Bergenia pacumbis

Bergenia pacumbis (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) C.Y. Wu & J.T. Pan,  Acta Phytotax. Sin. 26: 126 1988. (syn: Bergenia ciliata f. ligulata Yeo; Bergenia himalaica Boriss.; Bergenia ligulata (Wall.) Engl.; Saxifraga ligulata Wall.; Saxifraga ligulata var. densiflora Ser.; Saxifraga ligulata var. minor Wall. ex Ser.; Saxifraga pacumbis Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don);
Keys in efloras-(Flora of Pakistan and Flora of China)

Bergenia ciliata ABMAR01/09 : 4 posts by 3 authors. 9 images.
Yesterday I accompanied a friend and my daughter for a walk in the mountains. We walked mainly along the south facing slopes at an average altitude of about 1850m before walking down to 1800m for a tea near a small mountain stream. Along the way I saw my first Bergenia. The first plant I saw was growing out of a stone wall with small flowers and young round leaves. Farther into our walk, I saw another cluster with larger flowers and much larger leaves. Here are some photographs. Please advise if I have misidentified the plant.
Bergenia ciliataHairy Bergenia
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
27 March 2016

Thanks, …, for the marvellous images.

your id seems correct and the fact that it was emerging from perhaps cracks in the stones. wonderfully detailed close ups

Lovely images again.
Stewart listed Bergenia himalaica (syn. B.ciliata var. ligulata, B.ligulata) as common & gregarious on shady cliffs @ 1800-3000m in Kashmir.
He mentioned B.ciliata var. ciliata as only recorded from Hazara and Kagan Valley. There has clearly been confusion between these similar taxa.
Ghazanfar in Saxifragaceae (Flora of Pakistan, 1977) recognised only 2 species in Pakistan: B.stracheyi and B.ciliata, splitting the latter into forma ciliata and forma ligulata on the basis of the hirsute leaves of the former (though sometimes glabrous upper surface).. She considered forma ciliata as very common on rocks in and around the Murree area.
Nowadays, B.ciliata forma ligulata (or B.himalaica as Stewart knew it) is Bergenia pacumbis. I think the plant photographed by … is this rather than what is now the separate B.ciliata (the bottom image just shows the under surface of a leaf which is shiny, not hirsute) – though I think there has been confusion between some forms of both.
The plant used medicinally is mainly or perhaps exclusively Bergenia pacumbis included specimens cultivated in the ‘Medicinal Plants Section of the Nehru Botanical Garden, Srinagar, Kashmir

Thank you once again for pointing me to this. Next spring I will carefully examine the leaf undersurface too.

I photographed these again to show more characteristics of the plant. I hope this helps establish an ID. Both surfaces of the leaf are not hairy.
05-07 March 2017.
8 images.

I am a great fan of yours. May such tribe expand.

My present thoughts are that this comes within Bergenia pasumensis rather than Bergenia ciliata proper.

Thank you … I was beginning to convince myself that the plant here was B. pacumbis as advised by you last year. I can’t seem to find pasumensis on the internet, has the name changed?

Apologies.  An error on my part.  I have, from time-to-time, INCORRECTLY used “pasumensis”.  I was not paying full attention.  The plants you photographed are now
considered to be B.pacumbis.
Your plants were known to Stewart as Bergenia himalaica syn.
B.ciliata, B.ligulata etc. – gregarious and common on shady cliffs in Kashmir @ 1800-3000m.
Also prominent at lower levels of Rohtang, H.P.
Whereas B.stracheyi is very common at higher altitudes, growing on rocks in the open, usually @ 3000-3900m in Kashmir – also occurs in moister parts of Ladakh.  Common at higher levels on Rohtang, H.P.
In ‘Flora Simlensis’ this plant was known as Saxifraga ciliata (syn. S.ligulata) – common on rocks at Shimla.
In ‘Flowers of the Himalaya’  it was called Bergenia ciliata.

Thank you … for clarifying this. When the weather improves here—it has been raining with intermittent sleet and snow— I plan to hike up to Triund and look for more Bergenia plants there. If I am lucky I might find B. stracheyi too.

