Blachia calycina

Blachia calycina Benth., J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 17: 226 1880. ;

Small Tree near Vibhuti Water Fall (Yana- North Karnataka). Tree was around 6 to 7M tall.
Leaves alternate, petiole approx 10mm.
Bot. name: Blachia denudata
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Date/Time: 20-01-2011 / 10:30AM
Location: Vibhuti Falls, Yana

Habitat: Wild

I think it is Blachia calycina. However, it is not possible to confirm the identity without female flowers or fruits


ID request-28012011-PKA1: I had seen this small Tree near Vibhuti Water Fall (Yana- North Karnataka).
Tree was around 6 to 7M tall. Leaves alternate, petiole approx 10mm.

Date/Time: 20-01-2011 / 10:30AM
Location: Vibhuti Falls, Yana
Habitat: Wild,
Plant Habit: Tree
Could this be “Blachia denudata” of Euphorbiaceae. Kindly validate the ID.

– Yes, these are male flowers of Blachia denudata of Euphorbiaceae.

A reply from another thread:
“I think it is Blachia calycina. However, it is not possible to confirm the identity without female flowers or fruits”

I endorse the views expressed by …
Small Tree near Vibhuti Water Fall (Yana- North Karnataka). Tree was around 6 to 7M tall.
Leaves alternate, petiole approx 10mm.
Bot. name: Blachia denudata
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Date/Time: 20-01-2011 / 10:30AM
Location: Vibhuti Falls, Yana
Habitat: Wild,
… has earlier identified this and stated that these are male flowers of Blachia denudata of Euphorbiaceae.

A reply from another thread:
“I think it is Blachia calycina. However, it is not possible to confirm the identity without female flowers or fruits”

As stated by …, this species can be identified only with the help of female flowers and fruits.




The Plant List  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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