವು bevu • Urdu: نيم neem . and more names: Hindi: अरिष्ट arisht, पारिभद्र paribhadra • Marathi: बाळंतनिंब balantanimba, कडूनिंब kadunimba, खातानिंब khatanimba • Sanskrit: अरिष्ट arishta, छर्दिघ्न chardighna, चीर्णपर्ण cirnaparna, धमन dhamana, ज्येष्ठामलक jyeshthamalaka, काकफल kakaphala, नेतृ netr, निबन्ध nibandha, पक्वकृत् pakvakrt, पाण्डुराग panduraga, पारिभद्र paribhadra, पिचुमन्द picumanda, पिचुमर्द picumarda, पीतसारक pitasaraka, प्रभद्र prabhadra, पूयारि puyari, राजभद्रक rajabhadraka, सर्वतोभद्र sarvatobhadra, शुकप्रिय shukapriya,सुभद्र subhadra, वरतिक्त varatikta, वरत्वच varatvaca, विशीर्णपर्ण vishirnaparna, यवनेष्ट yavaneshta • Tamil: அகளுதி akaluti, அரிசு aricu, அரிட்டம் arittam, அருளுறுதி aruluruti, அருணாதி arunati, அதிபம் atipam, சாவாமூலி cava-muli, சீரிணபன்னம் cirina-pannam, கசப்பி kacappi, கடிப்பகை kati-p-pakai, கேசமுட்டி keca-mutti, கிஞ்சி kinci, கோடரவாலி kotaravali, நலதம்பு nalatampu, நிம்பம் nimpam, நியாசம் niyacam, பிசாசப்பிரியம் picacappiriyam, பிசிதம் picitam,பிசுமந்தம் picumantam, பூமாரி pumari, உக்கிரகந்தம் ukkira-kantam, வாதாரி vatari, விருந்தம் viruntam • Telugu: నింబము nimbamu, పిచుమందము picumandamu, వేము vemu . Tree, usually 15-20m, branches wide and spreading. Leaves opposite, pinnately compound. Inflorescences bear 150 to 250 flowers arranged in more-or-less drooping axillary panicles, to 25 cm. Flowers white, fragrant, 5–6 mm long and 8–11 mm wide, bisexual. Fruit drupe, oval to nearly roundish, green to olive. . Neem is Azadirachta indica, and it is easily differentiated by Unipinnate (and not bipinnate leaves) and more important creamish white flowers. Melia azedarach is easily differentiated from neem tree by its bipinnate leaves and lilac flowers. Another point of differentiation is the shape of fruits spherical here and oblong yellow in A.indica . It is my pleasure to share few images of Azadirachta indica (Meliaceae) Habit: Tree Habitat: Scrub forest and waste land Sighting: Chikmagalur and Tumkur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl and 800 msl respectively. Date: 27-05-2014, 25-02-2015, 03-03-2015 and 25-03-2015 very nice. what month does it flower in your area? Flora of Haryana: Azadirachta indica from Gogripur karnal: Yes Neem efloraofindia:”Id 10032012MR4’’ Azadirachta indica flowering @Pune: Sharing images of Azadirachta indica flowering from Jan at a private society garden at Pune Family Meliaceae Common name Neem . regarding fighting air pollution in city like Mumbai : Query on facebook: one of the member on Indian Flora on facebook has raised a very good question which you may please read below. Kindly response Since Earth day is celebrated today and most members in this group are from botanical background …. I would like to know your views on below mentioned issue. We all basically live in urban areas where there are very less trees and pollution levels are very high. So do you guys think we should promote planting of Neem trees in our region. Our Municipal corporation should hire a horticulturalist and include a concrete plan to plant trees as per our city / town’s ecology which will improve our life. Some facts about Neem trees: Neem is ecologically very special. The Vedas called Neem ‘sarva roga nivarini’ which means ‘one that cures all ailments and ills’. It can tolerate very high levels of pollution and has the capacity to recover even if most of its foliage is dropped. Plants with a large leaf area such as Neem, accumulate relatively higher quantities of lead. Trees vary widely in their capacity to absorb pollutants like particulate dust, CO2, oxides of sulphur and nitrogen. A study of locations in New Delhi, done by National Environmental Engineering Research Institute, India in 1996 indicated that Neem tree is one of the most suitable species for checking urban pollution in industrial locations and it has potential in green belt development in hot spots with known history of high air pollution. Neem has relatively high efficiency of CO2 fixation. It can fix more than 14 umole of CO2 per m2 Sec. With a thick foliage canopy and a very high leaf surface area, it provides a good option for maximum CO2 fixation and providing a shield against other pollution components particularly SO2 By rough estimates, India currently has about 2 crore (20 million) Neem trees. The population of India is almost 100 crore (1 billion). The equation works out to approx. 