Leaves in photographs posted by … are beautifully hirsute, especially the young ones. Should it be B. pacumbis?

Thanks, … I think it has already been identified as your stated species.


Bergenia ciliata:
Bergenia ciliata
darjeeling, second week of april

Yes. Very nice photograph

Stewart listed Bergenia himalaica (syn. B.ciliata var. ligulata, B.ligulata) as common & gregarious on shady cliffs @ 1800-3000m in Kashmir.
He mentioned B.ciliata var. ciliata as only recorded from Hazara and Kagan Valley. There has clearly been confusion between these similar taxa.
Ghazanfar in Saxifragaceae (Flora of Pakistan, 1977) recognised only 2 species in Pakistan: B.stracheyi and B.ciliata, splitting the latter into forma ciliata and forma ligulata on the basis of the hirsute leaves of the former (though sometimes glabrous upper surface).. She considered forma ciliata as very common on rocks in and around the Murree area.
Nowadays, B.ciliata forma ligulata (or B.himalaica as Stewart knew it) is Bergenia pacumbis. I think the plant photographed by in Darjeeling* may be this rather than what is now the separate B.ciliata (the bottom image just shows the under surface of a leaf which is shiny, not hirsute) – though I think there has been confusion between some forms of both.
Flora of Bhutan only mentions what was B.ciliata forma ligulata (now Bergenia pacumbis) on rocks & cliff faces (the equivalent of the man-made wall in Darjeeling this specimens inhabits) @ 1500-3050m.
So where is the true Bergenia ciliata found?  I note in ‘Enumeration of Flowering Plants of Nepal’ that B.ciliata forma ciliata is only recorded in West & Central Nepal @ 900-1700m and only as far East as Nepal whereas forma ligulata was found @ 1600-3200m to Bhutan, S.Tibet and Assam.
* Unless the plant is an escape from cultivation?


Flowers from Uttarakhand-ID requested_DS11052011_SN4:
Another beautiful and very showy pink flower on roadside small shrubUttarakhand Apr 2011.

Yes Berginia cilliata
A highly medicinal plant.

I searched internet after you provide the sc. name and noted it’s mecinal usage – “It is reported to be helpful in dissolving kidney stones“. Interesting..

I have confirmed correct identifications of B.stracheyi and B.purpuracsens – now it gets more complicated!
Stewart listed Bergenia himalaica (syn. B.ciliata var. ligulata, B.ligulata) as common & gregarious on shady cliffs @ 1800-3000m in Kashmir.
He mentioned B.ciliata var. ciliata as only recorded from Hazara and Kagan Valley. There has clearly been confusion between these similar taxa.
Ghazanfar in Saxifragaceae (Flora of Pakistan, 1977) recognised only 2 species in Pakistan: B.stracheyi and B.ciliata, splitting the latter into forma ciliata and forma ligulata on the basis of the hirsute leaves of the former (though sometimes glabrous upper surface).. She considered forma ciliata as very common on rocks in and around the Murree area.
Nowadays, B.ciliata forma ligulata (or B.himalaica as Stewart knew it) is Bergenia pacumbis. I think the plant photographed in Uttarakhand is probably this rather than what is now the separate B.ciliata – though I think there has been confusion between some forms of both.
The plant used medicinally is mainly or perhaps exclusively Bergenia pacumbis included specimens cultivated in the ‘Medicinal Plants Section of the Nehru Botanical Garden, Srinagar, Kashmir – images of which I may post.



Flora of Chakrata: Bergenia ciliata from Deovan Herbal Garden:
Bergenia ciliata from Deovan Herbal Garden
an important Herbal medicine for Kidney Stones

Stewart listed Bergenia himalaica (syn. B.ciliata var. ligulata, B.ligulata) as common & gregarious on shady cliffs @ 1800-3000m in Kashmir.
He mentioned B.ciliata var. ciliata as only recorded from Hazara and Kagan Valley. There has clearly been confusion between these similar taxa.
Ghazanfar in Saxifragaceae (Flora of Pakistan, 1977) recognised only 2 species in Pakistan: B.stracheyi and B.ciliata, splitting the latter into forma ciliata and forma ligulata on the basis of the hirsute leaves of the former (though sometimes glabrous upper surface).. She considered forma ciliata as very common on rocks in and around the Murree area.
Nowadays, B.ciliata forma ligulata (or B.himalaica as Stewart knew it) is Bergenia pacumbis. I think the plant photographed in Uttarakhand is probably this rather than what is now the separate B.ciliata – though I think there has been confusion between some forms of both.

