Boletaceae member- Sankhu, Nepal

SK 2770 05 October 2020 – Mycophyta : 10 posts by 4 authors. 2 images- 7 mb each.
Location: Sankhu, Nepal

Date: 12 September 2020
Elevation: 1464 m. 
Habit: Wild

Is it in pine forest or other mixed tree forest..?? Boletaceae member

Yes, Pine forest !

Then check for Suillus sp or Xerocomellus chrysenteron (Bull.) Šutara 

Thanks, …,
Yes appears close to Xerocomellus chrysenteron as per
But we have to keep it as tentative only, based on images. 

I am sorry to say but we can never conclude the sp. and even genus at least in this case (even in many Boletaceae) because most of them(Boletes) looks morphologically quite similar with only minute differences and can only be distinguished and confirmed on basis of spore analysis microscopy (checking for Basidiospore, Basidia and Cystidia etc.) moreover chemical reaction analysis is also needed (like testing for KOH Xanthochroic reaction and Ammonia reaction, bruising etc.)
You can see its also clearly mentioned on your provided wikipedia link
‘Macroscopic observation of Xerocomellus chrysenteron is not sufficient to determine this species with certainty, as many intermediate forms occur between it and other taxa; in particular, some forms of B. pruinatus and Hortiboletus rubellus are hardly distinguishable from B. chrysenteron without the aid of microscopic characters’
Moreover i am unable to find even any record of this genus Xerocomellus from India, so i don’t think it will be right to assume/say this Boletaceae as X.chrysenteron ….
I feel at least for now we will have to restrict it upto Boletaceae family only….

Thanks a lot, …, Yes, I agree with you.

Updated on December 23, 2024

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