1 neem tree for every 50 Indians. This proportion is grossly inadequate; keeping in view that every part of this fascinating plant is packed with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-histamine, anti-septic and immune stimulating compounds for treating hundreds of maladies. Neem trees act as highly efficient air filters that trap dust particles and absorb gaseous pollutants. They help reduce green house gases by absorbing large quantities of carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. Neem trees give more oxygen than other trees. The temperature under the shade of a neem tree is said to be about 10 degrees cooler than its surroundings; 10 air conditioners operated together may not be able to cool as efficiently as a full grown neem can. Neem is a hardy tree that requires almost no water and grows happily on wastelands. In the process it transforms degraded lands into fertile soil. The neem tree is known to halt spreading deserts. Some entomologists now believe that neem has such remarkable powers for controlling insects that it will usher in a new era in safe, natural pesticides. Neem is an intelligent pest repeller – it affects only harmful pests and does not affect useful species in the farm. And unlike chemical insectides and pesticides, pests do not become immune to neem. Neem trees can be planted in: Housing Societies – to repel mosquitoes and to enhance the availability of oxygen Road sides – to provide cooling shade and to reduce CO2, SO2 levels Parks – to provide a CO2 sink, to purify the air and provide refuge for birds Highways – to absorb the pollutants and provide shade Around farm lands – to act as wind breaks, to bind soil against erosion and to provide natural home grown pest control material They can be planted practically any location that receives plenty of sunlight and does not get water logged during rains. Azadirachta indica: One more post of Azadirachta indica SYMBIOSIS : 116: Attaching an image of a Redvented Bulbul relishing fruits of Azadirachta indica. This is our famous NEEM tree. “Id 29122011MR1” beehive on Azadirachta indica tree at Pune: 29 Dec 2011 Sharing pictures of a beehive I spotted today on Azadirachta indica -neem tree at a private society at Pune Nice photographs of a beehive of the Giant Bee / Rock Bee [Apis dorsata]. very nice The Giant Bee / Rock Bee [Apis dorsata] is found all over India. Combs may be found suspended from over-hanging rock ledges, tall buildings or even on branches of large trees. Good quality honey and wax is obtained from their hives. Ferocious by nature, their sting is very painful. The bees are not easily amenable to domestication but once hived are quite harmless. In May 2009 suddenly discovered a hive on my Banyan tree which inexplicably disappeared without a trace 2 weeks later. Sending a few photographs. I have heard of bees disappearing, perhaps moving en masse to another part of forest or range… but I dont understand the hive disappearing altogether… its wax mainly how can wax disappear.. what in nature digests wax..??? and that quickly… unless black bears are around that eat it or tribals who remove them… but tribals would not remove a small hive… this hive looks black… hives I have seen on trees or inside bee boxes all were brown… MYSTERY!!! Giant Bees are migratory by habit. This swarm had possibly not settled down to commence comb-making as they either did not find the miliue conducive or else were disturbed. Hence on next checking on them 2 weeks later, found they had vanished without a trace. You are right … These bees migrate. After swarming, they quite often find a temporary spot and be on the lookout for a more suitable spot. Sometimes they take a couple of weeks to find the ideal spot and when they do they swarm again. In our area, they do so in