The plant used medicinally is mainly or perhaps exclusively Bergenia pacumbis included specimens cultivated in the ‘Medicinal Plants Section of the Nehru Botanical Garden, Srinagar, Kashmir

ID please from mussorie : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Please help to identity this one from mussoirie india

Bergenia cilliata

Stewart listed Bergenia himalaica (syn. B.ciliata var. ligulata, B.ligulata) as common & gregarious on shady cliffs @ 1800-3000m in Kashmir.
He mentioned B.ciliata var. ciliata as only recorded from Hazara and Kagan Valley. There has clearly been confusion between these similar taxa.
Ghazanfar in Saxifragaceae (Flora of Pakistan, 1977) recognised only 2 species in Pakistan: B.stracheyi and B.ciliata, splitting the latter into forma ciliata and forma ligulata on the basis of the hirsute leaves of the former (though sometimes glabrous upper surface).. She considered forma ciliata as very common on rocks in and around the Murree area.
Nowadays, B.ciliata forma ligulata (or B.himalaica as Stewart knew it) is Bergenia pacumbis. I think the plant photographed in Uttarakhand is probably this rather than what is now the separate B.ciliata – though I think there has been confusion between some forms of both.
The plant used medicinally is mainly or perhaps exclusively Bergenia pacumbis included specimens cultivated in the ‘Medicinal Plants Section of the Nehru Botanical Garden, Srinagar, Kashmir

Fwd: Bergenia pacumbis growing at Nehru Botanical Garden : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Further to my recent posts re: Bergenias I am attaching a couple
of images taken at the Nehru Botanical Garden, Srinagar, Kashmir of
what was Bergenia ligulata (B.ciliata forma ligulata) now Bergenia pacumbis.


Bergenia Species For ID : Srinagar,Kashmir : 22NOV16 : AK-1 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
…, posting after a long gap.
I was travelling and kept very busy so couldn’t interact on the group.
Since …  is currently going through all the posts on Bergenias, adding my pictures taken at the Jawaharlal Nehru Botanical Garden, in Srinagar.
These pics were taken on 24th April,16.
… has identified these pics as Bergenia ciliata.

I have just sent an image (not in close-up) of the Bergenia been cultivated at Nehru Botanical Garden to …, so will be posted shortly.
The specimens were correctly identified but the nomenclature has changed. The plants are now known as Bergenia pacumbis (Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don) C.Y.Wu & J.T.Pan.
It was previously known as Bergenia ciliata forma ligulata and B.himalaica.
Bergenia ciliata is not given as a separate species in Flora of China.
According to ‘Saxifragaceae’ (Flora of Pakistan) the formas of B.ciliata are distinguished on the basis of the hirsute leaves of forma cilata, though upper surface is sometimes glabrous.
There clearly has been confusion in the past and I wonder about past records and the distribution of both taxa.

Thank you for validation and giving the change in name to my Bergenia Species.

IF you know the staff at The Nehru Botanical Garden in Srinagar perhaps you can inform them of the name change – their actual identification is correct.
When  I visited a few years back I was shown round (along with Mrs Suri, Proprietor of P.Kohli & Co.) by senior staff including Javed Ahmad Shah, District Floriculture Officer, Department of Floriculture Kashmir – he knew me from a visit to Kashmir in the 1980s.

Unfortunately, I don’t know anyone there.
It was only a family visit for a few days and I visited the Botanical Garden just once.

Bergenia ciliata AT MAR 2017/17 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
Bergenia ciliata
Hairy bergenia, Pashanbheda
Beautiful flowers that can be seen growing on rocks.
Feb., 2017

Rhizomes are considered useful for removing kidney stones.

No, this is now considered to be Bergenia pacumbis – see me postings on this matter.

