Bombax insigne Wall., Pl. Asiat. Rar. 1: 74 1830. (Syn. Bombax festivum Wall.; Bombax insigne var. alba Prain; Bombax insigne var. andamanica Prain; Bombax insigne var. cambodiense (Pierre) Prain; Bombax insigne var. polystemon Prain; Bombax insigne var. tenebrosum (Dunn) Robyns; Bombax insigne var. wightii Prain; Bombax scopulorum Dunn; Bombax tenebrosum Dunn; Gossampinus insignis Bakh.; Salmalia insignis (Wall.) Schott & Endl); . commonly known as: silk cotton tree • Andaman: didu, dumboil • Bengali: সেমল semal • Kuki: inpang • Malayalam: കല്ലിലവ് kallilav, പൃള prila • Manipuri: খুমন তেৰা khuman tera • Marathi: देव सावर dev-savar • Sanskrit: कूटशाल्मली kutasalmali • Tamil: கல்இலவு kalilavu. . Native of: India, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam . BOM-baks — from the Greek bombyx (silk), referring to the silken fibers from this tree in-SIG-nee or in-SIG-nay — remarkable or distinguished . Bombax insigne : 6 posts by 4 authors. Bombax insigne … commonly known as: silk cotton tree • Andaman: didu, dumboil • Bengali: সেমল semal • Kuki: inpang • Malayalam: കല്ലിലവ് kallilav, പൃള prila • Manipuri: খুমন তেৰা khuman tera • Marathi: देव सावर dev-savar • Sanskrit: कूटशाल्मली kutasalmali • Tamil: வெள்ளைக்குங்கிலியம் vellaikungiliyam Though there is a record of the Tamil name ‘Vellai kungiliyam’ for this species (source?), this name generally refers to Boswellia serrata or Vateria indica. An another (appropriate) Tamil name available for Bombax insigne is ‘Kal ilavu’. yes, I goofed up, … BUT, do not know where 🙂 Would … kal ilavu … be spelt like this கல்இலவு ? OR better still, is it possible for you to put it in the native script ? what you have written in Tamil script is exactly correct!…, It is my pleasure to share few images of Bombax insigne (Malvaceae) Habit: A large butressed tree Habitat: Moist decidous forest fringe Sighting: Balehonnur, Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1100 msl Date: 28-11-2015 Pseudobombax species: -This is Bombax insigne. Also this is its flowering season. –Bombax insigne !! very rare in bengal but seen few of them. (Mixed thread): 2 correct images as above. – Nice photographs but Photograph 4 is Bombax insigne. BOM-baks — from the Greek bombyx (silk), referring to the silken fibers from this tree in-SIG-nee or in-SIG-nay — remarkable or distinguished [image: Bombax insigne] <…> Feb 2, 2008 at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary commonly known as: silk cotton tree • *Andaman*: didu, dumboil • *Bengali*: সেমল semal • *Kuki*: inpang • *Malayalam*: കല്ലിലവ് kallilav, പൃള prila • * Manipuri*: খুমন তেৰা khuman tera • *Marathi*: देव सावर dev-savar • *Sanskrit *: कूटशाल्मली kutasalmali • *Tamil*: கல்இலவு kalilavu Native of: India, Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam – [image: … the rarer Bombax insigne: Nice shots … . Few observation in Dec & January (on early flowering): Bombax ceiba (Dec) Bombax insigne (Dec) Butea monosperma (Dec) Memecylon umbellatum (Dec) Schleichera oleosa (not flowered, but got new red color leaves) (Dec) earth’s heating up… more proof!!!! even when people r aware globally abt d disastrous impacts of global warming , they keep doing all a same mistakes- playing politics over environmental issues, relentless burning fossil fuels , destroying forests n water conservation on papers.
I also observed the same at Bhimashankar WLS on one day and when I visited that tree after a week or so it was the normal color.. could it be the part of flowering process. Bombax insigne: Nice Photograph … Flower looking beautiful in the sky colour background. Bombax insigne at Matheran-Prabal Valley: Astonishing pictures..very-very beautiful… Bombax insigne (Bombacaceae) : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 4 authors. Very nice picture! Bombax insigne flowering : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6). Nice set of photographs.. Thanks … for sharing.. Malvaceae Fortnight :: Bombax insigne :: northern Western Ghats :: DVJUL03 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 7 images. Malvaceae Fortnight mallow family Bombax insigne Wall. … Also placed in: Bombacaceae at Yeoor Hills on December 5, 2010 at Phansad Wildlife Sanctuary on January 24, 2010 at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on December 18, 2009 at Yeoor Hills on December 12, 2009 at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on February 2, 2008 at Yeoor Hills on December 13, 2009 Oh yes. Excellent. . Malvaceae Fortnight :: Bombax insigne:: Khopoli:: PKAJUL22 ::: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Seen this tree en route Khopoli from Khandala (Maharashtra). . Malvaceae Fortnight :: Bombax insigne :: Matheran-Prabal Valley:: PKAJUL24 :: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Bombax insigne. . Malvaceae fortnight :: Bombax insigne:: Rajapur : SMP41 : 1 post by 1 author. 1 image. Bombax with yellow flowers – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 7 posts by 5 authors. 1) We have a yellow flower tree in Katraj Ghat known as Divyachi Phule (Lamp Flower) is it same as this? That fowers this month only. Gives deep vilet fruits of brinjal (Vange) type and has cotton. 