Gazania species ?- Punjab

Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate heads: Ornamentals- for Id from Punjab- NS 22 : Attachments (7).  3 posts by 2 authors.

This one was shot from premises of a Historical Gurudwara in Punjab, could not get id when I posted this earlier.. (Ornamental for id from Punjab-2012:)

hope to get this time…I was unlucky in that flowers were not open, making identification difficult…


Ornamental for id from Punjab-2012: This ornamental was growing in a Gurudwara garden in Chamkaur Sahib, Punjab…shot in June 2012..the flowers were not fully open..the plant was nearly 1 feet high, leaves oblong-lanceolate, sessile, hispid….will really appreciate if id can be resolved….

Look like “Calendula officinalis (pot marigold)

Leaves and flowers (with generally unopened buds) of one of the species of Helichrysum i.e Helichrysum orientale have some similarities to this plant. Characters need be checked for any possible ID.

Seems to be Caledula. But the leaves are confusing me.

Calendula officinalis L. ??

Asteraceae is a very very complicated family to me. However, the capitula, darker (brown to purple?) inside of ray florets might indicate the probability of what we commonly know as “Gazania”.
Now, the key search “capitula” doesn’t yield satisfactory results.
However, this “dot com” site may have a closer match – The garden helper.

So, I think this ornamental may be a Gazania or of related clade.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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