Buddleja indica Lam., Encycl. 1: 513 1785. (syn: Buddleja diversifolia Vahl; Buddleja loniceroides (Mold.) Mold.; Buddleja nepalensis Colla; Buddleja rondeletiaeflora Benth.; Clerodendrum loniceroides Mold.; Nicodemia diversifolia (Vahl) Ten.; Nicodemia diversifolia var. lucida Scott Elliott; Nicodemia grandifolia S. Elliot; Nicodemia hermanniana Cordem.; Nicodemia isleana Cordem.; Nicodemia rondeletiaeflora (Benth.) Benth.; Nicodemia rufescens Soler.); Common name: Indoor Oak Comores (Mayotte, etc.), Madagascar, Trinidad & Tobago (introduced) as per Catalogue of Life; Buddleja indica is an evergreen shrub native to Madagascar, the Comoro Islands, and the Mascarene Islands, where it grows from the coast into the mountains up to elevations of 2000 m in either scrub or clearings. B. indica was named and described by Lamarck in 1785.[1] B. indica grows to < 4 m in height in the wild, its branches climbing or trailing. The leaves are opposite, smooth, and dark green, ranging from 2 – 5 cm long by 2 – 5 cm wide, occasionally with petioles < 3 – 10 mm long. The leaf shape, as implied by the synonym, is extremely variable, from orbicular to oak-like. The small clusters of sparse and insignificant greenish yellow to yellow or white flowers are borne in the axils of the leaves at the end of the shoots. [1] (from Wikipedia on 25.10.17) Buddleia indica Lam. from Patiala-NS October 2017 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) I hope identification is right as Buddleia indica // Nicodemia diversifolia… please suggest, if otherwise.. Pics recorded from Botanical Garden of Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab
These are excellent photos. The same plant was captured by me from Botanical Garden of Punjab University, Lahore Punjab, Pakistan Plant Id LDH -10-01 : 4 posts by 3 authors. please help me identify this shrub This can be Buddleia madagascariens, if cultivated.. It appears close to images at Buddleja indica Lam. I guess … has correctly identified. |
Buddleja indica (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024