Bryum coronatum Schwaegrichen, 1816;
Fwd: Identity of Funaria sp. : 9 posts by 3 authors.
I need your help to identify the attached image of Funaria sp.
Where was it taken?
From Sindhudurg, Maharashtra
Funaria nutans (Mitt.) Broth. ??
This is not Funaria but probably Bryum.
The attached photograph is not Funaria sp., it is one of the most common mosses Bryum coronatum Schwagr. Hope this helps
This species is a member of Family Bryaceae…it seems to be like Bryum coronatum. if you can send me some close photographs then I can confirm the identity.
But I think the species is not Funaria, it is Bryum coronatum. You can consult any book on bryophyte to know more about the species.