the beginning of the year and by the end of May, the hives are full of honey. If you are late by even a week, you will find that the hive is full of larvae and just enough honey for the bees to survive before swarming again. In our area, the Kurba tribe men are camping deep in the forests by mid may and return after 3 to 4 nights in the forests with tins full of honey which they sell to their societies. Unusual Neem Tree: A neem tree with swelled bark was observed at Mammalapuram. I would like to know whether the tree is victim of any disease, if any such kind exists in trees? The swollen part is perhaps the callus tissue formed by the tree as a protective measure against external injuries. The tree seems to have survived tremendous and periodical disturbances as seen from the size and number of callus. The rocky habitat may be another reason for this heavy callus formation, as there is no room for the trunk to grow laterally. I don’t think it is a disease. ”For Id 16012012MR1’’ is this a egret on Azadirachta indica tree at Pune: 15th Jan 2012 Kindly Id this bird sitting on a Azadirachta indica tree in a private society at Pune. This is the same tree on which I had spotted the beehive some days back and which I had posted. This bird was sitting quite close to the beehive unperturbed with the bees. Is this a egret or some other bird? It’s Indian Pond Heron, Ardeola gravyii I have never seen this bird before. Was wondering why a pond heron is sitting so high on a tree so looked for its food habits and found that away from wetlands it does eat bees. Also close by was a well with fish probably was also looking for that too. Also found that in Marathi it is called ढोकरी and also वंचक both new words and names to me. Can anybody explain their meaning ? The Indian Pond Heron is also called the Paddybird. The local name is Bagla or Pan-Bagla. वंचक means one who deceives or cheats. Pond heron probably got dis name cauz it got a brilliant camouflage and it can be easily missed ,even when it is very near. Also it has a habit of standing still to remain inconspicuous.
State tree of Andhra Pradesh Azadirachta indica from Birati, West Bengal: SCFEB13 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Syn.: Melia azadirachta L. Tree, usually 15-20m, branches wide and spreading. Leaves opposite, pinnately compound. Inflorescences bear 150 to 250 flowers arranged in more-or-less drooping axillary panicles, to 25 cm. Flowers white, fragrant, 5–6 mm long and 8–11 mm wide, bisexual. Fruit drupe, oval to nearly roundish, green to olive. This is the State tree of Andhra Pradesh. Photographs are taken from Birati, Kolkata, West Bengal. Nice to know about this status of Neem… this is a valuable tree indeed… Frequent, and “Azad Drakhat” of India..Thanks … Azadirachta indica A. Juss.SN April 18 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). SYMBIOSIS : 599 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1). Attaching an image of a Large Cabbage White butterfly on the flowers of Azadirachta indica (MARGOSA/ NEEM). Owls and hindu culture, NeemTree of Goddess Lakshmi : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). West Bengal celebrates owls as vahana of goddess Lakshmi. The crafts people make wooden owls made of wood of Neem (Azadirachta indica) and Gamhar (Gmelina arborea) trees. Reportedly Neem is the sacred wood Thanks, … I am really finding lot of wonderful posts from you. Feb2015sk02 Hooghly – Azadirachta indica A.Juss. : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) I haven’t shared this common tree yet, possibly. Pictures were recorded in April 2012 and April 2013. Yes, this is common and valuable tree.. Thank you again Sir, once the tender branches served the purpose of toothbrush-cum-toothpaste in villages. ANAPR38 Azadirachta indica A.Juss. : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (11) Family: Meliaceae i just saw a tree full of these flowers and photgraphed a few very nice close ups Very nice pictures and excellent close ups. Names of Plants in India :: Azadirachta indica A. Juss : 2 posts by 2 authors.
