Bergia suffruticosa

Bergia suffruticosa (Delile) Fenzl (syn: Bergia guineensis Hutch. & Dalziel; Bergia mairei Quezel; Bergia odorata Edgew.; Lancretia suffruticosa Del.);
India (Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka), Pakistan (Karachi, N.W.Frontier Prov., Baluchistan, Pakistani Punjab), Somalia, Kenya, Sudan, South Sudan, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, Senegal, Mauritania, Congo (Brazzaville), S-Algeria (Tassili n’Ajjer), S-Saharan Mts., C-Sahara (Hoggar), S-Sahara, Arabia, Egypt (Nile Valley) as per Catalogue of Life;


Unidentified plant from Gujarat region:
Need ID help , i have clicked this picture in Gujarat in month July 2011.

… just a wild guess: species of Polygonum OR related genus ?

No Ochrea……..No Polygonoideae! 🙂

I too support the view of …
Interesting plant

Gunshot in the air; nowhere near the target !!

Yes, but your guess was good even I was in that line when I concentrated on the flower but opposite leaves pulled me back.

May not be even Molluginaceae because leaves of Molluginaceae members are “often in a basal rosette or in pseudowhorls on stems and margin entire” (FOC).

Can it be a Lythraceae member? Just a guess again…

This could be Bergia aestivosa Wight & Arnott, from Elatinae.

Keys are available at

An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995)- Details with Keys

Appears to match with illustration of Bergia aestivosa Wight & Arnott at

See if it is species of Bergia!!

I think it may be Bergia sufruticosa as per keys in Flora of Pakistan
Also see Flora of Gandhinagar & POWO

It is same as my specimen 

Bergia sufruticosa as per discussions at Bergia sp.


Bergia sp. : 13 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (12) + Attachments (16) + Attachments (17) + Attachments (14)
Just saw Bergia posted from Jodhpur, by …

I have two species in Surat.
One, being presented here was collected in 2014 and
 was identified by experts from Gujarat as Bergia odorata.
After seeing post by …, and id as Bergia suffruticosa, synonym Bergia odorata,
I am in confusion regarding ID of my specimen, particularly disturbing is Bergia aestivosa listed in EFI.
Here are the pictures from 2014 and 2015 in separate batches. 

More images from 2015
Attachments (16)

Second species Surat has is Bergia ammanioides.

New images, captured today. No flowers found. I hope to get flowers too, soon, from other spots.
Attachments (17)

Flowers captured about 45 minutes ago.
Attachments (14)

Awesome photographs & excellent presentation of various parts of the plant. Worth emulating.

Thanks, …, for the wonderful images.
Your plant is certainly Bergia suffruticosa as per keys at Flora of Pakistan and as per details below from this:
Bergia suffruticosa (Delile) Fenzl.
Aromatic, perennial, woody at base, decumbent or spreading undershrub, glandular-pubescent, the older stems glabrous with deciduous papery bark. Branches numerous, opposite, stiff. Leaves opposite or often pseudoverticillate, sessile or subsessile, obovate-oblong to oblanceolate or elliptic, 3-30 mm long, 2-10 mm broad, acute to obtuse, crenate or minutely serrate, often revolute, densely pubescent; stipules linear or lanceolate, 1-3 mm long, pubescent. Inflorescence axillary solitary or loose fasciculate cyme of 2-8 flowers. Flowers white to pinkish, usually 5-merous, 4-5 mm across, pedicel 1-5.5 mm long, glandular pubescent. Sepals 5, free, ovate, 2.5-4 mm long, acute or distinctly acuminate, pubescent, keeled, margins hyaline membranous, hairy. Petals 5, free, obovate-oblong, equal to or slightly longer than the sepals, 3-4 mm long, obtuse, entire, white to pinkish, transparent. Stamens 10, equal or alternately long or short; Carpels 5, united; ovary ovoid, distinctly 5, sulcate; styles 5, free, straight. Capsule whitish pink, ovoid, 5-locular. Seeds numerous, minute, shining, oblong-ellipsoid, dark brown to black.
Fl. Per. August-April.
Bergia aestivosa Wight & Arnott
Non-aromatic, woody at base, glabrous or sub-glabrous, erect, 30-40 cm tall undershrub. Branches numerous, opposite, thin, long, divaricate. Leaves opposite, sub-sessile or shortly petiolate, obovate-oblong or narrow oblong, attenuate, lower leaves 25-30 mm long, 7-10 mm broad, linear and very small on branches bearing flowers, apex acute, margins crenate to entire; stipules setaceous, 1-4 mm long. Inflorescence solitary or loose axillary fasciculate cyme of 2-4 flowers. Flowers white to pinkish, 4-5 mm across; pedicel 1-3 mm long. Sepals 5, free, lanceolate, acute, slightly keeled, denticulate with glabrous membranous margins, 2-3 mm long. Petals 5, free, obovate-oblong, 3-4 mm long, mucronate, entire, white to pinkish, transparent. Stamens 10, equal or alternately shorter. Carpels 5, united; ovary ovoid, 5 sulcate; styles 5, free, straight. Capsule whitish pink, ovoid, 5-locular. Seeds numerous, minute, dark brown to black.
M. Per. December.

