Brassica oleracea L. var. viridis L., Sp. pl. 2:667. 1753 ;
Fruits & Vegetables Week: Brassica oleracea var. viridis, the Collards: Brassica oleracea var. viridis, the Collards, used as vegetable and salad. -I don’t know if you get Grünkohl in India too. I found for Grünkohl “Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L” on german wiki and Brassica oleracea Acephala Group on engl. Wiki.
The pics look similar. I don’t know what is what. Unfortunately I don’t have a foto of Grünkohl shall try to get one. Anyway Grünkohl is a very popular vegetable in north germany, especially in Bremen and surrounding. Because of its form it is called Palme and every place claim that it is their Palm. So in Oldenburg they say it is olderburger Palme and in Lippe Lippischer Palme. The Kohlessen is a very popular event here. In jan. Feb. when the weather is very cold, it is the Grünkohl-time. One meets many groups going on “Kohlfahrt”. They pull a handcart behind them, which is full of various alcoholic drinks. Every now and then they stop and play and sing and drink. We live on the outskirts of Ritterhude and 500 meters behind our house there is woody area. So when we go for a walk, we meet such groups heading towards one restaurant, which is deep in the woods. Kohl und Pinkel is the one and only dish. Read more:
“Kohl und Pinkel” is one of the dishes at the very famous and oldest event (since 1545) of Schaffermahlzeit, traditionally thought of as a gettogether of the Bremen shipping and merchants and is strictly regulated. Famous personalities are invited and they donate to the “Foundation House Seefahrt”,that takes care of the families of the sailors who died at sea. Women were not allowed :-((((((((((((((((( but now that women are working as ships captains they are invited too. Apart from that Shafferinnenmahl is organized since 1975, as women are taking a big part in the society-life. In 2007 Angela Merkel was one lady-guest and in the same year Lakshmi Mittal was the guest of honour. sorry there is no engl. version of it. -I have uploaded several vegetable cultivars of Brassica, especially B. oleracea. As I understand, var. acephala has now been assigned to two different varieties: – If var. sabellica is for what we call Braunkohl, Federkohl, Grünkohl, Krauskohl then it is used as a very delicate vegetable. In my mail I have written how traditionally it is used in north german kitchen. Zier-Kohl as the name suggests, is ornamental. Zier, Zierde = decoration. But all these are prepared as vegetable, they are a good source of vitamins. The harvest time is typically winter. When one come home, more or less frozen, a good kohl-soup warms one up and keeps you fit thru the winter. Btw. these Kohl-varities are harvested only after they have at least a couple of nights frost. Brassica oleracea var. viridis from Kashmir: Brassica oleracea var. viridis (syn: B. oleracea var. acephala p. p.) from Kashmir, the famous Haak or Karam saag of Kashmir, commonly grown in kitchen gardens, rarely seen flowering. Never new is eaten in Kashmir I was just looking at your photo of Haak, I bought some veggie seeds from Srinagar, one of which the guy said as Kashmiri saag. Have you any photo of its seeds? Mine have a brown seed in flattened discs. Unfortunately I don’t have photographs of seeds. Perhaps if you had written about it a few days before, I could have taken photographs. Now I am back to Delhi. Brassicaceae Week: Brassica oleracea var. viridis, the Toscana kale: Brassica oleracea var. viridis, the Toscana kale, similar to Red Russian kale but with less lobed leaves, grown as vegetable crop. yes, …, this is very nice There is … both for vegetable (the famous haak sag of Kashmir. var. viridis) and ornamental kale (commonly planted in Delhi..var. sabellica). I will post both soon. Brasscaceae Week: Brassica oleracea var. viridis, the curled scotch kale: Brasscaceae Week: Brassica oleracea var. viridis, the curled scotch kale
Kale with attractive highly curly leaves, supposed to be highly nutritious and eaten cooked or as salad.
Sold n American markets Brassicaceae Week:: Brassica oleracea var. viridis, the Haak sag of Kashmir: The plants taller with comparatively smaller leaves on an elongated stem. Very commonly cultivated and consumed in Kashmir as vegetable. Brassica oleracea var. viridis ‘Red Russian Kale’
Commonly sold here in markets in California. It was uploaded by me in Fruits and Vegetables Week as Brassica napus var. pabularia based on name appearing in some websites, but it seems looking at texture of leaves to regard it as a type of kale. Last year I saw Russian kale being grown in Kashmir also along with the famous haak sag. I am uploading the same also. I can only say… ” Kale hai to kya hua– Dil wale hai…”
. Fruits & Vegetables Week: Brassica oleracea var. viridis, the Toscana kale: Brassica oleracea var. viridis, the Toscana kale, similar to Red Russian kale but with less lobed leaves, grown as vegetable crop. Brassicaceae Week: Brassica oleracea var. viridis, the collards: Brassica oleracea var. viridis, the collards A leafy vegetable similar to Haak sag of kashmir but with much larger leaves arranged more compactly, with thicker white petiole and midrib. Sold commonly in American markets. Fruits & Vegetables Week: Brassica napus var. pabularia, Red Russian kale: Brassica napus var. pabularia, Red Russian kale, Rape kale, Siberian kale, used as leafy vegetable and salad. This should be correctly interpreted as a cultivar of Brassica oleracea var. viridis and not B. napus var. pabularia as some website suggest. Lettuce For ID : California : 08MAR15 : AK-8 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Seen at the Farmer’s Market in Fremont on 28/9/14.
Is it the Green Leaf Lettuce Frillice? not lettuce. this is KALE
a very rich nutritious leaf eaten after boiling or in fresh juice
google it…and find the nutrition values Thanks for the correction in id, … It is Brassica oleracea var. viridis Curly Scotch Kale Thanks for forwarding my earlier post from California.
Could it be Curly Kale?
Brassica oleracea? Yes, it is curly kale, a cultivated green vegetable, Brassica oleracea var. sabellica Thank you for validating my suggested id and giving the correct Botanical name. Green Curly Kale sold in U.S. markets. Brassica oleracea var. sabellica It is Brassica oleracea var. viridis Curly Scotch Kale as I have written above Thanks … Noted. As far as identification it is Curly Scotch Kale. As far as nomenclature, all cultivars like kale, collards in which basal or apical head is not formed were placed under var. acephala, later they were separated under: edible under var. viridis and ornamental under sabellica. More recently varietal distinction under Brassica oleracea has been abolished, they are rather grouped under cultivar groups, all kales and collards under Cultivar group Acephala. . Taxonomic treatment required for Brassica oleraceae var virdis:
Sir, Please have a look at kashmiri saag a vegetable mostly eaten in kashmir. Kashmiri haak is one of the land races of collards belonging to Brassica oleracea var. viridis (formerly var. acephala) that can’t be given a taxonomic rank simply because even var. viridis is not given a formal rank in recent databases. A colleague in Kashmir University had named it B. haakii, but perhaps name was not properly published. The various varieties of B. oleracea are now simply classified as cultivar Groups, because all are maintained under cultivation:
![]() Taxonomic treatment required for Brassica oleraceae var. Virdis a kashmiri famous haakh.: 1 image. Show some light on kashmiri haakh… Pl. see discussions at another thread: Taxonomic treatment required for Brassica oleraceae var virdis . References:
Brassica oleracea var. viridis
Updated on December 24, 2024