Brassaiopsis shweliensis

Brassaiopsis shweliensis W.W.Sm., Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 10: 13 1917. (syn: Brassaiopsis karmalaica Philipson; Brassaiopsis suberipetala K.M.Feng & Y.R.Li);

pl identify. : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)
First 3 photos belong to one and same tree
location- Eaglenest wls. taken on 19 th May 2009.
location and date as above

The first one appears to be some sort of Schefflera species (with inflorescences much like S. pueckleri), but I don’t recognize it specifically.

It does not look like Schefflera sp. at all.

The First three photos are Brassiopsis sheweliensis W.W.Sm. I reported this as new record for India in one of my Molecular Taxonomy paper. I shall send you the reprint on monday. Sending the photos right now.


Sending the photos right now. Attachments (3)

This is Brassaiopsis shweliensis W.W.Sm.

Recently we have reported from India.
1. Pandey, A.K., J. Wen & M. K. Pathak (2006). Relationships in Indian Araliaceae as inferred from sequences of internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) Regions of Nuclear Ribosomal DNA. Rheedea 14: 1-8. 2004, publ. 2006

Updated on December 24, 2024

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