2) Pink silk cotton is in large numbers in Delhi 3) Singapur silk cotton tree has small lemon colored flowers, grows very fast and the bark remains green. The cotton can be easily harvested as pods dont open immediately As far as I know it, B cieba has dark crimson flowers while Bombax insigne has yellow/cream flowers. ‘Lutea’ is the term generally used to describe the yellow-flowering variety of a species, but in Bombax insigne the flowers can be either white, pink or even scarlet. Useful link B. ceiba has both colours – red / pinkish red and yellow. Yellow is not very common, only few trees can be seen at select localities. We have spotted one near Andhra lake. ref to photo by Pravin. – Sawar or yellow silk cotton tree. B. insigne has yellow, cream, red & pink flowers as seen in different localities. But it flowers before B ceiba somewhere in December – Jan and is uncommon. Photo sent by Neil is B. insigne ie Dev sawar. Cochlospermum religiosum (In Marathi Sonsawar or Ganer) is different than both above. Sent by … Red/Yellow silk cotton tree @ Yeoor – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2) They are both Bombax insigne. The Yellow Silk Cotton Tree [Cochlospermum reliogosum] is not native to this area [and is therefore not found here in the wild unless planted]. Thanks …, but why is there diff in colouration. If not YSCT then which specie is it? Bombax ceiba is the Red Silk Cotton Tree. A similar fast growing species B. insigne [found mainly in South India] differs from the above in having a trunk that is usually unarmed, flowers that have larger petals and many more stamens [approx. 400 as opposed to B.ceiba which have only about 75]. These trees create a lot of confusion. Cochlospermum religiosum – Ganer – has yellow flowers but flowers are very different from that of red silk cotton tree. Does it produce silk cotton ? so that it can qualify as Yellow silk cotton tree. Bombax insigne – Dew sawar – is found in Ghats too. Have seen it growing & flowering at very particular locations on western sides of Ghat roads joining Desh & Kokan in a narrow ‘altitude belt’ (like Bor ghat, Kumbharli ghat, Tamhini Ghat, Varandha ghat, Poladpur) This has large flowers, long petals & long, many stamens. Various colours seen are yellow, pink, bright red, dull red, whitish. Dew sawar flowers in Dec – Jan while Kate sawar flowers after Feb – generally. Bombax ceiba – Kate sawar – Red silk cotton tree – is most common. Huge trees with red flowers, spiny barks & branches. Their pods have the famous silk cotton. We have seen & photographed unusual yellow variety of Bombax ceiba. Two – three trees were seen with shades ranging from yellow to pink. But one tree had all yellow flowers. one more variety – Ceiba pentandra – popularly known & sold as Sawar – found planted in cities with green, smooth bark & white flowers, hanging green pods. This is not native to Maharashtra but always confused with Kate sawar. Think you have forgotten to mention the Mexican Silk Cotton Tree, also called the Floss Silk Tree [Chorisia speciosa]. The tree is common along the eastern coast of our country in Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry. It is an fast-growing,ornamental deciduous tree with a greenish bottle-shaped trunk studded with large spines and bears yellowish flowers. C.insignis [White Floss Silk Tree] is also a large tree bearing numerous beautiful flowers at first yellow, later fading to white. Chorisia speciosa most usually has intensely pink flowers and a yellow throat, although the species is highly variable and there are many cultivars. It is referred to colloquially in the west as the “Pink Silk Floss Tree”. Two different cultivars: Chorisia insignis has white flowers, and is much less common in cultivation: …, chorisia speciosa (pink variety) has been taken up by Horticulture dept of Delhi on a large scale. so many roundabouts in Delhi are full of these trees laden with flowers in Oct. I thought that it was only a few decades back brought from South America. If it is native, I stand corrected. ‘Flowering Trees of Bangalore’ has some lovely photographs of both. I am attaching it.
It can clearly be observed that Bombax insigne has far more number of stamens than Bombax ceiba.
Tree for ID-201209-RK-3 – efloraofindia | Google Groups . Tree for ID, Andaman NAW-FEB21-01: 1 image. Bombax ceiba L. It could be Bombax insigne Wall.. Any leaf image? I too agree with you … . Konkan, MH :: Bombax (?) for validation :: ARK2021-029: 2 images. Do you have more pictures. Especially Stamens ?? Looks like Bombax ceiba Bombax insigne Wallich ?? I do not have any further pics. This was the only flower on the tree. Considering this was just December (end), I thought this could be B. insigne. But you may be right. …, even I thought or rather hoped that it was B. insigne, I have never seen one so far. Bombax insigne for me .
Date:- 11/02/2023 Location:- Arboretum cum medicinal plants Garden, The M S University Of Baroda, Vadodara Gujarat. We have conserved this Bombax sp. Many year ago in our Arboretum, on my 21St birthday i went in Arboretum to plant a 3 endangered plant species as birthday celebration when i complete my work and then after my eye captured some flowers on Bombax insigne then i captured some photographs of it and today flower is fallen down to the ground, so i dissected it and observe all parts of Bombax insigne. I’m also adding that i seen this flower first time in my life 😍 Special note :- Stamens are long and numerous, arranged in bundles of 509 (As i counted stamens my self) or more and completely filling the flower cup. . References: |
Bombax insigne
Updated on December 24, 2024