yes. very nice ay-zad-ih-RAK-tuh — from the Persian name for this plant – azad-darakht-e-hindi, meaning: the free tree of India … Dave’s Botanary • Neem Foundation IN-dih-kuh or in-DEE-kuh — of or from India … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: Indian lilac, margosa, neem • Assamese: নিম nim • Bengali: নিম nim • Gujarati: લીમડો limdo • Hindi: अरिष्ट arisht, नीम nim, पारिभद्र paribhadra • Kachchhi: નિંમ nim • Kannada: ಬೇವು bevu, ನಿಮ್ಬ nimba • Kashmiri: न्यं॑बु॒ nyombu • Konkani: कोड्बेवु kodbevu • Malayalam: ആര്യവേപ്പ് aryavepp • Manipuri: নীম neem • Marathi: बाळंतनिंब balantanimba, कडुलिंब kadulimba, खातानिंब khatanimba • Nepali: नीम neem • Odia: ନିମ nim • Pali: निम्ब nimba, पण्ण panna, पुचिमन्द puchimanda • Persian: azad-darakht-e-hindi • Punjabi: ਨਿੱਮ nimm • Rajasthani: नीम neem • Sanskrit: अरिष्ट arishta, छर्दिघ्न chardighna, चीर्णपर्ण cirnaparna, धमन dhamana, ज्येष्ठामलक jyeshthamalaka, काकफल kakaphala, नेतृ netr, निबन्ध nibandha, निम्ब nimba, पक्वकृत् pakvakrt, पाण्डुराग panduraga, पारिभद्र paribhadra, पिचुमन्द picumanda, पिचुमर्द picumarda, पीतसारक pitasaraka, प्रभद्र prabhadra, पूयारि puyari, राजभद्रक rajabhadraka, सर्वतोभद्र sarvatobhadra, शुकप्रिय shukapriya, सुभद्र subhadra, वरतिक्त varatikta, वरत्वच varatvaca, विशीर्णपर्ण vishirnaparna, यवनेष्ट yavaneshta • Santali: ᱱᱤᱢ nim • Sindhi: نم nimm • Tamil: அகளுதி akaluti, அரிசு aricu, அரிட்டம் arittam, அருளுறுதி aruluruti, அருணாதி arunati, அதிபம் atipam, சாவாமூலி cava-muli, சீரிணபன்னம் cirina-pannam, கசப்பி kacappi, கடிப்பகை kati-p-pakai, கேசமுட்டி keca-mutti, கிஞ்சி kinci, கோடரவாலி kotaravali, நலதம்பு nalatampu, நிம்பம் nimpam, நியாசம் niyacam, பிசாசப்பிரியம் picacappiriyam, பிசிதம் picitam, பிசுமந்தம் picumantam, பூமாரி pumari, பூயாரி puyari, உக்கிரகந்தம் ukkira-kantam, வாதாரி vatari, வேம்பு vempu, விருந்தம் viruntam • Telugu: నింబము nimbamu, పిచుమందము picumandamu, వేము vemu, వేప vepa • Tibetan: བ་རུ་ར ba-ru-ra, ནིམ་བ nim-ba • Tulu: ಬೇವು bevu • Urdu: نيم neem botanical names: Azadirachta indica A. Juss. … synonyms: Antelaea azadirachta (L.) Adelb. • Antelaea canescens Cels ex Heynh. • Antelaea javanica Gaertn. • Azadirachta indica subsp. vartakii Kothari, Londhe & N.P.Singh • Melia azadirachta L. • Melia fraxinifolia Salisb. • Melia hasskarlii K.Koch • Melia indica (A.Juss.) Brandis • Melia japonica Hassk. • Melia parviflora Moon • Melia pinnata Stokes … POWO Bibliography / etymology ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ Indian lilac margosa
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~ নিম nim ~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ নিম nim ~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ લીમડો limdo
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ अरिष्ट arisht, नीम nim (or निम्ब nimb), पारिभद्र pari-bhadra
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~ નિંમ nim
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ನಿಮ್ಬ nimba ಬೇವು bevu
~~~~~ KASHMIRI ~~~~~ न्यं॑बु॒ nyombu
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~ कोड्बेवु kodbevu
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ ആര്യവേപ്പ് aryavepp ~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~ নীম neem ~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ बाळंतनिंब balantanimba
कडुलिंब kadulimba
खातानिंब khatanimba
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~ नीम neem ~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ ନିମ nim
~~~~~ PALI ~~~~~ निम्ब nimba पण्ण panna
पुचिमन्द pucimanda
~~~~~ PERSIAN ~~~~~ azad-darakht-e-hindi
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~ ਨਿੱਮ nimm
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~ नीम neem ~~~~~ Sanskrit ~~~~~ अरिष्ट arishta, छर्दिघ्न chardighna, काकफल kakaphala, निम्ब nimba, पिचुमन्द picumanda, पिचुमर्द picumarda, प्रभद्र prabhadra, पूयारि puyari, राजभद्रक rajabhadraka, सर्वतोभद्र sarvatobhadra, शुकप्रिय shukapriya, सुभद्र subhadra, वरत्वच varatvaca, विशीर्णपर्ण vishirnaparna, यवनेष्ट yavaneshta चीर्णपर्ण cirnaparna
धमन dhamana ज्येष्ठामलक jyeshthamalaka, नेतृ netr, निबन्ध nibandha, पक्वकृत् pakvakrt, पाण्डुराग panduraga पारिभद्र paribhadra
पीतसारक pitasaraka
वरतिक्त varatikta
