Bauera rubioides (Australia)

Bauera rubioides is a shrubby, flowering plant found in the eastern states of Australia. It has also been referred to as Madder-Leaved Bauera, a comparison to another genus which is commonly named Madder.

Rambling shrub to 2 metres. Branches; opposite, rigid and many. The leaflets on the species are acute to broadly so, having 4 – 10 teeth on a serrated margin, 5 – 15 mm long and 2 –3 mm wide. Flowers on pedicels, erect, but drooping to the ends. Sepals are 6 – 8, around 4 mm, and also toothed. For the flower’s most notable aspect, Sims gave in 1804;
Corolla, rose-coloured,  eight petaled, but one is deficient; Petals lanceolate, concave, patent, quite entire. Filaments many, shorter than
petals, attached to the inside of the calyx, not to the receptacle, … Anthers yellow, roundish. Germen roundish, somewhat flat-
tened, emarginate. Styles two, filiform, divergent. Stigmas acute.
He also notes the lack of scent. The petals may be white, the numerous stamens are creamy white.
The name, rubioides, was given for a resemblance to Rubia;
Flowering is, at least lightly, throughout the year, most heavily in spring and summer. 
Occurs in wet, shaded areas of New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and Queensland.
Produced commercially as a species for the garden. An early export to England, the plant appears to have been grown there since 1793.[2][3]
(From Wikipedia on 14.11.16)


Flora-Australia-36:  Bauera rubiodes -F-Baueraceae

Updated on December 24, 2024