Efloraofindia Story- Balkar Singh:
Sharing my story of Journey with efloraofindia
eFloraofindia… This is not only a group for me, this wonderful plateform changed my life in many ways.
I was fond of searching plants since my childhood. Many times I got punishment from my parents for going towards forest area for searching Butea, Capparis, Nympheae Portulaca etc. During College and University also, my herbarium specimens have been a center of attraction.
When I joined PhD, direction of mind changed and I joined Plant Molecular Biology Lab in 1999 for PhD. Where my natural instinct towards biodiversity was at halt for 2-3 years. It again gained momentum when I joined as SRF in NBPGR Shimla in June 2002.
After getting PhD awarded in March 2005. I could again got some time for plant exploration. After my joining as Regular Lecturer in 2006 again excursion tours were a regular phenomenon and photography with digital camera made it bit easier. During 3-4 years, many specimens were collected and got identified with the help of Dr Nidhan Singh and our Esteemed Teacher Dr BD Vashishtha and also with help from internet resources.
Now the real turning point came into life when during net surfing, I came to know about our beloved group efloraofindia. I sent a mail, requesting to join group. Dinesh ji introduced me to the group then and the real journey of my life started.
I shared lot of images with great enthusiasm. After few months Garg ji put a responsibility on my shoulders and I am still trying my best to prove myself eligible for that.
This wonderful platform has provided me opportunity to interact with renowned Botanists, Amateur Citizen Scientists and Botanical explorers. Above all I found all persons here a great human being.
Around 2015 time changed and my priorities also changed. In last 5-6 years many ups and downs came in life, and every time, the beautiful images of plants during many plant exploration tours alongwith stalwarts of group like Dr Gurcharan Singh, Dr Pankaj, Shrikant Ingalhalikar, Smita Raskar etc filled my heart with joy and enthusiasm again and again. Although lots of tours and trips were done by Me along with Dr Nidhan Singh, but many memorable events/tours were organised with our group members like 1st WLNPE 2013, Chureshwer Mahadev Trek, Many Chakrata tours, Gori valley, Kausani, Banjar Valley, Dhanolty tour etc.
Now I am again trying to get some momentum. Hopefully in future, I will be active at least in appreciating others contribution.
Now I am again trying to get some momentum. Hopefully in future, I will be active at least in appreciating others contribution.
Thanks a lot, Balkar ji, for writing from the heart.
Kudos to your unwavering spirit!!!
True feelings!! Balkar let us explore more
Passion for plant exploration is unending!!
Passion for plant exploration is unending!!
Really interesting journey, thanks for sharing Balkar ji
Great story, directly from the heart. Thanks Balkar ji.
Great story Balkar ji!
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