Breynia trinervia

Breynia trinervia (Hook.f. & Thomson ex Müll.Arg.) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr. (syn: Aalius trinervia (Hook.f. & Thomson ex Müll.Arg.) Kuntze; Phyllanthus trinervius (Hook.f. & Thomson ex Müll.Arg.) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr.; Sauropus trinervius Hook.f. & Thomson ex Müll.Arg.);
E. Himalaya to China (Yunnan): Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Myanmar as per POWO;
Assam; Bangladesh; China South-Central; East Himalaya; Myanmar as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Three-Nerved Leaf-Flower

ID No. 02042011 RD03:
Help to identify this sp.
Date/Time-02/04/2011- 09 AM
Location- Place, Altitude, GPS-  Kokrajhar, Assam, Alt 100m
Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild Type
Plant Habit- Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb-  SHRUB (1-2m)
Inflorescence Type/ Size- as seen in the photos
Occurrence: Rare

Looks like one of the Sauropus  sps.( Euphorbiaceae)
I have Sauropus androgynus (the protein plant) in my house. Your plant has the resemblance to the one I have. Either it could be a different species or an ecological variation. Only experts can decide . Nevertheless, watch out for the flowers and fruits.

As said by …, I too think this as a different species of Sauropus. Pl follow the given link to see the images of S. androgynous posted by me a few days before. The leaves look very different here.
I request you to pl check with Fl. Assam which I am unable to access here in Korea.

Here are some additional photographs of the species

I think Glochidion ellipticum Wight once again

It is difficult to believe a species of Glochidion by its overall appearence. Thanks for the identity.

It is Glochidion ellipticum

G. hohenackeri by … as per another thread: Glochidion hohenackeri and Glochidion ellipticum images in efi site

Sorry. I wrote wrongly.
It should be Breynia trinervia by … as per another thread: Glochidion hohenackeri and Glochidion ellipticum images in efi site 

Breynia trinervia.




Catalogue of Life  GBIF (High resolution specimens) POWO  Flowers of India  Flora of China  

Updated on December 24, 2024

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