Buddleja davidii Franch., Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. II, 10: 65 1887. (Syn. Buddleja davidii var. alba Rehder & E.H.Wilson ……….; Buddleja shaanxiensis Z. Y. Zhang; Buddleja shimidzuana Nakai; Buddleja striata Z.Y. Zhang; Buddleja striata Zhi Y. Zhang ex R. Govaerts; Buddleja striata var. zhouquensis Z. Y. Zhang; Buddleja variabilis Hemsl. …….); China (Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan, Zhejiang), Tibet, Japan (I), Austria (I), Belgium (I), England (I), France (I), Germany (I), Czech Republic (I), Ireland (I), Switzerland (I), Netherlands (I), Spain (I), Portugal (I), Slovenia (I), Croatia (I), Italy (I), Albania (I), Java (I), Northern Caucasus (I), Transcaucasus (I), Uzbekistan (I), Australia (I) (South Australia (I), Victoria (I)), Cuba (I), Peru (I), Ecuador (I), New Zealand (I), Chatham Isl. (I), Fiji (I), Puerto Rico (I), Venezuela (I), Colombia (I), Mexico (I), El Salvador (I), Costa Rica (I), Panama (I), Bolivia (I), peninsular Malaysia (I), India (I), Malesia (I), Bhutan (I), Vietnam (I), Cameroon (I), Zambia (I), Zimbabwe (I), Hawaii (I) (Kauai (I) (Koke`e State Park (I)), E-Maui (I) (Kula (I)), USA (I) (California (I), Connecticut (I), Georgia (I), Illinois (I), Kentucky (I), Massachusetts (I), Maryland (I), Michigan (I), North Carolina (I), New Jersey (I), New York (I), Ohio (I), Oregon (I), Pennsylvania (I), South Carolina (I), Tennessee (I), Virginia (I), Washington State (I), West Virginia (I)), Canada (I) (British Columbia (I)), Trinidad & Tobago (I) as per Catalogue of Life; butterfly bush, buddleia, summer lilac, orange eye; This butterfly bush, A deciduous shrub with an arching, spreading habit which typically grows 2-3 m tall if not cut back in late winter. Leaves willowly gray-green. Inflorescence 15-40 cm long, spike-like, blooming from June to September. Flowers are fragrant, and, as the common name suggests, very attractive to butterflies. Popular fresh cut flower. Kalatope plant id al210210: Here is another one from my archives… Habitat wild location – Kalatope-Khajjiar Altitude – 2200 mts habit – herb The top part of this plant looks like match sticks… but is it?? Buddleia davidii ‘Royal Red’ from Kashmir: Buddleia davidii cultivar Royal Red, with magenta-purple flowers growing in Emporium Garden in Kashmir. This butterfly bush, A deciduous shrub with an arching, spreading habit which typically grows 2-3 m tall if not cut back in late winter. Leaves willowly gray-green. Inflorescence 15-40 cm long, spike-like, blooming from June to September. Flowers are fragrant, and, as the common name suggests, very attractive to butterflies. Popular fresh cut flower.
Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Buddleja davidii from Kashmir-GS-22 : Attachments (3). 1 post by 1 author. Buddleja davidii Franch., photographed from Kashmir Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Buddleia davidii from Kosani-NS 25 : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors. This beautiful shrub with mildly fragrant flowers, “the butterfly bush” was shot from Kosani Tea Estate, I hope this should be Buddleia davidii.. please correct me Really very beautiful shades of blue. Wonderful images … and the moth too is very colourful & attractive. SCROPHULARIACEAE Fortnight: Buddleja davidii from Uttarakhand_DSR_28 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author.Buddleja davidii Franch. is a common shrub in and around Naini Tal. It produces large inflorescences of tiny flowers during summer and rainy season. Previously in Buddlejaceae, it is now placed in Scrophulariaceae. Scrophulariaceae fortnight :: Buddleja davidii in Shimla :: DV20 : 2 images. 2 posts by 2 authors. Buddleja davidii Franch. … also placed in Buddlejaceae Loganiaceae at Shimla on 01 JUN 08 Very good thick cluster of flowers. Thanks for sharing. You have also shown a larger habitat picture indicating the overall size of the plant. Buddleja davidii from Pahalgam Photo: Aug 09, 2013 These flowers are so beautiful. Thank you … for sharing your photographs. Yes. Very commonly cultivated in Kashmir Flower for Id pl. Location – Cherrapunjee Date – 16.10.2016 It looks like Buddleja davidii Thanks, …, for Id. Seems to match with images of Buddleja davidii at Scrophulariaceae Fortnight: Buddleja sp. – Butterfly-bush from Kalimpongi-MN1 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Buddleja sp. – Butterfly-bush Place : Kalimpong (Thanks Mr. Ganesh Mani Pradhan) It is Buddleja davidii ID Required for plant from Shimla: Came across this shrub in Shimla. The shrub was approximately 6 feet in height and closely resembled Vitex. Couldnt take a closer look at it as was travelling. If experts could identify the plant i would be grateful. Monarch butterfly NYC and Caterpillar CA: Here’s a Monarch butterfly on Buddelia daivdii… at NYBG in late summer or early fall of 2008 and a monarch caterpillar on leaves of a milk weed (exact species do not recall, did not write it down) in an arboretum in southern california in winter 2005… Buddelia bushes are very popular in the USA for anybody aspiring to plant a garden to attract butterflies, for beauty, aesthetics, bragging rights or plain old ecology… and to help ma nature out… for no other purpose than pure unadulterated altruism…. Buddelias come in a myriad colors, most popular being violet and pink… White buddelia is somewhat less often to see in home yards… Since early 1990s there are several books available that help people plant and properly maintain a butterfly garden in th4e various eco systems in the USA… I have searched for similar books here, but to no avail… nothing of real value turned up… I did find on4e book … but it was nothing but a badly written short snippets of information copied from one of the american books… bad show… Our butterflies are different and their needs, habbits etc must be different… and there must be a very huge regional difference… If you know of pdfs or books or scientific papers on research done by legitimate researchers, I shall appreciate knowing the sources…
Please identify the plant photographed at a private house from a village Wetter (Ruhr), Germany. butterfly bush. any of the buddelijas. they abound Probably Buddleya davidii or closely related. (Buddleja davidii)? favorite of butterflies. Buddleia davidii thanks, here in Warsaw I saw the other 2 colours also of this plant. Plant for ID-PC-09-11.09.2015 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) here is tree from the house I was putting at Wetter, Germany. Please identify it. Buddleia davidii – not quite in flower buddelja may be the last picture of tree trunk is out of place, if it really is buddelja
Buddleja Species seen in Sacramento on 7/10/14. Cultivated, ornamental plant. Buddleja davidii? Buddleia davidii ‘Miss Ruby’ Thanks for confirming the id and Cultivar name. Under which family would it come? I found a post by …, which mentions Scrophulariaceae. Flower for Id -ID14092015SH1 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Flower for Id pl Location – Chandigarh-Shimala Road Date- 23.08.2015 Habitat –Wild It seems Lantana camara Buddleja Species? yes buddelja more than likely in many parts of the world they have become weedy Buddleja davidii References:
Buddleja davidii (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024