Begonia bachulkarii

Begonia bachulkarii Aitawade, Kattuk. & S.R.Yadav, Phytotaxa 423: 278 (2019) (syn: Begonia keralensis Pradeep, Sinj.Thomas & Britto);
India (Kerala) as per POWO;

405 ID wild plant Begonia: 15 high res. images.
Please ID wild Begonia, very rare, leaves used by tribal peoples as thirst quencher in dry season,
Location: near Vannappuram, Thodupuzha, Idukki Dist., Kerala PIN:685607
Altitude: 1500fsl
Flower date: 28DEC2022, 02.50pm
Habitat: wild moisture, facing waterfalls, rocky hill
Plant habit: creeping/climbing, unbranched, weak fleshy stem 25mm diameter, whole plant tamarind tasted, perennial
Height: 04 feet including peduncle
Leaves: alternate, oblong, whorled base, acute twins, lite waved margins, soft, flexible, fleshy (water stored), glossy, weighty, size:25×20cm, 01.5mm thickness
Flower: axillary lengthy fleshy cylindrical purplish velvety peduncle (18mm diameter) umbel racemose clustered, 02 petals, size:18x9mm, pink, non fragrant
Fruit: capsule tri-winged, pink into brown, size:20x15mm
Seed: brown numerous micro granular
Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Pl. check
Superb presentation.

I think it appears close to images at

Yes it is Begonia floccifera, dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant and providing ID link, only one difference observed as per key: ‘male sepals 4’.  Sharing more images.
3 high res. images.

I think this is probably B. bachulkarii (syn B. keralensis), but I would need to see the female flowers to confirm.

Sharing images of female inflorescence.
Observed that both male and female flowers having only 02 sepals.  Female sepals having same measurement of male sepals.
Flower date: 07JAN2023, 12.50pm
3 high res. images.

Times of India news
This is B. bachulkarii
Key is in this paper:



Begonia bachulkarii (Begoniaceae, sect. Reichenheimia), a new species from the southern Western Ghats with notes on sect. Reichenheimia in India– Aitawade, Kattuk. & S.R.Yadav, Phytotaxa 423: 278 (2019) (Abstract: A new species of Begonia, B. bachulkarii has been described from the southern Western Ghats of India, which appears to be a narrow endemic restricted to its type locality. It is closely allied to B. floccifera. Morphological similarities and differences between both species and with the remaining species of sect. Reichenheimia from India are discussed. An artificial key is provided for the identification of species of sect. Reichenheimia from India)
SYNONYMY OF BEGONIA KERALENSIS WITH BEGONIA BACHULKARII : N. Krishna and A. K. Pradeep- Edinburgh Journal of Botany , Volume 77 , Issue 2 , July 2020 , pp. 269(Abstract: Begonia keralensis Pradeep, Sinj. Thomas & Britto and Begonia bachulkarii Aitawade, Kattuk. & S.R.Yadav were independently described recently from Nelliyampathy in Kerala, India, within two weeks of each other. The names are based on different types but represent the same taxon. Because Begonia bachulkarii is the earliest published name, Begonia keralensis is reduced to synonymy)
A NEW SECTION (BEGONIA SECT. FLOCCIFERAE SECT. NOV.) AND TWO NEW SPECIES IN BEGONIACEAE FROM THE WESTERNGHATS OF INDIA: N. KRISHNA, S.J.BRITTO, S.THOMAS, B.MANI, A. K. PRADEEP & K.V.JITHIN (Pdf) (Abstract: Two new species, Begonia bracteolata and Begonia keralensis, are described from the Western Ghats of India. They are placed in the newly created Begoniasect. Flocciferae, along with B. albo-coccinea Hook. and B.floccifera Bedd. Lectotypes are designated for three names within this section. Colour photo plates, illustrations and an identification key to Begonia sect. Flocciferae are also provided.)

Updated on December 23, 2024

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