Bauhinia variegata ?

Bauhinia variegata ?;


Bauhinia x blakeana :: Hooghly, West Bengal:  Yesterday, I have had a short chat with … (in the ‘facebook’ group ‘Indian Flora’) over the identification of this Bauhinia sp. He identified it as Bauhinia x blakeana or the ‘Hong Kong Orchid Tree’. … also provided me links (given below) of the two earlier ‘efloraofindia’ posts where … and … discussed the identity of this plant.

Today, i took some more photos of the same plant that i attach herewith.
Species – Bauhinia x blakeana
Date/Time- 30/01/2012
Location- Nalikul (Hooghly District), West Bengal
Habitat- Garden
Plant Habit- Tree
Height- 40 ft. approx.
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- Double lobbed, heart shaped
Inflorescence Type/ Size- In long racemes
Flowers Colour- Rose-purple
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds- NA
Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc.- This plant has been described as “…. a hybrid between Bauhinia variegata and Bauhinia purpurea” (wikipedia)
ID & Info help : I copied text from Wikipedia and earlier posts by ….
The links are –

Feedback from another thread:
“Thank you for drawing my attention to the fact that B. blakeana is a sterile plant. I also read, in January, about the sterile flowers of B. blakeana in wikipedia and other websites.
But there is a discussion at – where someone claims that it bears seedpod. Again there is an image claiming to be seedpod of the same plant – hear
So, if it is not the B. x blakeana then my earlier post should also be some other species, might be B. variegata.” 

I think now that this is NOT Bauhinia blakeana. Because, later i witnessed seedpod growing on this tree and i uploaded the same in another post. I confirm hereby that images from both of my posts were recorded from the same tree.
A relevant document is here –

I think yes B. variegata  
Bauhinia variegata species page – THAILAND NATURE PROJECT

Yes Sir, this is Bauhinia x blakeana, for it does not produce fruit or seeds.
(I did keep this particular tree under my observation for years.)

Then what about your post on April 25, 2012 at 9:09:51 PM, where you talked about seed pods?

I apologize Sir, for my grave mistake. I entirely forgot the other follow-up thread. It is Bauhinia variegata L.
A detail on the three confusing spp. can be found at researchgate.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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