Thank you, …, Just now checked . . . Crushed leaves smell good, sweet, pleasant, similar to Hyptis suaveolens
But not as strong.
No smell on handling or otherwise.

TQ-Jodhpur-01 Unid : 18 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)- around 500 kb each.
A wild prostrate herb found in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Flowering in December.
Please identify

Just a wild guess, could be wrong – the flower reminded me of knotweed !! … Polygonum.

Thanks …, It did remind me too of polygonum. But polygonum flowers do not have separate sepals and petals, as seen in the flowers here.

Bergia sufruticosa, Elatinaceae,

Pl. check with keys in Flora of Pakistan as below:
2 (1) Aromatic, pubescent shrublet, Stipules linear or lanceolate. Cyme of 2-8 flowers. Sepals ovate, with conspicuous hairs on margins.   Bergia suffruticosa
+ Non- aromatic, glabrous or nearly glabrous shrublet. Stipules setaceous. Cyme of 2-4 flowers. Sepals lanceolate, denticulate with glabrous margins.   Bergia aestivosa

You have to remove these images from Bergia suffruticosa in FOI

Thanks for the feedback …, and pointing to the … discussion. Sorry, I was out of station for many days, and away from active email. From the description you posted in the other thread, Bergia aestivosa is a hairless plant, with the sepals also hairless. In the images I have posted here, you can see that my plant is quite hairy. Bergia suffruticosa on the other hand, is a hairy plant with sepal margins hairy.
I have attached a cropped image of my plant – notice the hairy stem and sepals.
So I think my plant should be Bergia suffructicosa.
Attachments (1)

Pl. go through the detailed description from Flora of Pakistan, than you will realise:

Bergia suffruticosa (Delile) Fenzl.
Aromatic, perennial, woody at base, decumbent or spreading undershrub, glandular-pubescent, the older stems glabrous with deciduous papery bark. Branches numerous, opposite, stiff. Leaves opposite or often pseudoverticillate, sessile or subsessile, obovate-oblong to oblanceolate or elliptic, 3-30 mm long, 2-10 mm broad, acute to obtuse, crenate or minutely serrate, often revolutedensely pubescent; stipules linear or lanceolate1-3 mm long, pubescent. Inflorescence axillary solitary or loose fasciculate cyme of 2-8 flowers. Flowers white to pinkish, usually 5-merous, 4-5 mm across, pedicel 1-5.5 mm long, glandular pubescentSepals 5, free, ovate, 2.5-4 mm long, acute or distinctly acuminate, pubescent, keeledmargins hyaline membranoushairy. Petals 5, free, obovate-oblong, equal to or slightly longer than the sepals, 3-4 mm long, obtuse, entire, white to pinkish, transparent. Stamens 10, equal or alternately long or short; Carpels 5, united; ovary ovoid, distinctly 5, sulcate; styles 5, free, straight. Capsule whitish pink, ovoid, 5-locular. Seeds numerous, minute, shining, oblong-ellipsoid, dark brown to black.
Fl. Per. August-April.
Bergia aestivosa Wight & Arnott
Non-aromatic, woody at base, glabrous or sub-glabrous, erect, 30-40 cm tall undershrub. Branches numerous, opposite, thin, long, divaricate. Leaves opposite, sub-sessile or shortly petiolateobovate-oblong or narrow oblongattenuate, lower leaves 25-30 mm long, 7-10 mm broad, linear and very small on branches bearing flowers, apex acute, margins crenate to entire; stipules setaceous, 1-4 mm long. Inflorescence solitary or loose axillary fasciculate cyme of 2-4 flowers. Flowers white to pinkish, 4-5 mm across; pedicel 1-3 mm long. Sepals 5, free, lanceolate, acute, slightly keeled, denticulate with glabrous membranous margins, 2-3 mm long. Petals 5, free, obovate-oblong, 3-4 mm long, mucronate, entire, white to pinkish, transparent. Stamens 10, equal or alternately shorter. Carpels 5, united; ovary ovoid, 5 sulcate; styles 5, free, straight. Capsule whitish pink, ovoid, 5-locular. Seeds numerous, minute, dark brown to black.
M. Per. December.

Another difference: Bergia suffruticosa is supposed to be prostrate or spreading undershrub, whereas Bergia aestivosa is an erect undershrub. Have a look at my image j548.jpg showing the prostrate plant.

Also check the leaves and stipules as per descriptions and as per Bergia sp.

Thanks, … On further checking, I agree with your id as Bergia suffruticosa


021121 SD0106: 2 images.
kindly assist with ID of this plant.
Found near Jodhpur in mudd (calcium rich) soil

Check with Bergia suffruticosa

Yes, I agree with … as per images and details at Bergia suffruticosa (Delile) Fenzl

Updated on December 24, 2024

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