Bromus rubens (Introduced)

Bromus rubens L. (syn: Anisantha rubens (L.) Nevski; Bromus madritensis subsp. rubens (L.) Husn.; Bromus madritensis var. rubens (L.) Husn.; Bromus rubens subsp. eurubens Maire, not validly publ.; Bromus scoparius var. rubens (L.) St.-Amans; Bromus sterilis var. rubens (L.) Kuntze; Festuca rubens (L.) Pers.; Zerna rubens (L.) Grossh.);
Canary Islands, Medit. to Sahara, Caucasus to Central Asia and Afghanistan: Afghanistan, Algeria, Baleares, Canary Is., Chad, Corse, Cyprus, East Aegean Is., Egypt, France, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Kriti, Lebanon-Syria, Libya, Morocco, North Caucasus, Palestine, Portugal, Sardegna, Sicilia, Sinai, Spain, Tadzhikistan, Transcaucasus, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Turkmenistan, Western Sahara; Introduced into: Argentina Northeast, Argentina Northwest, Argentina South, Arizona, Azores, Baltic States, California, Colorado, Czechoslovakia, Great Britain, Hawaii, Idaho, Japan, Madeira, Massachusetts, Mexican Pacific Is., Mexico Northwest, Montana, Namibia, Nevada, New Mexico, New South Wales, New York, Oregon, Queensland, South Australia, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Victoria, Virginia, Washington, Western Australia as per POWO;
Afghanistan; Algeria; Argentina Northeast; Argentina Northwest; Argentina South; Arizona; Azores; Baleares; Baltic States; California; Canary Is.; Chad; Corse; Cyprus; Czechoslovakia; East Aegean Is.; Egypt; France; Greece; Hawaii; Idaho; Iran; Iraq; Italy; Kriti; Lebanon-Syria; Libya; Madeira; Maryland; Masachusettes; Mexican Pacific Is.; Mexico Northwest; Montana; Morocco; Namibia; Nevada; New Mexico; New South Wales; New York; North Caucasus; Oregon; Palestine; Portugal; Queensland; Sardegna; Saudi Arabia; Sicilia; Sinai; South Australia; South Carolina; Spain; Tadzhikistan; Texas; Transcaucasus; Tunisia; Turkey; Turkey-in-Europe; Turkmenistan; Utah; Victoria; Virginia; Washington; Western Australia; Western Sahara; Xinjiang as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Foxtail Brome, Foxtail chess, Foxtail grass, Red brome


Bromus rubens AT/April 2019/08 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) – 1 mb or more.

Bromus rubens L.
Syn.: Bromus madritensis  L.  ssp. rubens  (L.) Husn.
Common names: Foxtail brome,  Foxtail chess, Foxtail grass, Red brome, Compact brome
Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan, H.P.
April 2019

A New Addition to efloraofindia

new to me in the green stage. only seen it ins red avatar: red brome i.e. in its drier form in pastures and old roadsides in rural southern usa.

: i wonder why is it being introduced in India . now that water crisis has hit India with some force in middle of global warming.
its a cause for wildfires now, in usa where none existed in earlier decades. may be folks who introduce plants do not take ecology into account?? they should read this:
esp this paragraph : i quote:
“Performance of invader in CA (interactions with species native to S. CA): Produces persistent fine fuels that have been linked to the increase frequency
and intensity of fires in the south west US. The abundance of B. madritensis increased sharply in the 1970’s, especially in the Mohave Desert In California chaparral, fall germination of foxtail chess gives the grass a competitive advantage over shrub seedlings.”
end quote 
And if its not a new introduction now in India, when did it come to India and how widespread is it? is there a map of its distribution?
sorry to give a message of caution.

…, it has been introduced by the Forestry and Horticulture University in H.P. for use in floral craft. I’ll share those crafts later on.

so they only thought of gain to the guy who grows them? not its effects on India’s trees …. water conservation //

A floral craft prepared using Bromus rubens in Dr. Bharati Kashyap’s Lab in Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan (H.P.). Other things used in this floralcraft are maize spathe and bamboo culms.
Attachments (1) – 1 mb. 

Updated on December 24, 2024

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