Butea superba


Butea superba (left) and monosperma (right) flowers




butea superba and monosperma flowers : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
They are flowering since last two weeks. Here are two flowers to compare their size difference. Other picture is Mahua flowers

Is left one of Butea superba?

But how to differentiate between two Butea species? How common is Butea superba in India?

Please visit this link for difference in these two species.

Butea monosperma is a tree while Butea superba is a creeper. In Bandhavgarh Superba (creeper) is more common than monosperma. Small flower is of Butea monosperma.
Sorry for not mentioning the detail clearly.

Here is link to flowering Mahua taken on March 16, 2007 in Niyamgiri Hills, Orissa.


Butea superba:
I was anxious to see this plant flowering for last 15 years. Thanks to .. who forwarded this picture for ID recently. This is indeed Palasvel photographed in Kanha NP in Feb 2011. Next season I can see the flowers myself. Besides being a  raceme at each node of the slender long stem, the inflorescence lacks the olive brown velvety surface. The petals, esp. keel seem longer than in B. monosperma. One of the calyx lobe seems to have a spur like cauda. Pls validate the differences and point out more.

– Attached my last week photos of Palasvel from Melghat Tiger Reserve.
5 images.


Butea superba flowering in Bandhavgarh Ntl Park.:

This picture was taken last month in Bandhavgarh Ntl Park.

Superba flowering on top of some tree.

Thanks …. for sharing the photograph of Butea superba. New to me. I think Butea superba has its distribution mainly in Central India region. I had not seen this sp. so far in western ghats.

Butea superba flowering. :  1 image. 1 post by 1 author.
Photographed this yesterday (24.3.13) in Bandhavgarh National park.


Fabaceae: Butea superba Roxb.: 1 high res. image.
location/date: Tikariya village, Jabalpur Distr., October 1994


Updated on December 24, 2024

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