Asteraceae For ID : Light Purple : California : 27NOV14 : AK-64 : 16 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)
Cultivated garden flowers seen on 1/10/14 in San Francisco.
Aster Species? Leucanthemum maximum I hope Thanks for this id as well. Is this a new Cultivar?
In my search, I came across only white flowers. may be Google was acting up when you searched no wonder it sort of reminded of some wild stuff i had seen… during // looking for Luther Burbank’s adventures a couple of years ago..
wiki essay today mentions it… but without detailed measurement and leaves etc and branching pattern where the wild mums of this sp. makes one flower at the end of the branch ?? You are good at searching a lot of info and that too very quickly. i only searched because you asked if it was a cultivar…. when … mentioned the name of a wild one… the acting up Google comment was for another email…unrelated… sorry typed it together… I can’t find any images in this color on searching for your suggested id Leucanthemum maximum.
Can you kindly look again and verify? …, you may try Brachyscome meantime. Though the genus is mostly endemic to Australia it is cultivated in US as well and may have hybrids. Thanks a lot … I seem to have missed his post. Will check further on Brachyscome. Brachyscome multifida seems to be more like my posted flowers. Yes …, it looks similar, specially for multifid leaves in bottom-left of the thrid pic? Thanks for pointing out.
Probably the following looks closer…… Brachyscome ‘Enduring Blue’
Thanks …, looks similar, but I am not sure, better we should wait for … Agree with Brachycome {…) and B. multifida (…) Good Heavens! Sir, I don’t know how I ever came across such a genus name! However, it is surprising that we have its member in our country too, in Assam! Please, check –
I don’t know what would be the id of Aarti ji’s plant, some information can be accessed at –Missouri Bot. Garden Thanks for forwarding my earlier post from California and resolving the id. I hope you have checked Brachyscome ‘Enduring Blue’ suggested by me earlier?
Brachycome species- San Francisco, USA
Updated on December 24, 2024