Buchnera hispida

Buchnera hispida Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 91 1825. (syn. Buchnera browniana Schinz; Buchnera longifolia Klotzsch [Illegitimate]; Buchnera macrocarpa A.Rich. [Illegitimate]; Buchnera schimperiana Hochst. ex A.Rich.; Striga schimperiana Hochst.);
India, Bhutan, Nepal, Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir), Oman (Dhofar), Yemen, Namibia, Botswana, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Mali, Nigeria, Niger, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Cameroon, Central African Republic, D.R. Congo (Zaire), Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Sudan, South Sudan, Angola, Madagascar, Comores (Mayotte, etc.), Chad, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Benin as per Catalogue of life;
¿ buk-NAY-ruh ? — named for J G Buchner, German naturalist … Loudon’s Hortus Britannicus
HISS-pih-duh — with bristly hairs … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known asbristly haired bluehearts • Marathiकारंजी karanji 
Height-20-50 cm, hairy herb, leaves opposite, decussate, margine dentate, flower in auxiliary spikes, sesile, bluish to bluish pink, calyx tubular, 5 lobed, corolla tube slender tubular, 5 lobed, regular to sub regular, capsule oblong-ovoid, closely invested by the calyx.

Is this Buchnera ?
Place of collection: Pradhanpat water fall, Deogarh ditrict, orissa
Date of collection: 16/11/11
Altitude: 700 m above msl
Habit: Herb
Habitat: Wild, near perennial hill stream (moist deciduous forests)

Description: Height-20-50 cm, hairy herb, leaves opposite, decussate, margine dentate, flower in auxiliary spikes, sesile, bluish to bluish pink, calyx tubular, 5 lobed, corolla tube slender tubular, 5 lobed, regular to sub regular, capsule oblong-ovoid, closely invested by the calyx.

Yes …, to me it looks like Buchnera hispida (Family: Scrophulariaceae).

Yes Buchnera hispida.
I have observed it flowering last month till few days earlier near Pune
in grass lands.


buchnera hispida: buchnera hispida of the Scrophulariaceae family

small blue flowers, ramdhaneshwar, alibaug

this sunday (23.11.11)

The genus Buchnera has got shifted into family Orobanchaceae

Buchnera hispidahttp://www.theplantlist.org/tpl/record/kew-2685035

atleast in Maharshtra all Orobancaceae members are parasite and without stem and leaves and roots…

I don’t think there is need to contest when … has provided the link as proof. Here are more proofs:




Herb for Id from Chakrata:  7 images.

This small herb with beautiful pink-purple flowers was photographed in September 2011 from near Chakrata (Uttarakhand). I think this is a species of Buchnera. Hope to find the proper identification.

I think Buchnera hispida

Buchnera hispida From me too.
A hemiparasitic root parasite plant species earlier from Family Scrophulariaceae now included in Orobanchaceae.

Yes … I located mine also, Buchnera hispida identified from Flora Simlensis. I find this Flora very handy for most Himalayan plants.

I had earlier uploaded a similar plant from Morni Hills, identity could not be concluded up to species level, I will again resurface the mail or re-upload the same for identification. That was a Buchnera species.

Hai this was my post earlier and identified as Buchnera hispida by … and …

Buchnera hispida
Herbs c 30 cm high, erect, hispid. Leaves 2.5-4.5 x 0.2-1.5 cm; lower crowded, obovate or oblong; upper ones narrower, linear lanceolate. Inflorescence of terminal spike like racemes. Flowers blue or bluish purple. Capsule oblong, shorter than calyx. Seeds reticulate.

Formerly in Scrophulariaceae, this is now placed in Orobanchaceae..
please validate if this is Buchnera hispida Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don.

Was shot from Bairat Khai-Chakrata Road..

I think Yes. It seems to have a widespread distribution esp. grasslands of different parts of India.
Small herb.
Bot. name: Buchnera hispida.
Location: Dodhani Village, Panvel.



Scrophulariaceae fortnight :: Buchnera hispida at Gorakhgad :: DV 35 : 2 images. 1 post by 1 author.

Buchnera hispida Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don. also placed in Orobanchaceae
at Gorakhgad on 08 JAN 11




Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Buchnera from Gori Valley- NS 13 : Attachments (5). 3 posts by 2 authors.

These pics were recorded from Gori valley area.. wanted to know if these are same Buchnera hispida as posted earlier from Chakrata… the differences I could make out are 
1. size and number of flowers, here they are smaller and crowded towards the apex, 
2. shape of petals- here they are nearly elliptic, in the previous post slightly emarginate, 
3. each petals here has a darker streak here 
4. the plant here is comparatively less hairy..
Still my search leads me to Buchnera hispida only.. your opinion please.. FoC records B. cruciata (Syn. B. densiflora) from N India..
link to old post from Chakrata for comparison: efi thread

via Species‎ > ‎B‎ > Buchnera hispida Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don … family: Orobanchaceae ~ Scrophulariaceae

Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
¿ buk-NAY-ruh ? — named for J G Buchner, German naturalist … Loudon’s Hortus Britannicus
HISS-pih-duh — with bristly hairs … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known asbristly haired bluehearts • Marathiकारंजी karanji 
botanical namesBuchnera hispida Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don … synonyms: no synonyms known … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. 
November 12, 2011 … Matheran 

Thanks …, your camera went very close to it..nice macro!!

¿ buk-NAY-ruh ? — named for J G Buchner, German naturalist … Loudon’s Hortus Britannicus

HISS-pih-duh — with bristly hairs … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: bristly haired bluehearts, wild lavender • Marathi: कारंजी karanji

botanical namesBuchnera hispida Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don … synonymsBuchnera browniana Schinz • Buchnera longifolia Klotzsch • Buchnera macrocarpa A.Rich. • Buchnera schimperiana Hochst. ex A.Rich. • Piripea coerulea Bowdich • Striga schimperiana Hochst. … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
bristly haired bluehearts
  • name derived from binomial for want of name; the epithet hispida meaning bristly-haired … Dave’s Botanarybluehearts is a generic name for most of Buchnera spp. … Wikipedia
wild lavender
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
कारंजी karanji
  • Flowers of Sahyadri, a field guide to flowers of northern Western Ghats of India by Shrikant Ingalhalikar
~~~~~ x ~~~~~


SK 2762 27 September 2020 : 15 posts by 3 authors. 9 images- 5 to 7 mb each.
Location: Chobhar, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date: 14 September 2020
Elevation: 1340m. 
Habit: Wild
Forgot the ID !

Any idea about the family ?

Orobanchaceae member, Buchnera americana,

Scrophulariaceae (Orobanchaceae) – Striga species

Buchnera hispida Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don !

Is it reported …

Yes …! Only 2 sp. Another is B. cruciata which does not match.


At Kanakeshwar, AlibagOct’09?;  Buchnera hispida – indiantreepix | Google Groups

ID KZD 08: 1 image.
Please identify this small herb from a laterite hillock in kozhikode district of Kerala. 25/12/20

Buchnera hispida D.Don !


Updated on December 24, 2024

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