Begonia acetosella

Begonia acetosella Craib, Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1912: 153 1912. (syn: Begonia acetosella var. acetosella ; Begonia tetragona Irmsch.);

China South-Central; East Himalaya; Laos; Myanmar; Thailand; Tibet; Vietnam as per Catalogue of Life;



MS Aug.,2017/02 Begonia sp. for Id. : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Location : Kaukam, Mizoram
Date : 08-08-2017
Habit : Herb
Habitat : Wild

Close ups of flowers please 



Close up flower

Attachments (1)

Begonia nepalensis (A.DC.) Warb. 

Does not match with high resolution specimen of Begonia nepalensis at gbif & others at eol (as the inflorescence in axillary here):

Also does not have range as per



Same Begonia

Attachments (1)

Hmm on looking at this photo it could be Begonia longifolia Blume, seeing as all the flowers are presenting with 3 styles and not the 4 one would expect of Begonia acetosella.

This is B. acetosella – did you try the key?

The photo is not great, but the species is dioecious and has a 4-locular fruit, so is B. acetosella.

… knows the two species better than I do. I would agree with his identification and these two species can be variable in style and tepal number.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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