It was nice to do some homework. While going through various FLORAS, it appeared that
1. Dhaliwal and Sharma in FLORA OF KULLU DISTRICT (H.P.)  have recorded Bergenia ciliata f. ligulata Yeo (Now B. pacumbis, was listed
as B. ciliata (Haw.) Sternb.) and B. stracheyi (Hook f. & Thoms.) Engl.
2. Sir H. Collett in FLORA SIMLENSIS listed Saxifraga ciliata Royle that happens to be synonym of accepted name Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. and Saxifraga stracheyi Hook. f. & Thoms now synonym of B. stracheyi (Hook f. & Thoms.) Engl.
3. Kaur and Sharma in FLORA OF SIRMAUR (H.P.) listed B. ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. (synonyms as Saxifraga ciliata Royle, S. ligulata Wall. var. ciliata (Royle) Hook. f. & Thoms, B. ligulata var. ciliata (Royle) Engl. Megasea ciliata Haw. f. ciliata Yeo) and B. stracheyi (Hook f. & Thoms.) Engl.
4. Singh and Sharma in FLORA OF CHAMBA DISTRICT (H.P.) listed B. ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. (synonyms as Megasea ciliata Haw., Saxifraga
Wall. var. ciliata (Royle) Clarke, S. ciliata Royle)
5. Nair in FLORA OF BASHAHAR HIMALAYAS has listed B. ligulata (Wall.) Engl. (Syn. Saxifraga ligulata Wall.) with leaves up to 30 cm in
diameter and and B. stracheyi (Hook f. & Thoms.) Engl.
6. Choudhery and Wadhwa in FLORA OF HIMACHAL PRADESH listed 3 as: B. ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. (Synonyms: Megasea ciliata Haw. f. ciliata
Yeo, Saxifraga ciliata Royle, B. ligulata var. ciliata (Royle) Engl., S. ligulata Wall. var. ciliata (Royle) Hook. f. & Thoms) B. ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. (Synonyms: S. ligulata Wall., Bergenia ligulata sensu Blatter, B. himallaica Boriss B. stracheyi (Hook f. & Thoms.) Engl. (Syn. Saxifraga stracheyi Hook. f. & Thoms.)
It appears, we have 3 different species in Himachal Pradesh. B. pacumbis and B. ciliata appears very close and are difficult to differentiate.
I request the TAXONOMISTS to help us in differentiating between these closely related species.

Bergenia species from Paddar Valley J&K: Request for ID confirmation

Bot. name: Bergenia ciliata
Family: Saxifragaceae
Location: Paddar valley J&K.
Date: 19 April, 2012
Altitude: 2000 meters asl

Beautiful shot … we could not shot Pashanbhed in flowering this year also………

Stewart listed Bergenia himalaica (syn. B.ciliata var. ligulata, B.ligulata) as common & gregarious on shady cliffs @ 1800-3000m in Kashmir.
He mentioned B.ciliata var. ciliata as only recorded from Hazara and Kagan Valley. There has clearly been confusion between these similar taxa.
Ghazanfar in Saxifragaceae (Flora of Pakistan, 1977) recognised only 2 species in Pakistan: B.stracheyi and B.ciliata, splitting the latter into forma ciliata and forma ligulata on the basis of the hirsute leaves of the former (though sometimes glabrous upper surface).. She considered forma ciliata as very common on rocks in and around the Murree area.
Nowadays, B.ciliata forma ligulata (or B.himalaica as Stewart knew it) is Bergenia pacumbis. I think the plant photographed in Uttarakhand is probably this rather than what is now the separate B.ciliata – though I think there has been confusion between some forms of both.
The plant used medicinally is mainly or perhaps exclusively Bergenia pacumbis included specimens cultivated in the ‘Medicinal Plants Section of the Nehru Botanical Garden, Srinagar, Kashmir

from Sela Pass, and from Bumla Pass (13000 ft and 14000 ft alt.), Arunachal; on the trekking route from Dhotre (2700 Mts from MSL) to Tonglu- March’10?; from Kashmir;

Bergenia ciliata from Kashmir – efloraofindia | Google Groups
Is it a Begonia? – indiantreepix | Google Groups
Please help me identifying the trees and flowers!! – efloraofindia | Google Groups

Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. (accepted name) : 10 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Location: Soureni, Mirik, India
Date: 21 April 2017
Altitude: 4200 ft.

