Goeppertia ornata (Linden) Borchs. & S.Suárez, Syst. Bot. 37: 633 (2012). (syn: Calathea arrecta Lindl. & André; Calathea ornata var. albolineata Körn.; Calathea ornata var. roseolineata Körn.; Maranta albolineata (Körn.) E.J.Lowe & W.Howard; Maranta coriifolia Regel; Maranta ornata Linden; Maranta roseolineata (Körn.) B.S.Williams; Phrynium ornatum (Linden) K.Koch; Phyllodes arrecta (Lindl. & André) Kuntze; Phyllodes ornata (Linden) Kuntze);
Calathea ornata (Linden) Körn. Foliage plant, photographed from Delhi. Pl. validate For me the ID is correct. The identification is correct . Araceae Fortnight 1 Aug to 15 Aug 2014 : Spathiphyllum commutatum Schott : SK-37 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). Identified in earlier post
to me it looks like Calathea ornata ‘Roseolilineata’. Yes … is right. ornamental-3 from Hooghly19-11-12 sk3: 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) The third ornamental from the same place. Species : UNKNOWN
H & H : ornamental in a private compound, about 2.5 feet high
Date : 12/11/12, 11.25 a.m.
Place : Hooghly
I hope Spathiphyllum commutatum Thank you very much Sir, again It is some cultivar of Calathea ornata as per |
Goeppertia ornata (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024