Boerhavia elegans subsp. stenophylla (Boiss.) A.G. Miller, Edinburgh J. Bot. 51: 40 1994. (syn: Boerhavia bastica Buch.-Ham. ex Wall.; Boerhavia repanda Roxb.; Boerhavia rubicunda var. stenophylla (Boissier) F.R. Fosberg; Boerhavia stellata Wight; Boerhavia umbellata Wight ex Hook. fil.; Commicarpus repandus Standl.; Commicarpus stellatus (Wight) Berhaut);
S-Libya (Tibesti), Niger, Chad, ?Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia,
NE-Kenya, Bahrain, Egypt (SE-Egypt), Iran (S-Iran), Oman (Dhofar, Mascat & Oman), Saudi Arabia (Hejaz, Rub al Khali, Asir), Yemen (Aden Desert, coastal Hadhramaut, SW-Yemen), United Arab Emirates, Pakistan (Karachi, Sind, Baluchistan, N.W.Frontier Prov., Pakistani Punjab), NW-India, St. Helena as per Catalogue of Life; Can you have any clues for this one?
Shrubs growing on mountain slopes here in Muscat, Oman. Pictures taken in March,2010 and last one also taken in March earlier. Again from the same book ‘Wild Plants of Oman’ this seems to be Boerhavia elegans Choisy.
Kindly validate. sorry i am not able to say it is Boerhavia rubicunda Steud. (Boerhavia elegans Choisy) because i am not able to see its flower and leaf
similar photograph of same habit are available on net its seems to me Boerhavia elegans Choisy.
or can you send me some closeup piece of flower but following link may help you
Taking it as Boerhavia elegans subsp. stenophylla (Boiss.) A.G. Miller as per distribution as per Catalogue of Life as pet typical subspecies does not have distribution in Oman.
Boerhavia elegans subsp. stenophylla
Updated on December 24, 2024