Cajanus heynei

— Latinized form of the Malabar vernacular name catjang for the pigeon pea
HAYN-ee-eye — named for Dr B Heyne, German botanist and traveller
commonly known as: Heyne’s pigeonpea
Native to: s-w India, Sri Lanka

Twining herbs, stem patently hairy. Leaflets obovate, caudate-acuminate, lateral leaflets obliqe, tomentose, to 7 x 4.5 cm. Flowers 2 cm long, confined towards the tip of axillary racemes. Calyx red, pubescent. Petals yellow. Pod villous, 3 cm long; 4-5 seeded.  
Flowering and fruiting: October-February
Moist deciduous forests
South West India, Sri Lanka and Indo-China
(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal)

along Karnataka State Highway No. 34 near Anshi
Date: 21 FEB 2012 … Altitude: about 560 m asl
Cajanus heynei (Wight & Arn.) Maesen  (family: Fabaceae)


Cajanus heynei (Wight & Arn.) Maesen
along KSH No. 34 near Anshi on February 21, 2012


Seen this Climber at Anshi, Karnataka.
Bot. name: Cajanus heynei
Family: Fabaceae


Names of Plants in India :: Cajanus heynei (Wight & Arn.) Maesen: 1 image.

kaj-AY-nus — Latinized form of the Malay vernacular name for the pigeon pea … Dave’s Botanary
HAYN-ee-eye — named for Dr Benjamin Heyne, German botanist and traveller … efloraofindia

commonly known as: Heyne’s pigeonpea • Kannada: ಹಾಯ್ನೀ ತೊಗರಿ haaynee togari • Konkani: हाय्नी तोरी haaynee tori • Malayalam: ഹായ്നീ തുവര haynee tuvara • Marathi: हाय्नी तूर haaynee tur • Tamil: ஹாய்நீ துவரை haaynee tuvarai

botanical namesCajanus heynei (Wight & Arn.) Maesen … synonymsAtylosia kulnensis (Dalzell) Dalzell • Cajanus kulnensis Dalzell • Collaea gibba Graham • Dunbaria heynei Wight & Arn. • Dunbaria oblonga Wight ex Arn. … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
Heyne’s pigeonpea
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಹಾಯ್ನೀ ತೊಗರಿ haaynee togari
  • name given for want of name; ಹಾಯ್ನೀ haaynee = based on commemorative epithet heynei; ತೊಗರಿ togari = generic name in Kannada, for most of Cajanus spp.
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
हाय्नी तोरी haaynee tori
  • name given for want of name; हाय्नी haaynee = based on commemorative epithet heynei; तोरी tori = generic name in Konkani, for most of Cajanus spp.
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
ഹായ്നീ തുവര haynee tuvara
  • name given for want of name; ഹായ്നീ haaynee = based on commemorative epithet heynei; തുവര tuvara = generic name in Malayalam, for most of Cajanus spp.
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
हाय्नी तूर haaynee tur
  • name given for want of name; हाय्नी haaynee = based on commemorative epithet heynei; तूर tur = generic name in Marathi, for most of Cajanus spp.
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
ஹாய்நீ துவரை haaynee tuvarai
  • name given for want of name; ஹாய்நீ haaynee = based on commemorative epithet heynei; துவரை tuvarai = generic name in Tamil, for most of Cajanus spp.
~~~~~ x ~~~~~




The Plant List Ver.1.1  ILDIS  Dinesh Valke’s Flickr Post  Flowers of India  The Flora of the Presidency of Bombay  India Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora

Updated on December 24, 2024

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