Begonia andamensis

Begonia andamensis Parish ex C.B.Clarke , Fl. Brit. India 2: 650 1879. ;
Images by Manudev Madhavan 



Begonia andamensis Parish ex C.B.Clarke:  Last week, Begonia andamensis Parish ex C.B.Clarke, endemic to Andaman & Nicobar Islands, flowered in my garden.
Sharing the photos here…

Wonderful pictures of a rare plant.



Begonia andamensis Parish ex C.B.Clarke : 3 posts by 1 author. 2 pictures.
This is reply of your mail regarding pictures of Begonia andamensis Parish ex C.B.Clarke
Please find pictures of Begonia andamensis Parish ex C.B.Clarke from Henry Lawrance Island of the South  Andaman Group. I have also enclosed a copy of publication on its ‘natural history’. Kindly confirm receipt of the pictures and article and please insert the pictures in your Begonia page

Updated on December 24, 2024

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