~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~ ᱱᱤᱢ nim
~~~~~ SINDHI ~~~~~ نم nimm ~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ வேம்பு vempu
அகளுதி akaluti (or அகுளூதி akuluti), அரிசு aricu, அரிட்டம் arittam (or அருட்டம் aruttam), அருளுறுதி aruluruti, அருணாதி arunati, அதிபம் atipam, சாவாமூலி cava-muli, சீரிணபன்னம் cirina-pannam, கசப்பி kacappi, கடிப்பகை kati-p-pakai, கேசமுட்டி keca-mutti, கிஞ்சி kinci, கோடரவாலி kotaravali, நலதம்பு nalatampu, நிம்பம் nimpam, நியாசம் niyacam, பிசாசப்பிரியம் picacappiriyam, பிசிதம் picitam, பிசுமந்தம் picumantam, பூமாரி pumari, பூயாரி puyari, உக்கிரகந்தம் ukkira-kantam, வாதாரி vatari, விருந்தம் viruntam
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ నింబము nimbamu
పిచుమందము picumandamu
వేము vemu
వేప vepa
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~ ಬೇವು bevu
~~~~~ TIBETAN ~~~~~ བ་རུ་ར ba-ru-ra, ནིམ་བ nim-ba ~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~ نيم neem
~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot . Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 920 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 921 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching an image of a Purple Sunbird (male), visiting flowers of Azadirachta indica (NEEM). I found this Neem tree in Vandalur reserved forest, Tamil Nadu. The special characteristic about this particular tree is the leaves are not bitter at all. But all other trees in the same forest are bitter. As, it has no bitter taste, people started worshipping it. Attaching a collage of Striped Albatross (male) visiting flowers of Azadirachta indica (NEEM) . Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 1168 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Chocolate Albatross visiting flowers of Azadirachta indica (NEEM) Date: October 23, 2018 … Altitude: about 230 m (750 feet) asl Azadirachta indica A. Juss. Almost the entire city of Jodhpur has this tree lining the roads. Definitely an eye-soother, plus preventive medicine at hand !! yes medicine at hand. in myriad ways We used to eat it’s ripe fruits in the morning by climbing on this tree, in our childhood. This used to help us in avoiding phunsi and phoda due to mosquitoe bites. … here in the arid region, the flowering was already through. I could see only few trees fruiting. Thanks … for this important information. SYMBIOSIS : 1245 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Indian Cabbage White visiting flowers of Azadirachta indica (NEEM) great. with the insecticide that was sprayed for durga puja and beyond and the air pollution for the last several years along with mosquitoes, we have lost bees, honey bees, butterflies and countless other insects that we in general do not go looking for yet they are not there. this spring have not seen many butterflies. we have two of these You are right … Even at this place I feel it. Clerodendrum viscosum is on bloom, but I don’t see many butterflies on them. I have not recorded life cycle of any butterfly in last two years. I don’t know what is in store for this year. I agree with you
Type and protologue of Azadirachta indica – efloraofindia | Google Groups ailanthus excelsa– ailanthus excelsa at the resthouse in tal chappar: Azadirachta indica AT/May 2019/08 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Azadirachta indica Neem, Nimba, Margosa tree or Indian lilac Chandigarh May 2019
wonderful. we dont get to see the flowers around here, only the stinging pointed pollen in the conjunctiva. so, its lovely to see your pictures in their utmost clarity. telephoto lens, what power? Thanks … for liking the pictures. Recently, I have started using bridge camera (Lumix FZ2500) – quality-wise lesser than the earlier cameras & lenses that I was using. But saves me from switching cameras OR changing the lenses. I am learning/ struggling to get pictures that I am used too. . Azadirachta indica A.Juss.: 7 very high res. images. Location: Dhan Khola Temple, Dang, West Nepal Date: 30 May 2023 Elevation 400m. Habit : Wild . Meliaceae: Azadirachta indica A. Juss.: 1 image.
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Azadirachta indica
Updated on December 24, 2024