We do not have this species from India so far in efi as per Bergenia ciliata
I think … had lot of discussions regarding this in various threads under Bergenia pacumbis & Bergenia stracheyi

I shall check again. In the mean time if some could come ahead with correct ID.

Keeping in mind the sizes of larger leaves and long stalked flowers
could it be Bergenia pacumbis.   

As the lower surface does not appear to be hirsute, it may be Bergenia pacumbis to me also as per discussions herein

Bergenia pacumbis (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) C.Y. Wu & J.T. Pan

Didymocarpus pedicellatus – regarding.4 posts by 2 authors.  Attachments (1)
Photographed at Pelling (Sikkim) in April, 2005. 
Also noticed in Darjeeling and its adjacent area of Dist Darjeeling this year in mid of March. 
Grows in moist rocks on slopes. 
Identified as Didymocarpus pedicellatus, Family- Gesneriaceae, with the help of “Flowers of the Himalaya – A Supplement” by Adam Stainton. (see page 47 & plate 83). 
Distribution : Himachal Pardesh to Arunachal Pradesh. 
Hope my identification is correct.  
Anybody visits Sikkim and Darjeeling can notice this beautiful flower in March-April.

Does not appear like Didymocarpus pedicellatus R.Br. as per images herein.

Appears to be Bergenia pacumbis

Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. ??? : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)
Location: Kathmandu, Nepal
Altitude: 4400 ft.
Date: 22 February 2013
Or some subspecies of Bergenia.

I think it should be Bergenia pacumbis as per comparative images atBergenia

May be but I could not decide !

Location : Gyaneswor, Kathmandu
Date : 6 February 2018
Elevation :  4500 ft.
Habit : Cultivated.
Brought this plant from Mirik, India.

Yes to me also appear close to images at Bergenia pacumbis


Bergenia pacumbis perhaps : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
possibily Bergenia pacumbis

this plant had hairy leaves
would very much appreciate a validation
seen near Chopta, Uttarakhand at about 8,500 feet altitude

Yes to me also appear close to images at Bergenia pacumbis as per comparative images at Bergenia


MS March,2020/05 Bergenia sp. for Id. : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) – 971 kb.
Location : Hmuifang, Mizoram
Date : 05-03-2020
Habit : Heb
Habitat : Wild/ cultivated
Mizo : Khamdamdawi

Bergenia ciliata ??

Bergenia pacumbis ?

May be. Only one image. No image of flower base and peduncle.

Attachments (1) – 1 mb.

What are the species reported from your area ? I feel it may also be Bergenia stracheyi

Bergenia ciliata forma ligulata is reported in Mizoram

Yes, it may be Bergenia pacumbis (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) C.Y. Wu & J.T. Pan (syn: Bergenia ciliata f. ligulata Yeo)

Noted with thanks.


Request for verification of Bergenia species.: 3 images.

Here I’m attaching  images of the Bergenia species, please check it. For me this may be Bergenia ciliata.
Captured at Bhaderwah JK
Altitude approx. 2200m

Bergenia stracheyi (Hook.f. & Thomson) Engl. ??

sir how it is different from B. ciliata. I’m searching for difference, it again seems ciliata for me. Please help me to come out of this dilemma.

Pl. see comparative images and keys in efloras (Flora of Pakistan and Flora of China) at Bergenia
Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb. as understood now differs from B. pacumbis (syn: B. ligulata) in smaller leaves, mostly less than 10 cm long with hirsute surface.
It is Bergenia pacumbis


Bergenia ciliata (Haw.) Sternb.: 4 very high res. images.

Location: Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
Date: 11 March 2023
Altitude: 2681m.
Habitat : Wild 

As the leaves are not hirsute above, it appears to be B.pacumbis (with distribution as given in POWO) as per images and details herein:

Nepali Name :  सिम्ताडी Simtaadee


Bergenia pacumbis: 3 images.
Bergenia pacumbis, Phenangla, Sikkim
February 2023
this plant was growing on a retaining stone wall at a friends house






Updated on December 24, 2024

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